Trump Threatens Tariffs, DJIA Back Up To Where It Was

'But whatever the reason, the longer the trade war continues, the more Trump will find himself in a bind: on one hand he wants lower rates and a weaker dollar, on the other he keeps escalating by enacting ever bigger (and higher) tariffs on China, which are sure to prompt a broad inflationary response in the US economy requiring even higher rates, as we discussed previously. Here is the WSJ:

The proposed tariff increase poses big risks for both the U.S. and global economy. A 25% tariff would boost the cost of a range of U.S. imports at a time when inflation has begun to pick up. It would become another factor for the Federal Reserve to consider as it decides how quickly to raise interest rates.

“This gets you nothing,” said Fred Bergsten, founder of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington, D.C., free-trade think tank. “It adds to inflation pressure and interest rates and [would] strengthen the dollar, which makes trade situation even worse” for the U.S., he said.

Worse, not only are US farmers getting crushed by Trump's tariffs, but domestic companies are starting to feel the burn:

Keith Weinberger, chief executive of Empire Today, a flooring company in Northlake, Ill., said he “might be able to offset” a 10% tariff on his purchases of Chinese vinyl flooring. “But there’s nothing you can do about 25.”

Meanwhile, in corporate America, it appears that there is just one thing executives are talking about: tariffs.'

Here's Why Trump Is Hiking Chinese Tariffs To 25%

Trump is fighting FOR America and Americans......

And dimocrap scum can't stand it.

Very wrong dude.

Show me a single republican law makers, any business categories or economists or anybody that supports Trump trade war dumb policies.

PLEASE SHOW ME ANYONE OR ANYBODY. Only ignorant people like you likes it.
Inflation has risen over 33% since the tariffs began. And is now running the highest in 6 years.

Inflation tends to stay low when you're a constant state of low-growth Recession. Which is where the Lying Cocksucker had us for 8 years.

The inverse is true when you're in a state of constant growth.

Only the totally incompetent Jimmy The Peanut managed to give us BOTH at the same time. It was called 'stagflation' and only a totally stupid dimocrap scumbag could manage that disastrous feat.

But wages are not keeping pace with inflation.

And what about the farmers Trump had to bail out?

And how are higher prices helping Americans?

I do not expect this dude edgeto understand what you are talking about.

Most of these followers are just to dumb to understand what trade wars means. They just eat whatever rotten beans coming from out from Trump ass.

Some of these ignorant thinks that bailing out farmers is a good thing.
Inflation Everywhere As Americans Feeling Pain Over Tariffs, Gas Prices And Lumber

'Despite holding rates steady on Wednesday, the Federal Reserve signaled future rate hikes with its upgraded assessment of the US economy - describing it as "strong" with "solid" growth. Inflation is close to their 2% target based on the Fed's preferred metric, the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) - while its cousin, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 2.9% year-over-year.

And while the official figures suggest inflation is well in check, Americans seem to be having a totally different experience at home - as rising gas prices and an escalating trade war are already putting a serious dent in disposable income (with $200 billion in Chinese goods at risk of a new, 25% tariff). And while industries tied to discretionary spending such as luxury goods and RV's have already taken a hit, Americans should probably strap in - as goods exposed to tariffs as well as higher fuel and raw-material costs are set to cause more pain in consumer wallets, reports the Associated Press.

Thanks to steel and aluminum tariffs imposed in May aimed at boosting America's manufacturing base, steel and aluminum prices have risen by 33% and 11% respectively - trend which could cost the US beverage industry nearly $348 million, according to The Beer Institute.'

Inflation Everywhere As Americans Feeling Pain Over Tariffs, Gas Prices And Lumber
dimocraps and other Deep Staters were predicting the End Of The World™ when Trump threatened, and later hit, China with Tariffs.

The Dow fell for a little while but it's now back up to where it was in March and is actually even higher.

In March before the threats, it hovered around 25,000 with momentary highs near 25,700 but definitely not consistently.

Now, it's at 25,400 or higher CONSISTENTLY.

The Wall Street Journal & Breaking News, Business, Financial and Economic News, World News and Video

Where's the beef, dimocraps?

Too bad America didn't fall apart like you wanted it to, huh?

Oh, and China?

They're in full panic mode.

Chinese Economy Starts to Feel Tariff Impact

The DJIA and NASDAQ are still overpriced.
yeah probably, but they usually are.
The economy is strong and it will go up quarter after quarter
Inflation has risen over 33% since the tariffs began. And is now running the highest in 6 years.

Inflation tends to stay low when you're a constant state of low-growth Recession. Which is where the Lying Cocksucker had us for 8 years.

The inverse is true when you're in a state of constant growth.

Only the totally incompetent Jimmy The Peanut managed to give us BOTH at the same time. It was called 'stagflation' and only a totally stupid dimocrap scumbag could manage that disastrous feat.

But wages are not keeping pace with inflation.

And what about the farmers Trump had to bail out?

And how are higher prices helping Americans?

