trump singles out Coats in his criticism of the Intel Chiefs

The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...

Considering that Coates and company had NOTHING nice to say about you Russian assholes or your boss, I'm hardly surprised that you're going to try running your usual lies yet again, or that you don't like Mr. Coates. One of the things Coates said was that Putin was helping Kim get missiles. That makes sense.

This whole "NK is disarming" lie was fully exposed. The rest of the world knows that but Trump continues the lie that he has made the world safe from NK.

Trump dismisses the threats from Russia, Kim, ISIS, and other terrorists, while focusing all of his time energy and the nation's resources on a fake crisis on the southern border, which isn't even mentioned until page 43 of the security assessment report. No calls for a wall from any department, including Homeland Security.
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...

Considering that Coates and company had NOTHING nice to say about you Russian assholes or your boss, I'm hardly surprised that you're going to try running your usual lies yet again, or that you don't like Mr. Coates. One of the things Coates said was that Putin was helping Kim get missiles. That makes sense.

This whole "NK is disarming" lie was fully exposed. The rest of the world knows that but Trump continues the lie that he has made the world safe from NK.

Trump dismisses the threats from Russia, Kim, ISIS, and other terrorists, while focusing all of his time energy and the nation's resources on a fake crisis on the southern border, which isn't even mentioned until page 43 of the security assessment report. No calls for a wall from any department, including Homeland Security.
Are you enjoying your total flip to warmonger status?
Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...
Let me see if we have real competency here.
Did the intelligence community tell us that Iraq had WMDs? Yes.
Did the intelligence community stop 9/11? No.
Did the intelligence community warn the U.S. about Pearl Harbor? No.
Did the intelligence community say that Russia would not invade the Crimea? Yes.
Did the CIA spy on congress and lie under oath? Yes.
Yeah not real sure I would put that much stock in our intelligence community.
Trump singled out Dan Coats in morning rant about intelligence community - CNNPolitics

trump has lost his small mind. Coats has more brains in his little toe than trump has in his orange skull...
Let me see if we have real competency here.
Did the intelligence community tell us that Iraq had WMDs? Yes.
Did the intelligence community stop 9/11? No.
Did the intelligence community warn the U.S. about Pearl Harbor? No.
Did the intelligence community say that Russia would not invade the Crimea? Yes.
Did the CIA spy on congress and lie under oath? Yes.
Yeah not real sure I would put that much stock in our intelligence community.
Where is 007 when you need him.
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...

Considering that Coates and company had NOTHING nice to say about you Russian assholes or your boss, I'm hardly surprised that you're going to try running your usual lies yet again, or that you don't like Mr. Coates. One of the things Coates said was that Putin was helping Kim get missiles. That makes sense.

This whole "NK is disarming" lie was fully exposed. The rest of the world knows that but Trump continues the lie that he has made the world safe from NK.

Trump dismisses the threats from Russia, Kim, ISIS, and other terrorists, while focusing all of his time energy and the nation's resources on a fake crisis on the southern border, which isn't even mentioned until page 43 of the security assessment report. No calls for a wall from any department, including Homeland Security.
President Barack Obama helped the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood take over the government of our Ally Egypt.

The piece of crap then you refuse to strike Isis convoys a mile-long heading through the desert into a rack to take over territory our own troops and already liberated at Great expense.

The son of a bitch then chose to help Al-Qaeda, the terrorist group who slaughtered 3,000 Americans only 9-11-2001, to help them murder the leader of Libya who is helping Coalition Forces fight terrorists in Northern Africa and then gave Al-Qaeda the country as their own.

In the middle of a war, in an attempt to keep a campaign promise, Barack Obama freed the five leaders of the Taliban, called the Taliban five, just so he could close gitmo, again to keep a campaign promise.

Barack Obama violated the US Constitution, bypassing Congress to negotiate his own personal treaty with Iran. To help persuade them to sign the treaty he protected Hezbollah drug operations.

Ian Hillary Clinton, knowing that a terrorist attack was coming on the anniversary of 2000 1 in 2012 allowed Americans to needlessly dive hands out Ada, who they had helped take over Libya.
Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...

Considering that Coates and company had NOTHING nice to say about you Russian assholes or your boss, I'm hardly surprised that you're going to try running your usual lies yet again, or that you don't like Mr. Coates. One of the things Coates said was that Putin was helping Kim get missiles. That makes sense.

This whole "NK is disarming" lie was fully exposed. The rest of the world knows that but Trump continues the lie that he has made the world safe from NK.

