Trump: SNL is mean to me!!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Donald Trump tweeted in the early Sunday morning hours a threat to have the NBC late night comedy series investigated by a federal agency. The offense? Mocking him.

Poor little Donnie. SNL isn't sucking up to him, so he's going to have them investigated. For what?? Who the hell knows! I guess networks are only supposed to say nice things about little Donnie.

Doesn't it just break your heart?? :abgg2q.jpg:

Trump threatens SNL with federal investigation for mocking him
Trump need to grow a damn pair. Bush endured a lot of shit, so Trump should roll with it but as usual he is too much of a narcissistic child...
Lol, just more proof, as if any more was needed that tRumPutin is the biggest snowflake of them all! Cheato Jesus needs a safe place!
Dupe thread. Don't you dorks ever read what's been posted before starting a new OP?
SNL and the MSM are an enemy of the US
they need to be taken out
SNL is NOT fair
we do want fairness--yes?
......instead of making fun of one of the FUNNIEST/dumbass/POPULAR/etc stories of the week, [ Smollett ] SNL put Trump on --again--and it was stupid
So fucking what?

Even when the Fairness Doctrine was in effect, SNL a comedy show, was not considered news. Now, since Saint RayGun discontinued the use of the Fairness Doctrine, stations are allowed to broadcast the same perspective day after day without the need of any type of rebuttal or opposing points of view. Why on earth does Dumbass Donnie think NBC's SNL deserves any less?

Is the guy that stupid?

Rhetorical question!

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