I do not expect this dude edgeto understand what you are talking about.

Most of these followers are just to dumb to understand what trade wars means. They just eat whatever rotten beans coming from out from Trump ass.

Some of these ignorant thinks that bailing out farmers is a good thing.

Well for higher prices, you guys loved it when Obama created that, with his ethanol bs and then making people buy expensive CFL lightbulbs.
so you tell us

He's not bailing out farmers, he's helping them TEMPORARILY while we use our leverage to gain trade deals, even the farmers know this.
I guess you love the trade deals, we don't, they suck and are horrible. They will be improved and everyone wants our market, they HAVE to make a deal with us.
And wages are growing the fastest in 10 years......And that doesn't include benefits, which are going up as well.

Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008
Inflation has risen over 33% since the tariffs began. And is now running the highest in 6 years.

Inflation tends to stay low when you're a constant state of low-growth Recession. Which is where the Lying Cocksucker had us for 8 years.

The inverse is true when you're in a state of constant growth.

Only the totally incompetent Jimmy The Peanut managed to give us BOTH at the same time. It was called 'stagflation' and only a totally stupid dimocrap scumbag could manage that disastrous feat.

But wages are not keeping pace with inflation.

And what about the farmers Trump had to bail out?

And how are higher prices helping Americans?

I do not expect this dude edgeto understand what you are talking about.

Most of these followers are just to dumb to understand what trade wars means. They just eat whatever rotten beans coming from out from Trump ass.

Some of these ignorant thinks that bailing out farmers is a good thing.

Well for higher prices, you guys loved it when Obama created that, with his ethanol bs and then making people buy expensive CFL lightbulbs.
so you tell us

He's not bailing out farmers, he's helping them TEMPORARILY while we use our leverage to gain trade deals, even the farmers know this.
I guess you love the trade deals, we don't, they suck and are horrible. They will be improved and everyone wants our market, they HAVE to make a deal with us.
And wages are growing the fastest in 10 years......And that doesn't include benefits, which are going up as well.

Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008

What Obama did compared to Trump Trade wars is totally totally different.

What leverage that he is trying to accomplish?
What is the the goal? I doubt it if he even have a goal. Just about every one is blasting Trump about his trade war policies. I have not seen a single Republicans or businesses or economists that supports Trump. Not a single one.

Except his dingle berry supporters like you. What the fuck.....
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Inflation has risen over 33% since the tariffs began. And is now running the highest in 6 years.

Inflation tends to stay low when you're a constant state of low-growth Recession. Which is where the Lying Cocksucker had us for 8 years.

The inverse is true when you're in a state of constant growth.

Only the totally incompetent Jimmy The Peanut managed to give us BOTH at the same time. It was called 'stagflation' and only a totally stupid dimocrap scumbag could manage that disastrous feat.

But wages are not keeping pace with inflation.

And what about the farmers Trump had to bail out?

And how are higher prices helping Americans?

I do not expect this dude edgeto understand what you are talking about.

Most of these followers are just to dumb to understand what trade wars means. They just eat whatever rotten beans coming from out from Trump ass.

Some of these ignorant thinks that bailing out farmers is a good thing.

Well for higher prices, you guys loved it when Obama created that, with his ethanol bs and then making people buy expensive CFL lightbulbs.
so you tell us

He's not bailing out farmers, he's helping them TEMPORARILY while we use our leverage to gain trade deals, even the farmers know this.
I guess you love the trade deals, we don't, they suck and are horrible. They will be improved and everyone wants our market, they HAVE to make a deal with us.
And wages are growing the fastest in 10 years......And that doesn't include benefits, which are going up as well.

Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008

What Obama did compared to Trump Trade wars is totally totally different.
yeah, he caused many products to go higher over some bullshit environment scheme. At least Trump is trying to open up markets using his tools.
Inflation tends to stay low when you're a constant state of low-growth Recession. Which is where the Lying Cocksucker had us for 8 years.

The inverse is true when you're in a state of constant growth.

Only the totally incompetent Jimmy The Peanut managed to give us BOTH at the same time. It was called 'stagflation' and only a totally stupid dimocrap scumbag could manage that disastrous feat.

But wages are not keeping pace with inflation.

And what about the farmers Trump had to bail out?

And how are higher prices helping Americans?

I do not expect this dude edgeto understand what you are talking about.

Most of these followers are just to dumb to understand what trade wars means. They just eat whatever rotten beans coming from out from Trump ass.

Some of these ignorant thinks that bailing out farmers is a good thing.

Well for higher prices, you guys loved it when Obama created that, with his ethanol bs and then making people buy expensive CFL lightbulbs.
so you tell us

He's not bailing out farmers, he's helping them TEMPORARILY while we use our leverage to gain trade deals, even the farmers know this.
I guess you love the trade deals, we don't, they suck and are horrible. They will be improved and everyone wants our market, they HAVE to make a deal with us.
And wages are growing the fastest in 10 years......And that doesn't include benefits, which are going up as well.

Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008

What Obama did compared to Trump Trade wars is totally totally different.
yeah, he caused many products to go higher over some bullshit environment scheme. At least Trump is trying to open up markets using his tools.

Paying more at the counter that must be a good thing for poor Americans.

Since when paying more at the counter is FUCKING ACCEPTABLE?
But wages are not keeping pace with inflation.

And what about the farmers Trump had to bail out?

And how are higher prices helping Americans?

I do not expect this dude edgeto understand what you are talking about.

Most of these followers are just to dumb to understand what trade wars means. They just eat whatever rotten beans coming from out from Trump ass.

Some of these ignorant thinks that bailing out farmers is a good thing.

Well for higher prices, you guys loved it when Obama created that, with his ethanol bs and then making people buy expensive CFL lightbulbs.
so you tell us

He's not bailing out farmers, he's helping them TEMPORARILY while we use our leverage to gain trade deals, even the farmers know this.
I guess you love the trade deals, we don't, they suck and are horrible. They will be improved and everyone wants our market, they HAVE to make a deal with us.
And wages are growing the fastest in 10 years......And that doesn't include benefits, which are going up as well.

Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008

What Obama did compared to Trump Trade wars is totally totally different.
yeah, he caused many products to go higher over some bullshit environment scheme. At least Trump is trying to open up markets using his tools.

Paying more at the counter that must be a good thing for poor Americans.

Since when paying more at the counter is FUCKING ACCEPTABLE?
Like I said ask Obama.
Do you even know what is going on? Do you know why we have these tariffs?
I do not expect this dude edgeto understand what you are talking about.

Most of these followers are just to dumb to understand what trade wars means. They just eat whatever rotten beans coming from out from Trump ass.

Some of these ignorant thinks that bailing out farmers is a good thing.

Well for higher prices, you guys loved it when Obama created that, with his ethanol bs and then making people buy expensive CFL lightbulbs.
so you tell us

He's not bailing out farmers, he's helping them TEMPORARILY while we use our leverage to gain trade deals, even the farmers know this.
I guess you love the trade deals, we don't, they suck and are horrible. They will be improved and everyone wants our market, they HAVE to make a deal with us.
And wages are growing the fastest in 10 years......And that doesn't include benefits, which are going up as well.

Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008

What Obama did compared to Trump Trade wars is totally totally different.
yeah, he caused many products to go higher over some bullshit environment scheme. At least Trump is trying to open up markets using his tools.

Paying more at the counter that must be a good thing for poor Americans.

Since when paying more at the counter is FUCKING ACCEPTABLE?
Like I said ask Obama.
Do you even know what is going on? Do you know why we have these tariffs?

Yes I know what is going on.
Why you ask?
First tariff levied on 22 Jan - DJI was 26, it is 25,037 and falling
First tariff levied on 22 Jan - DJI was 26, it is 25,037 and falling

On trinkets?

Small-minded quibbling is what you're best at, so.......

On Nov 4th, the Friday before the election that DJIA was at 17,888 after 9 down days in a row.

Polls at that time were solidly in the Ubercunt camp, showing the skank in a landslide.

Over the weekend and through Monday Polls began showing Trump with a chance.

The DJIA shot up almost 400 points. Of course the DISGUSTING FILTH attributed it to Ubercunt but everybody with a Room Temperature IQ knows it was because the REAL Poll numbers were starting to show up a little bit.

You'll do your delusional denial anyway but it's good to laugh at you now and then.

Anyway, the DJIA is over 25000 as I type. An ASTOUNDING jump in just 17 Months of PDT.

And that's with all the turmoil in China, Turkey, the EU, NAFTA, etc.

Imagine what it will be when they all cave. Which they will.

You've never seen the miracles a real Man can accomplish because you've never been around one.

Sit back and watch little girl
First tariff levied on 22 Jan - DJI was 26, it is 25,037 and falling

On trinkets?

Small-minded quibbling is what you're best at, so.......

On Nov 4th, the Friday before the election that DJIA was at 17,888 after 9 down days in a row.

Polls at that time were solidly in the Ubercunt camp, showing the skank in a landslide.

Over the weekend and through Monday Polls began showing Trump with a chance.

The DJIA shot up almost 400 points. Of course the DISGUSTING FILTH attributed it to Ubercunt but everybody with a Room Temperature IQ knows it was because the REAL Poll numbers were starting to show up a little bit.

You'll do your delusional denial anyway but it's good to laugh at you now and then.

Anyway, the DJIA is over 25000 as I type. An ASTOUNDING jump in just 17 Months of PDT.

And that's with all the turmoil in China, Turkey, the EU, NAFTA, etc.

Imagine what it will be when they all cave. Which they will.

You've never seen the miracles a real Man can accomplish because you've never been around one.

Sit back and watch little girl

Your were mumbling with your head so far up Trump's ass, so I am not sure what day you are starting your "17 month" count that you give Trump credit for. Could you be a bit more clear?

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