Trump Threatens Tariffs, DJIA Back Up To Where It Was


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
dimocraps and other Deep Staters were predicting the End Of The World™ when Trump threatened, and later hit, China with Tariffs.

The Dow fell for a little while but it's now back up to where it was in March and is actually even higher.

In March before the threats, it hovered around 25,000 with momentary highs near 25,700 but definitely not consistently.

Now, it's at 25,400 or higher CONSISTENTLY.

The Wall Street Journal & Breaking News, Business, Financial and Economic News, World News and Video

Where's the beef, dimocraps?

Too bad America didn't fall apart like you wanted it to, huh?

Oh, and China?

They're in full panic mode.

Chinese Economy Starts to Feel Tariff Impact
dimocraps and other Deep Staters were predicting the End Of The World™ when Trump threatened, and later hit, China with Tariffs.

The Dow fell for a little while but it's now back up to where it was in March and is actually even higher.

In March before the threats, it hovered around 25,000 with momentary highs near 25,700 but definitely not consistently.

Now, it's at 25,400 or higher CONSISTENTLY.

The Wall Street Journal & Breaking News, Business, Financial and Economic News, World News and Video

Where's the beef, dimocraps?

Too bad America didn't fall apart like you wanted it to, huh?

Oh, and China?

They're in full panic mode.

Chinese Economy Starts to Feel Tariff Impact

The DJIA and NASDAQ are still overpriced.
China's Markets took it up the poop-chute last night (our time) and Europe is falling off a cliff while, at the same time, the Dow and the S&P are steadily gaining ground.

Any dimocraps got an explanation?

Didn't think so
dimocraps and other Deep Staters were predicting the End Of The World[emoji769] when Trump threatened, and later hit, China with Tariffs.

The Dow fell for a little while but it's now back up to where it was in March and is actually even higher.

In March before the threats, it hovered around 25,000 with momentary highs near 25,700 but definitely not consistently.

Now, it's at 25,400 or higher CONSISTENTLY.

The Wall Street Journal & Breaking News, Business, Financial and Economic News, World News and Video

Where's the beef, dimocraps?

Too bad America didn't fall apart like you wanted it to, huh?

Oh, and China?

They're in full panic mode.

Chinese Economy Starts to Feel Tariff Impact

Trump’s first tariffs was imposed on 22 Jan 2018. On that day the DJI was 26, 214.

We are now at 191 days of negative growth for both the DJI and stagnation for the S&P and NASDAQ

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It was the signal that he was about to get stupid and the markets paid attention.

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Idiot. The Markets fell in February due to Fed Plans to raise Rates.

You're just simply a dishonest, lying and stupid dimocrap scumbag.

You really are.

Dow plunges 1,033 points and sinks into correction

The economy is strong, but investors are worried about inflation, and the possibility that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates faster than expected to fight it.
it was President Clinton who started the trade war, he started by surrendering to China
My only problem with Trump on this....he should have put tariffs on ALL Chinese goods.
Trump is making noise about increasing the Tariffs by double what he's already putting on China.

Meanwhile, Congress has passed a Defense bill aimed directly at curbing China's aggression.

Last night (our time) China's Markets shit a brick.

Iran's currency has taken a nose dive.

America is winning and, the truth is, dimocrap FILTH can't stand it.

People think it's because of Trump (TDS) but I am here to tell you, people -- It isn't.

dimocrap FILTH just simply HATE America.

I'm not engaging in hyperbole, folks. Think back to when the Lying Cocksucker in Chief was in office.

His first move was an apology tour. He then ignored an uprising in Iran aimed at deposing the Mullahs. He GAVE BILLIONS to the Mullahs.

Not an accident, people. And the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Media didn't say a fucking word.

People, I shit you not.......

dimocrap FILTH

HATE America.

Don't know why. Don't care. They do.

dimocrap scum are the enemy of America.

dimocraps and other Deep Staters were predicting the End Of The World™ when Trump threatened, and later hit, China with Tariffs.
Typical Trumpbot exaggerated nonsense.

Where EXACTLY did any well-known Democrats predict the 'end of the World' due to Trumps tariffs?

The Dow fell for a little while but it's now back up to where it was in March and is actually even higher.

In March before the threats, it hovered around 25,000 with momentary highs near 25,700 but definitely not consistently.

Clearly you need some educating on this.

the tariffs started in January...not March.

