Trump victory will shatter the democratic party in half

Now that the Democratic party has become so secretive that they do their business in closets, out of sight of the American people and the Republican party, do we really think this Russia like practice will ever result in good government? I didn't think so. Personally, I think the D party is already beyond redemption.
Oooh! More secretive than Opus Dei? More secretive than moving conversation transcriptions to a Top Secret server to avoid America knowing about extortion? And then there's this from a closed door speech by our rejuvenated Roy Cohn:
'A threat to democracy': William Barr's speech on religious freedom alarms liberal Catholics
Now that the Democratic party has become so secretive that they do their business in closets, out of sight of the American people and the Republican party, do we really think this Russia like practice will ever result in good government? I didn't think so. Personally, I think the D party is already beyond redemption.
Oooh! More secretive than Opus Dei? More secretive than moving conversation transcriptions to a Top Secret server to avoid America knowing about extortion? And then there's this from a closed door speech by our rejuvenated Roy Cohn:
'A threat to democracy': William Barr's speech on religious freedom alarms liberal Catholics
Typical Democrat. You see nothing wrong with conducting the peoples business in private but support total openness in the little girls room. Effin perverts.
In which everyone is a victim and everything is someone else's fault; that's a recipe for party turbulence.
In a dictionary, your post would show a picture of Trump as a defining graphic. Even his betrayal of the Kurds is Obama's fault according to him.
Let the kurds fend for themselves warmonger. It is black jesus fault.
I rest my case!
How come you filth want to protect Syria but not our own?
Now that the Democratic party has become so secretive that they do their business in closets, out of sight of the American people and the Republican party, do we really think this Russia like practice will ever result in good government? I didn't think so. Personally, I think the D party is already beyond redemption.
Oooh! More secretive than Opus Dei? More secretive than moving conversation transcriptions to a Top Secret server to avoid America knowing about extortion? And then there's this from a closed door speech by our rejuvenated Roy Cohn:
'A threat to democracy': William Barr's speech on religious freedom alarms liberal Catholics
Typical Democrat. You see nothing wrong with conducting the peoples business in private but support total openness in the little girls room. Effin perverts.
Dang, wamose, get your comprehension fixed! I commented about the people's business in secret, not in private. The move to make the Ukraine extortion conversation top secret was to hide a crime.

And the bit about the little girl's room is just silly. I understand your need to counter with something you consider sordid, but I have never commented on this issue. I don't much like the idea, but it is not a major issue with me, just like Presidential actions that would put you and me behind bars is not a major issue with you.
How come you filth want to protect Syria but not our own?
You mean hold them back 'over there' as opposed to 'over here'?
Mike, I am no clairvoyant, but I really believe we will pay for our withdrawal here on our own soil.
We had ISIS corralled in that part of the world thru our allies. While confined, I suspect they didn't come to love us, yet turning them loose is more acceptable than backing the people who did our dirty work.
Now Erdogan and Putin are meeting, supposedly to carve out an acceptable deal on how to portion out northern Syria. And I am sure Israel and it's removal is on many Middle Eastern minds, especially Iran. Trump is smart enough to NOT bring our boys home, just move them around the area. Because we'll be back.
Thus we will then have at least a 3 party system ......maybe more. Which is just more evidence this country is unraveling due mainly to 'diversity'.....the only motivation for that to begin with was to divide and destroy America....they are succeding beyond their wildest hopes.

The Dims are already shattered!
They have a party of radical activists opposed to all the rights in our constitution.
Middle-of-the-road Dems have no where to turn and I can imagine them "sitting out" the 2020 election. Many may simply change their registrations to No Part, Independent, or something else.

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