Trump Reportedly Suggests Wave of anti-Semitic Incidents Could Be False Flags Perpetrated by Jews

Democrat Fake News gibberish. There is no credible proof he ever said that. We're just supposed to trust lunatic Democrat Trump-Haters on it. Sorry, i'm gonna pass.
Actually, the ADL was on him even before the election.

This was back in August:

“The undercurrents of anti-Semitism and bigotry that characterized the America First movement...

Can't make this up...
ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach

Democrat lies. Israel is actually looking forward to better relations under Trump. Obama was very hostile towards Israel during his tenure. Donald Trump isn't Antisemitic in any way, shape, or form. The only ones suggesting that, are shameful Democrat bastards.

The Democrats are terrified of losing the "Jewish Vote", as if they believe Jews vote as a monolithic entity. Historically Jews have voted for Democrats in greater numbers for many reasons. But, that margin is evaporating quickly as Democrats continue to embrace violent anti-Israel rhetoric and as the more conservative religious Jewish community begins to exercise their franchise.

This is not the first shot in a battle of "Who is the anti-Semite?" that will continue to be played between now and the next election.
The Left had become desperate and disgusting. You all should renounce your citizenship because you are the worst example of what it is to be an American.
Democrat Fake News gibberish. There is no credible proof he ever said that. We're just supposed to trust lunatic Democrat Trump-Haters on it. Sorry, i'm gonna pass.
Actually, the ADL was on him even before the election.

This was back in August:

“The undercurrents of anti-Semitism and bigotry that characterized the America First movement...

Can't make this up...
ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach

Democrat lies. Israel is actually looking forward to better relations under Trump. Obama was very hostile towards Israel during his tenure. Donald Trump isn't Antisemitic in any way, shape, or form. The only ones suggesting that, are shameful Democrat bastards.

The Democrats are terrified of losing the "Jewish Vote", as if they believe Jews vote as a monolithic entity. Historically Jews have voted for Democrats in greater numbers for many reasons. But, that margin is evaporating quickly as Democrats continue to embrace violent anti-Israel rhetoric and as the more conservative religious Jewish community begins to exercise their franchise.

This is not the first shot in a battle of "Who is the anti-Semite?" that will continue to be played between now and the next election.

Yeah, the Left is very hostile to Israel as well. The Western European Left is more aggressive with their hostility, but the American Left is growing more hostile. US/Israel relations were at their worst under Obama. Things are expected to improve under Trump.

Many American Jews see what's going on. They're seeing that the Democratic Party is turning on them. We're seeing the beginnings of a Jewish exodus from the Party. That will be a problem for Democrats down the road.

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