J.D Vance wants children to vote.

Don't bet the farm on it! :)

Now where have I heard that before, oh right, you said it, here:


Then I posted this in response:


Damn, you're a fucking idiot.
No one is perfect. The other policies he supports are very important to this country. And of course the usual hyperbole comes with the bullshit.
When discussing abortion, Vance said pregnancy as a result of rape should not be considered an inconvenience. The man is extreme and nuts.
He's crazy and wants parents to get additional votes for each of their kids. Can't get past that point.
In Hungary you get huge tax credits for having children. If you have three you pay no taxes at all. Sounds good to me.
That's why I put a question mark at the end of my remark instead of a period. Thanks for the info on the vote to reduce voting age. How does that compare to giving parents use of additional ballots depending on how many children they have?

This is just another way of saying voters should have some kind of "skin in the game" to vote. Otherwise we get to your Democrat Utopia: voters who produce nothing, earn nothing, do nothing, who just vote themselves more and more "free goodies" with no one remaining to pay for all of it.

It seems ridiculous but this has destroyed nations in very horrid ways. See: Venezuela.

Speaking of which: insisting on proof of citizenship is step one to ensuring voters have "skin in the game"

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