Trump victory will shatter the democratic party in half


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Thus we will then have at least a 3 party system ......maybe more. Which is just more evidence this country is unraveling due mainly to 'diversity'.....the only motivation for that to begin with was to divide and destroy America....they are succeding beyond their wildest hopes.
The only hope I am still holding out is that a 90% margin of victory in the 2020 election will wake people up to what the "democrat party" has become.

I know it's a longshot...but it's all I have left.
The only hope I am still holding out is that a 90% margin of victory in the 2020 election will wake people up to what the "democrat party" has become.

I know it's a longshot...but it's all I have left.

The democratic party is becoming more radical by the day and infatuated with centralized control of all facets of our society including our Churches.

'The idea that diversity is one of the country’s great strengths is now so firmly rooted that virtually anyone can evoke it, praise it, and wallow in it without fear of contradiction. It has become one of the great unassailably American ideas, like democracy, patriotism, the family, or Martin Luther King.

The President of the United States glories in diversity. In May 1995, in a message recognizing the Mexican holiday, Cinco de Mayo, William Clinton said, “The Fifth of May offers all of us a chance to celebrate the cultural diversity that helps to make our nation great.” A few days later, when he designated May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, he said, “With the strength of our diversity and a continued commitment to the ideal of freedom, all Americans will share in the blessings of the bright future that awaits us.” In his 1996 speech accepting the nomination for President, he asked the audience to look around the hall and take heart in how varied the Democratic party was.'

American Renaissance July / August 1997
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Stock up on the coloring books and clear the 'safe spaces'

Buncha weepy pussies. lol.
Thus we will then have at least a 3 party system ......maybe more. Which is just more evidence this country is unraveling due mainly to 'diversity'.....the only motivation for that to begin with was to divide and destroy America....they are succeding beyond their wildest hopes.
Straight out of the Trump playbook of blaming others for his (and your) actions. He is victorious in division, and in the destruction of our word of honor, from agreements of climate change to Iran to TPP to protecting the Kurds. And he is victorious as Carney-in-Chief of getting his zealots to swallow the snake oil he calls victories. Like his victory in getting NK to de-nuke, or his victory of getting Mexico to pay for a wall, or his victory of hurting China by making them pay our tariffs (hard to figure THAT one). Then there's his victory of the Barr-Pompeo-Guilliani triumverate scouring the globe for dirt on opponents, and his victory of clearing a path for Erdogan's ethnic cleansing, inside Syria..go figure. And lets not forget his victory in getting his gullible admirers to blame Obama and Soros or both for his own actions of dishonor. Then at home, his admirers once again swallowed the old debunked 'trickle-down' theory of a tax cut for the super wealthy and corporations and they gobbled it up. What a victor!
The big money seems to be supporting the radical Left. I doubt there is enough big donor support for both the new Socialist Party (formerly the Democrats) and a moderate Democrat Party that supports blue collar America.
Wow did you think of that all by your widdle self ! Bet your just out of school too .
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa some folks cannot mentally tolerate just how right The Donald is....and even less toleration for his supporters....hence all the violence against them.

When will the antifa be unmasked as the militant faction of the democratic party?
The big money seems to be supporting the radical Left. I doubt there is enough big donor support for both the new Socialist Party (formerly the Democrats) and a moderate Democrat Party that supports blue collar America.

The democratic party stopped supporting the white working class decades ago....hence the Reagan democrats who have transformed the Republican Party into the party that actually represents the white working class who previous to Trump were without representation and that is what allowed the decimation of the middle class.

'A year before his wife lost, Bill Clinton had a premonition of how things could go very wrong. He revealed his foreboding—perhaps fittingly—at fund-raising events. He would hint at what he considered his wife’s glaring vulnerability: the roiling discontent of the white working class. The travails of the group—44 percent of eligible voters—preoccupied him. He could recite one grim statistic after another. Even at this early date in the campaign, he knew that their cultural alienation might place them beyond the reach of a Democrat. And while most pundits at that point still considered Trump the second coming of Herman Cain, a circus act rather than a serious candidate, Clinton feared Trump’s ability to channel white-working-class rage. “He’s a master brander and he[’s] sensing sort of the emotional landscape of people he’s selling to,” Clinton told donors gathered in Atlanta in October 2015.'

