Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Lets be clear, Putin is a killer and ex head of KGB not a good person.

Your hate against Russian people and their elected president is irrational. BTW, he was not the head of the KGB, he did not kill anybody, and the Soviet Union does not exist any more.
Putin is a white Christian, and Russia is a white Christian country.

He locks dissidents up in prison and is a dictator however they are still a world superpower that posseses nukes.

Putin was elected in a free election, he has more popular support than any western leader.
BTW, in most European countries dissidents are locked up in prison for having a wrong non-violent opinion about some events of WWII.

However we have come a long way in improving relations with them and achieving peace since the days of Jimmy Carter. We would be wise to continue having peaceful relations with them while western civilization is dealing with other more real problems like the rise of Radical Islam.

Carter was dealing with the anti-Christian Soviet Union, this state does not exist any more. You missed your history classes.[/QUOTE]

No, I dont hate Russians at all, I did misspeak though. Yes, i do realize the Soviet Union no longer exists, it's just an old habit using that term although who was it that ran the SU? it was still Moscow. If you want to believe Russia is some sort of democracy, thats fine but look no further than that female punk band getting sentenced to prison for singing an anti Putin song, or better yet, his political opponents who end up mysteriously poisoned. Kind of sounds like the actions of a dictator and not a duly elected president. I'd be willing to bet he gets elected again next time.
Putin is very smart.

Well, thats true
So, what's with all this hoopla about Trump saying something that is obviously true? Does the statement in any way hurt America? I don't think so. Could the statement possibly soften Putin up a little for future diplomatic actions? Maybe.

That's what I'm hoping for actually. Trump's statements never bothered me, it's all overblown by people upset about the election. They can't seem to admit it though
The ten thousand Soviet tanks sitting in the middle of Europe was no fake.

No, the confrontation with Stalin and his followers was not fake, but the fight against Communism was fake, because Amerian academia was at the same time subverted by Commies.

The confrontation with the Soviet Union was not due to Communism, it was due to the fact that the Commies in the West believed that the Soviet Union had a wrong Version of Communism. Stalin and his followers stopped supporting the Commintern, they supported Arabs, not Israel, and that was the reason for the Cold War.

Reagan was just another marionette, he helped to destroy the Soviet Union, but at the same time permitted the neo Commies in the USA to promote neo Marxism there more than before.

Your point about the survival of Marxism in the intellectual elite of the West is correct, and that fight goes on.

Not only did Commie ideology survive, it is prospering in the USA and the West more than it prospered in the former East Block.

The Neo Commie ideology has de facto won, neo Marxism is de facto the ruling ideology in the West, we have in Europe soviet style cesnorship, dissidents are put into prision for just having a non violent opinion about some historical events.
Soviet Union had more freedom of speech than the sovietized EU.

I wonder what Trump can do, if he will be another Reagan, then the USA is finished.
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The ten thousand Soviet tanks sitting in the middle of Europe was no fake.

No, the confrontation with Stalin and his followers was not fake, but the fight against Communism was fake, because Amerian academia was at the same time subverted by Commies.

THe fact that American academia had/had a love affair with Marxism does not mean the the nation as a whole was not fighing against Communism.

The confrontation with the Soviet Union was not due to Communism, it was due to the fact that the Commies in the West believed that the Soviet Union had a wrong Version of Communism. Stalin and his followers stopped supporting the Commintern, they supported Arabs, not Israel, and that was the reason for the Cold War.

Nope. The lefties in the US did NOT want to fight the Soviet Union. They were dead weight at best, active traitors at worst.

Reagan was just another marionette, he helped to destroy the Soviet Union, but at the same time permitted the neo Commies in the USA to promote neo Marxism there more than before.

Reagan was a great man. He did more to destroy the Soviet Union than any other single man. ANd he did it at very, very low cost, relatively speaking.

ONe of the best days in my life was when Gorby gave up the Communist Party monopoly on political power.

Your point about the survival of Marxism in the intellectual elite of the West is correct, and that fight goes on.

Not only did Commie ideology survive, it is prospering in the USA and the West more than it prospered in the former East Block.

The Neo Commie ideology has de facto won, neo Marxism is de facto the ruling ideology in the West, we have in Europe soviet style cesnorship, dissidents are put into prision for just having a non violent opinion about some historical events.
Soviet Union had more freedom of speech than the sovietized EU.

THe abuses of the Left of any control they are is a problem. It is nothing compared to mass genocide and murder that occurs when they get the tyranny they had in the SU.

I wonder what Trump can do, if he will be another Reagan, then the USA is finished.

Reagan dealt with the problem of his day. If Trump can deal with the problems of HIS day, America will have a chance.[/QUOTE]

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