Why are American Muslims much more nice and kind than American Republicans?

I am not a fan of the Democratic party but the Republicans I have heard about seem to be real jerks while all the Muslims I have met are nice and kind people.

Why is that?

Is there a culture of meanness in America?

1. Jerks are everywhere and in every group imaginable.

2. There are also many nice and kind people in every group imaginable, except maybe for some of those fundamentalist Islamists that murder innocents. Not just them though, if you hurt or kill innocent people then you ain't what I'd call nice and kind and I don't care who you are.

3. Everybody has their biases towards others who are different in some way. It's a human trait and not isolated to any one group. Unfortunately, sometimes people are less tolerant than they should be and even get kinda mean about it. And when it comes to politics, I don't see much difference between the supporters of one party over the other when it comes to how they view or treat the other side. JMO.
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Iranians are mostly courteous, even the radicals I've met, but then so are some very violent gangsters I've met, so it doesn't mean much. By all accounts Ted Bundy was a very nice guy too, except for that little quirk of his ...
I do a lot of volunteer work, and most of those are Christians and the vast majority vote Republican. There are several Muslim doctors who volunteer at the county hospital here, run by nuns.

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