Trump raised $50mil in June

She is going to be able to recast her image at 43 to 1 for several weeks while smearing him.

That does not count what others are going to do.

Trump is so amateurish besides being so clownish a candidate.

She can't recast her dismal 45 year image and Democrats could care less anyway..All she can do is attempt to bring Trump down to her scum sucking level.
Considering that HRC has him outspent 43 to 1 in the battle ground states in reserved advertising, he better get spending.

Yes because people always remember the ads in July!

I will admit his extremely late start proves how much of an amateur he really is!

Eh, she's not that much ahead considering all the corrupt contributions she's spent.
Bud, the money is already spent and the ad time reserved. He has down about 2% of that. He is far, far behind.
She is going to be able to recast her image at 43 to 1 for several weeks while smearing him.

That does not count what others are going to do.

Trump is so amateurish besides being so clownish a candidate.

She can't recast her dismal 45 year image and Democrats could care less anyway..All she can do is attempt to bring Trump down to her scum sucking level.
Of course she can with tens of millions, just not with the far right. Trump is right there now nose to nose and has been since mocking McCain and the handicapped reporter.
Considering that HRC has him outspent 43 to 1 in the battle ground states in reserved advertising, he better get spending.

Yes because people always remember the ads in July!

I will admit his extremely late start proves how much of an amateur he really is!

Eh, she's not that much ahead considering all the corrupt contributions she's spent.
Bud, the money is already spent and the ad time reserved. He has down about 2% of that. He is far, far behind.

She needs a lot more money, putting lipstick on a pig and all..:wink_2:
She is going to be able to recast her image at 43 to 1 for several weeks while smearing him.

That does not count what others are going to do.

Trump is so amateurish besides being so clownish a candidate.

She can't recast her dismal 45 year image and Democrats could care less anyway..All she can do is attempt to bring Trump down to her scum sucking level.
Of course she can with tens of millions, just not with the far right. Trump is right there now nose to nose and has been since mocking McCain and the handicapped reporter.

If the working middle-class is stupid enough to vote for Hillary after the economic failures and wage stagnation of the Obama years, perhaps they do deserve the inevitable depression a tad earlier.
Hillary raised 70 million.

No one expected him or anyone to pull in as much as Clinton. The big corps always back the Democrats since they take out the big corp's competition and erect huge barrier for entrepreneurs and small business owners from entering their markets!

All Trump needs to do is raise enough to be competitive. His June fundraising numbers are prove thereof!

THE CORPORATIONS almost ALWAYS contribute to Republicans 5 to 1 over Dems, Wall Street almost always donates to Republicans vs democrats on a 6 to 1 ratio, so republicans get 6 times more from Wall Street...

inform yourself...

Democrats get most of the Unions money....

Not true! Go back and look at Obama's numbers!

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