Trump dismisses the threats from Russia, Kim, ISIS, and other terrorists, while focusing all of his time energy and the nation's resources on a fake crisis on the southern border, which isn't even mentioned until page 43 of the security assessment report. No calls for a wall from any department, including Homeland Security.
Are you enjoying your total flip to warmonger status?

How am I war mongering? There's already a cyberwar going on and Trump is telling the nation that it isn't happening. Electically grids are being routinely being attacked by foreign hackers, who have succeeded in disrupting supply and delivery. With the frigid temperatures in the mid-west, losing their electricity at this point would be catastrophic.

Trump has spent all of this money on increasing coal production and last year coal production continued to decline to its lowest point in history. Instead of spending all of this money and rolling back regulations to protect the water and soil around coal mines, wouldn't the money have been better spent re-training miners for 21st Century jobs?

The countries roads, bridges, and infrastructure are dangerously crumbling, and sink holes (a sign of shifting crumbing underpinnings) are common. There have been numerous bridge collapses because conservatives have cut taxes to the point where no upkeep is being done on your infrastructure, and Trump wants to spend $5 billion on a wall that no one has asked for and no one wants - not his security staff, not Homeland Security, not the people. Only Trump and his hard core base want the wall.

The testimony of the National Security Heads about the President, and the lack of interest he has in any of their professional assessments or requests. Trump is deliberately undermining the safety and security of the USA by his actions, and aiding and abetting Vladimir Putin in his efforts to fracture the western alliances, destroy NATO, and sow unrest, and hate where possible.
Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.
None of it was an accident. The mother fucker is a communist and was/is hell bent on destroying the United States.
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...

Considering that Coates and company had NOTHING nice to say about you Russian assholes or your boss, I'm hardly surprised that you're going to try running your usual lies yet again, or that you don't like Mr. Coates. One of the things Coates said was that Putin was helping Kim get missiles. That makes sense.

This whole "NK is disarming" lie was fully exposed. The rest of the world knows that but Trump continues the lie that he has made the world safe from NK.

Trump dismisses the threats from Russia, Kim, ISIS, and other terrorists, while focusing all of his time energy and the nation's resources on a fake crisis on the southern border, which isn't even mentioned until page 43 of the security assessment report. No calls for a wall from any department, including Homeland Security.
Are you enjoying your total flip to warmonger status?

How am I war mongering? There's already a cyberwar going on and Trump is telling the nation that it isn't happening. Electically grids are being routinely being attacked by foreign hackers, who have succeeded in disrupting supply and delivery. With the frigid temperatures in the mid-west, losing their electricity at this point would be catastrophic.

Trump has spent all of this money on increasing coal production and last year coal production continued to decline to its lowest point in history. Instead of spending all of this money and rolling back regulations to protect the water and soil around coal mines, wouldn't the money have been better spent re-training miners for 21st Century jobs?

The countries roads, bridges, and infrastructure are dangerously crumbling, and sink holes (a sign of shifting crumbing underpinnings) are common. There have been numerous bridge collapses because conservatives have cut taxes to the point where no upkeep is being done on your infrastructure, and Trump wants to spend $5 billion on a wall that no one has asked for and no one wants - not his security staff, not Homeland Security, not the people. Only Trump and his hard core base want the wall.

The testimony of the National Security Heads about the President, and the lack of interest he has in any of their professional assessments or requests. Trump is deliberately undermining the safety and security of the USA by his actions, and aiding and abetting Vladimir Putin in his efforts to fracture the western alliances, destroy NATO, and sow unrest, and hate where possible.
No links to support any of this.
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...

Considering that Coates and company had NOTHING nice to say about you Russian assholes or your boss, I'm hardly surprised that you're going to try running your usual lies yet again, or that you don't like Mr. Coates. One of the things Coates said was that Putin was helping Kim get missiles. That makes sense.

This whole "NK is disarming" lie was fully exposed. The rest of the world knows that but Trump continues the lie that he has made the world safe from NK.

Trump dismisses the threats from Russia, Kim, ISIS, and other terrorists, while focusing all of his time energy and the nation's resources on a fake crisis on the southern border, which isn't even mentioned until page 43 of the security assessment report. No calls for a wall from any department, including Homeland Security.
Are you enjoying your total flip to warmonger status?

How am I war mongering? There's already a cyberwar going on and Trump is telling the nation that it isn't happening. Electically grids are being routinely being attacked by foreign hackers, who have succeeded in disrupting supply and delivery. With the frigid temperatures in the mid-west, losing their electricity at this point would be catastrophic.

