Trump promises new tax plan saves average $4k/savings per Obama promised $2500?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Is Trumps $4000 savings claim as much of a bullshit lie as Obama's $2500?

Cutting taxes seems to have less uncertainty than the effects of Obamacare.
The ACA was destroyed by the Pubs and now Trump. Trump owns health care now, even though he doesn't want to take care of a knee. This man can do nothing.
Is Trumps $4000 savings claim as much of a bullshit lie as Obama's $2500?

Cutting taxes seems to have less uncertainty than the effects of Obamacare.
Who cares? Trump doesn't. But he and his Goldman Sachs cabinet are going to benefit bigly.
Some will save others will lose certainly Trump can't claim the average family will save $4k a year that's retarded.
If you save one rich person $40,000 per year in taxes, and nine middle class persons ZERO,

you have saved those ten people an average of $4000 per year in taxes.
If it creates a big boost to our economy, including main street, I'm all for it regardless of what I personally save. A booming economy will help me make more money.
heres where credibility enters the picture. If Trump hadn't lied his ass off for the last 8 months his tax rhetoric would be closer to believable before a full CBO breakdown/report came out - as it were,

the son of a bitch has nothing to offer the country but a horrible haircut, a face caked with makeup, and a baseball cap pulled down far enough to hide his bushy eybrows.

$4K a year - :haha:
If it creates a big boost to our economy, including main street, I'm all for it regardless of what I personally save. A booming economy will help me make more money.
I don't know much about economics but I've read that a tax break for the rich does little to stimulate the economy since it gets invested or saved. Putting money into the pocket of a poor person does stimulate the economy since that money almost immediately gets spent.
Trumps plan allows for a one time exemption to repatriate over a trillion dollars being held off shore. Unless you believe that they will bring that money back and bury it in their back yard then you realize that the money will go into the American market one way or another be it business investments or the markets.

Lowering the corporate tax rate to one competitive with other nations will ensure that when new companies are created or expanded upon that the US will have something to entice these companies to either stay here or move here. Thus expanding our job base.

I would suggest that you find a more diversified source of reading materials than the tripe you are currently reading.
If it creates a big boost to our economy, including main street, I'm all for it regardless of what I personally save. A booming economy will help me make more money.

No its going to allow those who hire you to make you work for less and less, till you become like a person on the apprentice, and you get fired.
As to your "putting money in the pocket of a poor person" position I have two points.

1. That is a one time bump to the economy as a poor person has no means to create anything with the money you give them. You guys have been giving them free shit for generations and what has it accomplished?

2. It's not their money to begin with. You can not give a tax cut to someone who pays virtually nothing to begin with. Yes they do pay "other" taxes but we are not talking about "other" taxes.
If it creates a big boost to our economy, including main street, I'm all for it regardless of what I personally save. A booming economy will help me make more money.

No its going to allow those who hire you to make you work for less and less, till you become like a person on the apprentice, and you get fired.
I own the business twit. And my bottom line very much indicates how much hiring I do. How much advertising I do. How much reinvesting I do.

If it creates a big boost to our economy, including main street, I'm all for it regardless of what I personally save. A booming economy will help me make more money.

No its going to allow those who hire you to make you work for less and less, till you become like a person on the apprentice, and you get fired.
I own the business twit. And my bottom line very much indicates how much hiring I do. How much advertising I do. How much reinvesting I do.


Good luck with that.
If it creates a big boost to our economy, including main street, I'm all for it regardless of what I personally save. A booming economy will help me make more money.

No its going to allow those who hire you to make you work for less and less, till you become like a person on the apprentice, and you get fired.
I own the business twit. And my bottom line very much indicates how much hiring I do. How much advertising I do. How much reinvesting I do.


Good luck with that.
I've been in business over 20 years. It's not about luck.

I'm just sad that so many people are as clueless as you appear to be.
How does a rational person believe anything trump says?
For most Rational people it's about what someone does not what they say.
Bring on the tax reform.
Bring on the wall.
Bring on immigration reform.
Bring on rational judges.

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