Trump running for President of Country he doesn’t want to be in.

Do you ever get tired of being a blatantly obvious troll.
Refute a single thing I said or shut the ENTIRE FUCK UP
Everything I said is true..

You dic suckers whine about judges and prosecutors being racist because they happened to be other evidence needed..

You idiots claim America is going to hell...why? Because your daddy isn't currently president....period...

And you whine like bitches about anyone insisting that gay and trans people should be treated with the same respect as anyone else....that is literally the 5th circle of hell for morons like you....
You realize Trump is getting indictments one after the other, because they' were put on hold while he was a sitting president. And as Mitch McConnell said, the senate didn't have to convict Trump because he was still subject to criminal law and civil litigation.

So blame Mcconnell. If he did his job, Jack Smith wouldn't have to.

Yeah yeah, sure sure.

That's it.
In a wait what? Moment. Trump during his speech in New Hampshire declared he was doing all of this for us. He would rather be in the South of France than this country.

And a link to the news story.

Let’s get the excuses going. Trump Fanboys. Get busy telling us how awful the Democrats are.

You do realize that he said "I could be relaxing in south of France" and then said "I would prefer being in this country"

He said he could be in France but would prefer being in this country. Meaning he would rather be in America than France.

He literally said he would rather be in America than France.

You aren't even doing your normal mental gymnastics in order to spin something so you can irrationally hate trump. Now your straight up lying. You're virtually standing outside in the sunshine telling people it's night time.
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