What I think is, that there is nothing, absolutely nothing below what a democrat will do to win. Especially those democrats that support such a liar as Hillary.
I certainly agree with Freewill. Nothing is sacred to the democrats. The problem with them is that they understand every opposition as mortal combat and not as a contest for whose ideas are better. They will stop nothing in an attempt to crush their "enemies" and it is well demonstrated on this very board. They perceive that anybody who presents a better idea, or refutes the tried yet failed ideas they have, is a mortal personal enemy to them and as such needs to be eliminated by any means...literally, by any means...
Democrats are very scared and will try anything at this point. Any tactic any lie. I think they have the polls skewed to make people feel hopeless.
That's sooooo true: they are desperate and running out of options: they dug out "Ukrainian ties" of Trump's manager (actually, who cares??). On the other hand, Hillary is a lot more guilty with her "Ukrainian ties": But since the Media is silent, nobody even pays attention. This is just one episode:
The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.