What’s Wrong With the Democrats?
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Thus we will then have at least a 3 party system ......maybe more. Which is just more evidence this country is unraveling due mainly to 'diversity'.....the only motivation for that to begin with was to divide and destroy America....they are succeding beyond their wildest hopes.
Straight out of the Trump playbook of blaming others for his (and your) actions. He is victorious in division, and in the destruction of our word of honor, from agreements of climate change to Iran to TPP to protecting the Kurds. And he is victorious as Carney-in-Chief of getting his zealots to swallow the snake oil he calls victories. Like his victory in getting NK to de-nuke, or his victory of getting Mexico to pay for a wall, or his victory of hurting China by making them pay our tariffs (hard to figure THAT one). Then there's his victory of the Barr-Pompeo-Guilliani triumverate scouring the globe for dirt on opponents, and his victory of clearing a path for Erdogan's ethnic cleansing, inside Syria..go figure. And lets not forget his victory in getting his gullible admirers to blame Obama and Soros or both for his own actions of dishonor. Then at home, his admirers once again swallowed the old debunked 'trickle-down' theory of a tax cut for the super wealthy and corporations and they gobbled it up. What a victor!

Whoa ! You've got a little chip on those droopy shoulders of yours ,doncha ! I feel bad cause I'm sitting out on my deck ,having a cold beer and feeling safe knowing I don't have a sellout jeopardizing my security ,safety and well-being with a common thinkng ,honest speaking President protecting us and my fellow American sons and daughters from the unending wars in that shithole of the middle East . If you want to send your kids to fight their wars , go to it armchair warrior - I'll pay their way . Meanwhile I'm finally enjoying what my countries future is returning to .
I've got a football game ,some tacos (American) and a few brews to finish so go cry me a river with your Starbucks taught heroism .
The modern Democrat party is made up of a jigsaw puzzle in a plastic bag . It's problem is that it's "diversity" can never be brought together as the picture on the box the pieces came in was lost when they registered as Democrats .
The democratic went from advocates for the white working class to advocates for all those who want and need free stuff....being too lazy to work to support themselves. We know who dat be. hehheh
Thus we will then have at least a 3 party system ......maybe more. Which is just more evidence this country is unraveling due mainly to 'diversity'.....the only motivation for that to begin with was to divide and destroy America....they are succeding beyond their wildest hopes.
Straight out of the Trump playbook of blaming others for his (and your) actions. He is victorious in division, and in the destruction of our word of honor, from agreements of climate change to Iran to TPP to protecting the Kurds. And he is victorious as Carney-in-Chief of getting his zealots to swallow the snake oil he calls victories. Like his victory in getting NK to de-nuke, or his victory of getting Mexico to pay for a wall, or his victory of hurting China by making them pay our tariffs (hard to figure THAT one). Then there's his victory of the Barr-Pompeo-Guilliani triumverate scouring the globe for dirt on opponents, and his victory of clearing a path for Erdogan's ethnic cleansing, inside Syria..go figure. And lets not forget his victory in getting his gullible admirers to blame Obama and Soros or both for his own actions of dishonor. Then at home, his admirers once again swallowed the old debunked 'trickle-down' theory of a tax cut for the super wealthy and corporations and they gobbled it up. What a victor!
What an op deflecting liar.
Now that the Democratic party has become so secretive that they do their business in closets, out of sight of the American people and the Republican party, do we really think this Russia like practice will ever result in good government? I didn't think so. Personally, I think the D party is already beyond redemption.
The democratic went from advocates for the white working class to advocates for all those who want and need free stuff....being too lazy to work to support themselves. We know who dat be. hehheh

Having jobs really cuts into the time they can spend staging protests.
It seems to be that the American-white-male-bashing party of violence has already been shattered into a thousand jagged pieces because of the infighting due to their loathsome identity politics. In which everyone is a victim and everything is someone else's fault; that's a recipe for party turbulence.
There is no numbered party system. Look at the list of presidential candidates on the ballot. Usually you have half a dozen parties. The people who whine about a 2 party system are generally dissatisfied with their own candidate(s) and are too embarrassed to admit it.
In which everyone is a victim and everything is someone else's fault; that's a recipe for party turbulence.
In a dictionary, your post would show a picture of Trump as a defining graphic. Even his betrayal of the Kurds is Obama's fault according to him.

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