Trump imposes tariffs on solar panels and washing machines in first major trade action of 2018

The DOW peaked in January at 26,616.71. Today, it is at 25,216.69. That is a drop of 5.2% to a previously booming stock market.

Now, it's at 25,400 or higher CONSISTENTLY.

Are you nuts? The DOW did not get back to 25,400 until about a week ago. And now it's back down below 25,200. It is down 145 points today.

One week in 6 months is your idea of 'consistently'? Okaaaaaaaay.

Oh, and China?

They're in full panic mode.

Chinese Economy Starts to Feel Tariff Impact

So your idea of 'full panic mode' is 'china starts to feel impact'?

Well of course they are starting to feel the impact...they started to the minute Trump started them back in January. As did all major economies.

China is no where near backing down...all they have to do is keep devaluing their currency to fight the tariffs. Something they can do rather easily as they are a - more or less - state run economy.

Now..let's look at Trump started threatening the tariffs?

Inflation is shooting up. It's at 2.9% and is up 70% since last July. This means average U.S. wage growth is NOT keeping pace with inflation.

Consumer prices up 2.9 percent over 12 months ended June 2018 : The Economics Daily: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

If this keeps up - the Fed will have to raise rates even faster...which Trump does NOT want (for obvious reasons).

Trump criticises Fed's interest rate rises

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce - which represents the backbone of the U.S. economy and I guarantee you has TONS of Republicans within it - is FULLY against the tariffs.

Chamber of Commerce warns Trump against China tariffs

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

As is everyone else who knows anything about macroeconomics and has a properly working brain.

So far, Trump is just nibbling at a trade war. But if he starts a full blown one, the economy WILL go into a recession....guaranteed. Possibly worse.
'But whatever the reason, the longer the trade war continues, the more Trump will find himself in a bind: on one hand he wants lower rates and a weaker dollar, on the other he keeps escalating by enacting ever bigger (and higher) tariffs on China, which are sure to prompt a broad inflationary response in the US economy requiring even higher rates, as we discussed previously. Here is the WSJ:

The proposed tariff increase poses big risks for both the U.S. and global economy. A 25% tariff would boost the cost of a range of U.S. imports at a time when inflation has begun to pick up. It would become another factor for the Federal Reserve to consider as it decides how quickly to raise interest rates.

“This gets you nothing,” said Fred Bergsten, founder of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington, D.C., free-trade think tank. “It adds to inflation pressure and interest rates and [would] strengthen the dollar, which makes trade situation even worse” for the U.S., he said.

Worse, not only are US farmers getting crushed by Trump's tariffs, but domestic companies are starting to feel the burn:

Keith Weinberger, chief executive of Empire Today, a flooring company in Northlake, Ill., said he “might be able to offset” a 10% tariff on his purchases of Chinese vinyl flooring. “But there’s nothing you can do about 25.”

Meanwhile, in corporate America, it appears that there is just one thing executives are talking about: tariffs.'

Here's Why Trump Is Hiking Chinese Tariffs To 25%
Bottom line: The United States is winning and dimocraps can't stand it.

You're typical of the Nazi Pelousy wing of the dimocrap party. You hate America. Not Trump, you absolutely hate America

Nancy Pelosi Trying to Convince America that Having More Jobs Is a Bad Thing



United States Inflation Rate | 1914-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Inflation has risen over 33% since the tariffs began. And is now running the highest in 6 years.

American average wage gains are only running (apparently) at 2.8%. That means U.S. average wages are NOT keeping pace with inflation...largely because of the tariffs.

If this keeps up, the Fed will have to raise rates even faster - thus hurting the economy.

This will raise the value of the US dollar...which will hurt exports further.

Trump just gave farmers $12 billion because they are getting hit hard by these tariffs already.

Trump Administration Plans $12 Billion In Farm Aid To Offset Tariffs

So, Trump is already having to bail out Americans over his tariffs.

The DOW has lost over 5% since the tariff nonsense started. And it was BOOMING before it started.

The DOW is down, U.S. farmers are getting hurt, inflation is rising fast (faster than average workers' wages).

