Trump signs waiver keeping US embassy in Tel Aviv

Looks like trump just crapped in the faces of fundy goyim rubes

well no baby jebus coming back soon

Trump promised throughout the 2016 campaign that he would move the US embassy from to Jerusalem, an action the Israeli government has long advocated.
"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem," he said in a March 2016 speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
But after Trump entered the White House, he and his aides began to realize the fragile situation that surrounds any possible peace talks in the Middle East.

Trump signs waiver keeping US embassy in Tel Aviv -- for now -

What about your 12th Imam, G5000? You know, Mahdi (Maud Dib) Is this what brings the Glory of your little demon Allah to all you ISIS scum?
He's trying to appease the Sunni Arabs. There is a time and place for everything.
You mean the Wahhabis.
No, I mean Sunnis. Wahabbism is a sect of Sunni Islam. Vast majority of Sunnis are not Wahabbis. The reason Wahabbism was encouraged and grew through groups like Al Queda, Hamas, and ISIS was to push back against the spread of radical Shiite Islam in 1979, as a result of the Iranian revolution and Ayatollah Khomieni.
Bit like the Obamabots in that regard wouldn't you say?
So you want to act like the followers of Obama. OK.

I didn't vote for Trump, did you? Though I AM willing to bet, there is a sizeable portion of America that voted for both Obama and Trump, what do you want to bet?
I had not thought of that MB but you may be very right. I voted for McMullin.
Meh, if he had won, he would have caved on all his promises too.

All I was doing was pointing out that it doesn't matter who is in office, it's the same shit, different letter after their name. I know plenty of folks that voted for Obama and voted for Trump. They think that their votes matter.

They don't.
Meh . . . you are mistaken. Are you libertarian? If so what kind? There are so many definitions and philosophies. Tower of Babel if you ask me.

Nope, not a Libertarian. That's not important, not unless folks can control their own destiny, as it is, they don't. You completely missed my point.

Sure there are a plethora of different ways to view issues and believe society should be governed. None of them matter if the system is a bureaucracy that is constructed to be directed along a predestined course, regardless of the individuals that populate the levers of power.

Not a whole lot surprises me that goes on.

This latest issue for instance, the withdrawal from the Paris treaty? The media has their panties in a bunch over it. It even surprised me a bit.

The thing is, I heard in the MSM it may take till 2020 till anything could be done about it? WTF?

So Trump states the US is getting out, but maybe the nation really isn't? Or maybe the next POTUS will reverse course? I'm not sold. Hell most of the big business in the nation plans to keep doing what they have been doing and they told Trump to stay in it, so does it matter?

Who ever is on the Court, who ever is in Congress, who ever is POTUS, the same policies, the same decisions, the direction of the world will be the same. The policies will be the same.

You sound confused.

I know I am when it comes to thinking that Trump knows what he is doing.
You sound confused.

I know I am when it comes to thinking that Trump knows what he is doing.
That is because you believe Trump is in control. You believe who ever is sitting in the Oval office calls the shots.

They don't.

I'm not confused, you are the one that is always confused. You believe what ever the TV tells you to believe. I'm sure that can always get confusing.
He's trying to appease the Sunni Arabs. There is a time and place for everything.
You mean the Wahhabis.
No, I mean Sunnis. Wahabbism is a sect of Sunni Islam. Vast majority of Sunnis are not Wahabbis. The reason Wahabbism was encouraged and grew through groups like Al Queda, Hamas, and ISIS was to push back against the spread of radical Shiite Islam in 1979, as a result of the Iranian revolution and Ayatollah Khomieni.
Saudi Arabia as a Wahhabi Islamist state does not set a good example for Sunnis. All other religions are banned and they are not allowed places of worship. People are often beheaded for various things, including foreigners being beheaded for b.s. reasons. Your kind of place, I'm sure.

Are you saying Saudi Arabia became a Wahhabi kingdom in 1932 in anticipation of the Shah being overthrown?
you all need to get used to this because Trump will break most of his promises.... He cant help it. He is a democrat at the center and we all know they are never to be trusted to keep their word.
And you say this as Trump kept a campaign promise and pulled out of the Paris accords just yesterday.

Keep dreaming. He hasn't kept every promise, but damn he kept more than Obozo ever did.
So there are people out there where think Trump will move the embassy to Jerusalem, bring peace in the Middle East while defeating the Islamic State and being respected by every world leader and every foreign country.

You're better off wishing for a unicorn.
Looks like trump just crapped in the faces of fundy goyim rubes

well no baby jebus coming back soon

Trump promised throughout the 2016 campaign that he would move the US embassy from to Jerusalem, an action the Israeli government has long advocated.
"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem," he said in a March 2016 speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
But after Trump entered the White House, he and his aides began to realize the fragile situation that surrounds any possible peace talks in the Middle East.

Trump signs waiver keeping US embassy in Tel Aviv -- for now -

The Russians made him do it.
He's trying to appease the Sunni Arabs. There is a time and place for everything.
You mean the Wahhabis.
No, I mean Sunnis. Wahabbism is a sect of Sunni Islam. Vast majority of Sunnis are not Wahabbis. The reason Wahabbism was encouraged and grew through groups like Al Queda, Hamas, and ISIS was to push back against the spread of radical Shiite Islam in 1979, as a result of the Iranian revolution and Ayatollah Khomieni.
Saudi Arabia as a Wahhabi Islamist state does not set a good example for Sunnis. All other religions are banned and they are not allowed places of worship. People are often beheaded for various things, including foreigners being beheaded for b.s. reasons. Your kind of place, I'm sure.

Are you saying Saudi Arabia became a Wahhabi kingdom in 1932 in anticipation of the Shah being overthrown?
No, I'm saying the Saudis started funding and spreading Wahabbi Islam throughout the region to counter the Iranian Islamic revolution in 1979. The Iranian shiite Mullahs in charge have the smarts and the money and are dead set on removing the Saudi Royals, and eventually having Shiite control of Islam's two holiest sites. Which is why Trump was treated like a savior during his last visit to Saudi Arabia.
So there are people out there where think Trump will move the embassy to Jerusalem, bring peace in the Middle East while defeating the Islamic State and being respected by every world leader and every foreign country.

You're better off wishing for a unicorn.
The Israelis themselves don't want Trump to move the embassy. For the first time in Israel's history the Sunni's are openly cooperating and accepting Israel.
Wow, a whole six month extension. Considering there isn't a newly constructed site yet for them to move into, this is just another example of pathetic progressives desperate for a "moral victory" against Trump.

TPP, SCOTUS confirmation, proven right he was spied on by Obama, zero evidence of 'colluding' with Russians, Paris.....libs just can't catch a break.

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