Trump Spanks House GOP Snakes on First Day of New Congress


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These guys are so loathsome. With all the crap going on and their poll numbers in the single digits, they want to go after the Ethics Committee?


What a bunch of idiots.

They really need to fire their advisers and return them to the Democratic Party.

Trump takes aim at House Republicans, and they run for cover

The Trump effect has landed forcefully on Capitol Hill.

Less than two hours after President-elect Donald Trump criticized House Republicans — in a tweet, of course — for trying to gut an ethics investigative unit on the first day of business in the new Congress, those plans lay in shambles in the Republican conference’s meeting room.

The immediate outcome was to keep intact the independent Office of Congressional Ethics — exactly the status quo that House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and his leadership team had hoped to protect. That result, however, appeared largely to be the result of Trump’s intervention rather than Ryan’s maneuvering.

There was a broader outcome, too: The unruly Republican caucus that has wreaked havoc in the House for the entirety of Ryan’s tenure fell in line. And there were signs, judging from Tuesday’s drama, that they might continue doing so this year.

House leaders attributed the reversal of the ethics decision to many factors, not the least of which was a rough period of media coverage highlighting how the lawmakers were abandoning Trump’s pledge to “drain the swamp” of Washington of corruption.​
Hilarious. Trump is going to be the Ethics Committee's biggest customer. The GOP was trying to do him a favor.
I'm relieved to find out that Ryan was against it. Good grief! The freaking optics were nightmarish. First case of business is to take out the Ethics Committee?

I'm still shaking my head.
Hilarious. Trump is going to be the Ethics Committee's biggest customer. The GOP was trying to do him a favor.
Is the president subject to the Ethics Committee? If so, where has it been concerning BHO?
Oh this just in.....Nancy Pelosi is claiming that credit for the House not sacking the Ethics Committee should rightfully go to President Barack Hussein Obama because well....he is in desperate need to claim something that went right.
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