How the heck is this 'winning'?
'But whatever the reason, the longer the trade war continues, the more Trump will find himself in a bind: on one hand he wants lower rates and a weaker dollar, on the other he keeps escalating by enacting ever bigger (and higher) tariffs on China, which are sure to prompt a broad inflationary response in the US economy requiring even higher rates, as we discussed previously. Here is the WSJ:

The proposed tariff increase poses big risks for both the U.S. and global economy. A 25% tariff would boost the cost of a range of U.S. imports at a time when inflation has begun to pick up. It would become another factor for the Federal Reserve to consider as it decides how quickly to raise interest rates.

“This gets you nothing,” said Fred Bergsten, founder of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington, D.C., free-trade think tank. “It adds to inflation pressure and interest rates and [would] strengthen the dollar, which makes trade situation even worse” for the U.S., he said.

Worse, not only are US farmers getting crushed by Trump's tariffs, but domestic companies are starting to feel the burn:

Keith Weinberger, chief executive of Empire Today, a flooring company in Northlake, Ill., said he “might be able to offset” a 10% tariff on his purchases of Chinese vinyl flooring. “But there’s nothing you can do about 25.”

Meanwhile, in corporate America, it appears that there is just one thing executives are talking about: tariffs.'

Here's Why Trump Is Hiking Chinese Tariffs To 25%

Trump is fighting FOR America and Americans......

And dimocrap scum can't stand it.
'But whatever the reason, the longer the trade war continues, the more Trump will find himself in a bind: on one hand he wants lower rates and a weaker dollar, on the other he keeps escalating by enacting ever bigger (and higher) tariffs on China, which are sure to prompt a broad inflationary response in the US economy requiring even higher rates, as we discussed previously. Here is the WSJ:

The proposed tariff increase poses big risks for both the U.S. and global economy. A 25% tariff would boost the cost of a range of U.S. imports at a time when inflation has begun to pick up. It would become another factor for the Federal Reserve to consider as it decides how quickly to raise interest rates.

“This gets you nothing,” said Fred Bergsten, founder of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington, D.C., free-trade think tank. “It adds to inflation pressure and interest rates and [would] strengthen the dollar, which makes trade situation even worse” for the U.S., he said.

Worse, not only are US farmers getting crushed by Trump's tariffs, but domestic companies are starting to feel the burn:

Keith Weinberger, chief executive of Empire Today, a flooring company in Northlake, Ill., said he “might be able to offset” a 10% tariff on his purchases of Chinese vinyl flooring. “But there’s nothing you can do about 25.”

Meanwhile, in corporate America, it appears that there is just one thing executives are talking about: tariffs.'

Here's Why Trump Is Hiking Chinese Tariffs To 25%

Trump is fighting FOR America and Americans......

And dimocrap scum can't stand it.

Who cares if Democrats like it or not? I sure don't much (or the Reps, for that matter).

The important thing is what are the tariffs doing for America?

The DOW is down, U.S. farmers are getting hurt, inflation is rising fast (faster than average workers' wages).

How the heck is this 'winning'?
Inflation has risen over 33% since the tariffs began. And is now running the highest in 6 years.

Inflation tends to stay low when you're a constant state of low-growth Recession. Which is where the Lying Cocksucker had us for 8 years.

The inverse is true when you're in a state of constant growth.

Only the totally incompetent Jimmy The Peanut managed to give us BOTH at the same time. It was called 'stagflation' and only a totally stupid dimocrap scumbag could manage that disastrous feat.
Inflation has risen over 33% since the tariffs began. And is now running the highest in 6 years.

Inflation tends to stay low when you're a constant state of low-growth Recession. Which is where the Lying Cocksucker had us for 8 years.

The inverse is true when you're in a state of constant growth.

Only the totally incompetent Jimmy The Peanut managed to give us BOTH at the same time. It was called 'stagflation' and only a totally stupid dimocrap scumbag could manage that disastrous feat.

But wages are not keeping pace with inflation.

And what about the farmers Trump had to bail out?

And how are higher prices helping Americans?
Inflation has risen over 33% since the tariffs began. And is now running the highest in 6 years.

Inflation tends to stay low when you're a constant state of low-growth Recession. Which is where the Lying Cocksucker had us for 8 years.

The inverse is true when you're in a state of constant growth.

Only the totally incompetent Jimmy The Peanut managed to give us BOTH at the same time. It was called 'stagflation' and only a totally stupid dimocrap scumbag could manage that disastrous feat.

BTW...the US Goods trade deficit actually ROSE in June.

And the entire point of the tariffs was to lower the trade deficit.

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