Trump should send all Syrian refugees to Obama's neighborhood after he is no longer President

Maybe when you get your law degree you will use it to actually help people, people who really need help and can't afford to pay a lot of money.

That's what I did, and hell yeah, I get to feel good about it.

But you have told us you plan to use your law degree to advance your worthless career as a Washington insider, no doubt fighting for liberal causes like strangling business with regulations and taxing the hell out of everyone.

I am better than you, and always will be, unless you decide to do something useful with your life.


Who are you trying to convince, when you brag about how good you are?

I don't think you're trying to convince me.

Are you trying to convince God? Or yourself?
Look, I would put you on ignore if I could, because you're a complete waste of oxygen like guno and all the other people I put on ignore.

Of course you would. It makes everything easier when you block out everything that challenges your worldview

You are abusing your power as a moderator to engage me in any conversation when frankly, I'd rather put you on ignore.

I will petition the administrator to yank your moderator privileges, because in my opinion, you are too immature to deal with the responsibilities that come with being a moderator, one of which is not to abuse people on this forum in an overly partisan fashion the way you do.

Go for it.

I wouldn't count it working out for you, though.

If you want to get down in the gutter and swap insults, then fine, let's do it. But resign your position as moderator so you don't have an unfair advantage over me.


What "unfair advantage" would that be?

What are we competing for?
Maybe when you get your law degree you will use it to actually help people, people who really need help and can't afford to pay a lot of money.

That's what I did, and hell yeah, I get to feel good about it.

But you have told us you plan to use your law degree to advance your worthless career as a Washington insider, no doubt fighting for liberal causes like strangling business with regulations and taxing the hell out of everyone.

I am better than you, and always will be, unless you decide to do something useful with your life.


Who are you trying to convince, when you brag about how good you are?

I don't think you're trying to convince me.

Are you trying to convince God? Or yourself?
Look, I would put you on ignore if I could, because you're a complete waste of oxygen like guno and all the other people I put on ignore.

Of course you would. It makes everything easier when you block out everything that challenges your worldview

You are abusing your power as a moderator to engage me in any conversation when frankly, I'd rather put you on ignore.

I will petition the administrator to yank your moderator privileges, because in my opinion, you are too immature to deal with the responsibilities that come with being a moderator, one of which is not to abuse people on this forum in an overly partisan fashion the way you do.

Go for it.

I wouldn't count it working out for you, though.

If you want to get down in the gutter and swap insults, then fine, let's do it. But resign your position as moderator so you don't have an unfair advantage over me.


What "unfair advantage" would that be?

What are we competing for?
We are not competitors. I am a 51-year-old man who has been practicing law for 21 years, you are a very young man who has not gone to law school yet.

You are at an age when you think you know all there is to know, but all you really know is that you are smarter than most of the people around you so that makes you arrogant.

But all your smarts don't mean jack shit, what really matters is what you do with it.

I have spent my life helping people. You plan to spend your life advancing the liberal cause in Washington, and making a shitload of money doing it.

That's quite the narrative you've built around me.

Do you do this for everyone who disagrees with you on the internet, or am I special to you somehow?

That's quite the narrative you've built around me.

Do you do this for everyone who disagrees with you on the internet, or am I special to you somehow?
Let me put you on ignore and then we can be done with this conversation. I consider you a troll.
Maybe when you get your law degree you will use it to actually help people, people who really need help and can't afford to pay a lot of money.

That's what I did, and hell yeah, I get to feel good about it.

But you have told us you plan to use your law degree to advance your worthless career as a Washington insider, no doubt fighting for liberal causes like strangling business with regulations and taxing the hell out of everyone.

I am better than you, and always will be, unless you decide to do something useful with your life.


Who are you trying to convince, when you brag about how good you are?

I don't think you're trying to convince me.

Are you trying to convince God? Or yourself?

I just had another thought.

Could it be that you're trying to convince readers of this thread of how good you are?

That's quite the narrative you've built around me.

Do you do this for everyone who disagrees with you on the internet, or am I special to you somehow?
Let me put you on ignore and then we can be done with this conversation. I consider you a troll.

And I consider you a sad and pathetic moron.

But the answer is no. You can't put me on ignore. It's built into the system, it's out of my hands.

I'll tell you what though - you're more than welcome to actually ignore my posts, and just choose not to respond to them. No one is forcing you to post.

That's quite the narrative you've built around me.

Do you do this for everyone who disagrees with you on the internet, or am I special to you somehow?
Let me put you on ignore and then we can be done with this conversation. I consider you a troll.

And I consider you a sad and pathetic moron.

But the answer is no. You can't put me on ignore. It's built into the system, it's out of my hands.

I'll tell you what though - you're more than welcome to actually ignore my posts, and just choose not to respond to them. No one is forcing you to post.
That puts me at a disadvantage, since you will continue to troll me. You should resign your position as moderator since you are a partisan hack who likes to get down in the gutter and duke it out with people. Moderators should be people who stay above the fray.

That's quite the narrative you've built around me.

Do you do this for everyone who disagrees with you on the internet, or am I special to you somehow?
Let me put you on ignore and then we can be done with this conversation. I consider you a troll.

And I consider you a sad and pathetic moron.

But the answer is no. You can't put me on ignore. It's built into the system, it's out of my hands.

I'll tell you what though - you're more than welcome to actually ignore my posts, and just choose not to respond to them. No one is forcing you to post.
That puts me at a disadvantage, since you will continue to troll me. You should resign your position as moderator since you are a partisan hack who likes to get down in the gutter and duke it out with people. Moderators should be people who stay above the fray.