Trump has spent all of this money on increasing coal production and last year coal production continued to decline to its lowest point in history. Instead of spending all of this money and rolling back regulations to protect the water and soil around coal mines, wouldn't the money have been better spent re-training miners for 21st Century jobs?

The countries roads, bridges, and infrastructure are dangerously crumbling, and sink holes (a sign of shifting crumbing underpinnings) are common. There have been numerous bridge collapses because conservatives have cut taxes to the point where no upkeep is being done on your infrastructure, and Trump wants to spend $5 billion on a wall that no one has asked for and no one wants - not his security staff, not Homeland Security, not the people. Only Trump and his hard core base want the wall.

The testimony of the National Security Heads about the President, and the lack of interest he has in any of their professional assessments or requests. Trump is deliberately undermining the safety and security of the USA by his actions, and aiding and abetting Vladimir Putin in his efforts to fracture the western alliances, destroy NATO, and sow unrest, and hate where possible.
No links to support any of this.

Are you blind. The United States Intelligence service is be dismissed by someone who is acting like a Russian Asset....that doesn't bother you?

When he gives Alaska to Putin...maybe you will wake will just hump his leg more.
All I see is Democrats, who used to be ultimate peackniks, banging the drums of war.
Sorry Igor...those folks are long gone.

Now we have a President who gets his "intel" from movies like SIcario and trashed ALL of his own hand picked intel chiefs...based on...God only knows what
Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.
None of it was an accident. The mother fucker is a communist and was/is hell bent on destroying the United States.
Kudos to JimH52 for acknowledging Obama is a communist who is hell bent on destroying the U.S. Thank you, JimH52.
Barack Obama committed an international War crime by invading Syria without the consent, permission, or request of the Syrian government or Syrian president.

While he was doing all of this, he took his eyes off North Korea and allowed them to acquire missile technology that gave them the ability to strike the United States with its nuclear Arsenal.
None of it was an accident. The mother fucker is a communist and was/is hell bent on destroying the United States.
Kudos to JimH52 for acknowledging Obama is a communist who is hell bent on destroying the U.S. Thank you, JimH52.
Reading is not your strong suit
The Intel community are a bunch of posers and traitors who engaged in the conspiracy against Trump, watched for 2 years Barry let Russians interfere in the US, missed NK obtaining missile technology, etc...

Considering that Coates and company had NOTHING nice to say about you Russian assholes or your boss, I'm hardly surprised that you're going to try running your usual lies yet again, or that you don't like Mr. Coates. One of the things Coates said was that Putin was helping Kim get missiles. That makes sense.

This whole "NK is disarming" lie was fully exposed. The rest of the world knows that but Trump continues the lie that he has made the world safe from NK.

Trump dismisses the threats from Russia, Kim, ISIS, and other terrorists, while focusing all of his time energy and the nation's resources on a fake crisis on the southern border, which isn't even mentioned until page 43 of the security assessment report. No calls for a wall from any department, including Homeland Security.
Are you enjoying your total flip to warmonger status?

How am I war mongering? There's already a cyberwar going on and Trump is telling the nation that it isn't happening. Electically grids are being routinely being attacked by foreign hackers, who have succeeded in disrupting supply and delivery. With the frigid temperatures in the mid-west, losing their electricity at this point would be catastrophic.

Trump has spent all of this money on increasing coal production and last year coal production continued to decline to its lowest point in history. Instead of spending all of this money and rolling back regulations to protect the water and soil around coal mines, wouldn't the money have been better spent re-training miners for 21st Century jobs?

The countries roads, bridges, and infrastructure are dangerously crumbling, and sink holes (a sign of shifting crumbing underpinnings) are common. There have been numerous bridge collapses because conservatives have cut taxes to the point where no upkeep is being done on your infrastructure, and Trump wants to spend $5 billion on a wall that no one has asked for and no one wants - not his security staff, not Homeland Security, not the people. Only Trump and his hard core base want the wall.

The testimony of the National Security Heads about the President, and the lack of interest he has in any of their professional assessments or requests. Trump is deliberately undermining the safety and security of the USA by his actions, and aiding and abetting Vladimir Putin in his efforts to fracture the western alliances, destroy NATO, and sow unrest, and hate where possible.
No links to support any of this.

Are you blind. The United States Intelligence service is be dismissed by someone who is acting like a Russian Asset....that doesn't bother you?

When he gives Alaska to Putin...maybe you will wake will just hump his leg more.

Was it the Mnchurian muslim who gave the panama canal to China?

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