Thank you so much for sharing what you think I should do, and what you think moderators should do.

Your opinion is incredibly important to us.
Why should your lack of self-control to simply not respond to me prevent me from responding to you?
Why should your lack of self-control to simply not respond to me prevent me from responding to you?
The fact is, you are probably pretty smart, but you don't bring any of your intelligence into these discussions. As liberals most often do, you are too lazy to respond to what people say, so you quickly resort to name calling. It's not real debate, it's just puerile aggression. You are like a monkey throwing poo and I have made the mistake of lowering myself to your level. If you did wish to engage in real debate, then I'd be happy to do so. You say you want to go to law school, and I will tell you that at law school people are expected to defend their ideas without resort to name calling. You calling me "clown shoes" is what brought us down this road.
Why should your lack of self-control to simply not respond to me prevent me from responding to you?
The fact is, you are probably pretty smart, but you don't bring any of your intelligence into these discussions. As liberals most often do, you are too lazy to respond to what people say, so you quickly resort to name calling. It's not real debate, it's just puerile aggression. You are like a monkey throwing poo and I have made the mistake of lowering myself to your level. If you did wish to engage in real debate, then I'd be happy to do so. You say you want to go to law school, and I will tell you that at law school people are expected to defend their ideas without resort to name calling. You calling me "clown shoes" is what brought us down this road.


Do you think that calling me "evil", and telling me that I'm going to hell is "real debate"?

Why should I hold myself to a higher standard than you hold yourself?
Why should your lack of self-control to simply not respond to me prevent me from responding to you?
The fact is, you are probably pretty smart, but you don't bring any of your intelligence into these discussions. As liberals most often do, you are too lazy to respond to what people say, so you quickly resort to name calling. It's not real debate, it's just puerile aggression. You are like a monkey throwing poo and I have made the mistake of lowering myself to your level. If you did wish to engage in real debate, then I'd be happy to do so. You say you want to go to law school, and I will tell you that at law school people are expected to defend their ideas without resort to name calling. You calling me "clown shoes" is what brought us down this road.


Do you think that calling me "evil", and telling me that I'm going to hell is "real debate"?

Why should I hold myself to a higher standard than you hold yourself?
OK, let's start over.

Give me your rational reason why the United States should accept hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria?

How does this benefit Americans?
Why should your lack of self-control to simply not respond to me prevent me from responding to you?
The fact is, you are probably pretty smart, but you don't bring any of your intelligence into these discussions. As liberals most often do, you are too lazy to respond to what people say, so you quickly resort to name calling. It's not real debate, it's just puerile aggression. You are like a monkey throwing poo and I have made the mistake of lowering myself to your level. If you did wish to engage in real debate, then I'd be happy to do so. You say you want to go to law school, and I will tell you that at law school people are expected to defend their ideas without resort to name calling. You calling me "clown shoes" is what brought us down this road.


Do you think that calling me "evil", and telling me that I'm going to hell is "real debate"?

Why should I hold myself to a higher standard than you hold yourself?
OK, let's start over.

Give me your rational reason why the United States should accept hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria?

How does this benefit Americans?

It isn't about benefiting Americans. It's about benefiting America.

The whole point of this country is to be a beacon for the world - somewhere that can draw the best and brightest from around the world, seeking freedom.

My family arrived in this country more than a hundred years ago essentially as refugees, fleeing the progression of the Nazis through Eastern Europe - along with hundreds of the smartest minds of the generation, such as Einstein, von Neumann and Godel.

The whole point of this country is to absorb the best parts of every nation on the planet. In a generation, the children of those Syrian refugees are more likely to have college degrees and high-paying skilled jobs than than children of 4th or 5th generation Americans - and we'll be better off than we would be without them.
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As for the specifics of your premise, they're just silly. The US has accepted less than 15,000 refugees total from Syria since the start of the war in 2013, and with the upcoming change in the White House, that number is unlikely to jump by a factor of 10 to meet your claims of "hundreds of thousands".

I have to say, your cartoonish narrative of what I "represent" is amazing.

You know what I'very "done for" refugees?

Befriend them.

I grew up in the quintiesstial "liberal elitist" neighborhood in New York - and I grew up hosting refugees in my house, going to school with their kids, and making friends that I still stay in touch with decades later.

Which is the more "Christian" thing to do, in your opinion - to treat refugees as real people, or to brag self-righteously about how much you've helped them while wishing their presence on your enemies?
I actually saved people from death. You lose, I win.
NJ synagogues seek help in welcoming Syrian refugees
December 28, 2016 11:44am


(JTA) — Three synagogues in New Jersey are seeking help in resettling a Syrian refugee family.

In a Facebook post to members of the South Orange and Maplewood communities, the congregations announced that they are partnering with Church World Services, the refugee assistance arm of the National Council of the Churches of Christ, the Village Green reported Tuesday.

NJ synagogues seek help in welcoming Syrian refugees

'Emotional' Christmas dinner unites N.J. Jews and Syrian Muslims, more events planned (VIDEO)
You will notice that the Syrian refugees are never dumped off in the Upper West Side, Georgetown, Beverly Hills, or any of the fashionable neighborhoods where liberal elites call their homes.

I say, after Obama has moved into his new mansion (it will be a mansion), Trump should demolish the homes next door and build a refugee camp for Syrians in the neighborhood, and put all of them there.
To me this makes sense. When a person is fired from their job, they are to clean out their desk, locker, etc. and take home what belongs to them so that the place is clear for whoever takes over the spot. In my opinion, the presidential position should be no different.

God bless you always!!!


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