Trump vs The Carlyle Group


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Next President of the USA? The Carlyle Group!

"the Carlyle Group is essentially a hedge fund for war-making and high tech espionage. They are the people who brought you the Iraq war and all those intrusive niceties of Homeland Security. Call them the Knights of the Revolving Door, many of Carlyle’s executives and investors having spent decades in the Pentagon, the CIA or the State Department, before cashing in for more lucrative careers as war profiteers. They are now licking their chops at the prospect for an all-out war against Syria, no doubt hoping that the conflagration will soon spread to Lebanon, Jordan and, the big prize, Iran."

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“Bush seems to be openly flaunting his desire to be yet another corporate Yes-Man-in-Chief, one who will continue the domestic and foreign policies of his brother and father before him.”

“As The Intercept reported, Bush’s Super PAC, known as Right to Rise, has received significant contributions from a number of key donors including lobbyists for Saudi Arabia, as well as those for Wal-Mart, ExxonMobil and other major corporations. In addition, a major contributor has been Glenn Youngkin, managing director of the Carlyle Group, the firm which owns Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the world’s top defense contractors.”

“The Carlyle Group, a secretive investment group comprised of many powerful political and financial elites, has a longstanding relationship with the Bush family. As The Economist noted in 2003: “The Carlyle Group [is] a private equity firm that manages billions of dollars, including, at the time, some Bin Laden family wealth. It also employs Messrs [former President George H.W.] Bush and [former Bush administration Secretary of State James] Baker.”

The US is forced to start a war , not for defensive reasons, but because The Carlyle Group, decides that it is good for their bottom line.

For shame.

Men and women who have held positions in the military and politics also frequently get positions in think tanks and in defense companies. Being anti-Russia, or anti-enemies is a position that pays off handsomely if exploited over time.

Politicians find the anti-Russia position useful in another way. They need only link their opponents to a Russia viewed as an enemy or hostile force in the world. Hillary Clinton raised the issue of Russian cyber attacks in the first debate, Sept. 26, 2016. James R. Clapper, Jr., director of national intelligence, provided ambiguous but supportive statements less than two weeks later, basically saying that he didn’t know the source of hacked e-mails being released by Wikileaks: “We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.” He attributed the hacking to computer servers located in Russia. In early November, Julian Assange denied this: “The Clinton camp has been able to project a neo-McCarthyist hysteria that Russia is responsible for everything. Hillary Clinton has stated multiple times, falsely, that 17 U.S. intelligence agencies had assessed that Russia was the source of our publications. That’s false — we can say that the Russian government is not the source.”


Michael Moore connected Bush to the Carlyle Group in Fahrenheit 9/11

This is a great documentary as well, I believe the Carlyle Group comes up but they also connect a bunch of other corporations to the 9/11 attacks.

I'll ask Rubenstein about it next time I see him.

Even Pappy Bush stands in line to profit handsomely from his son’s war making. The former president is on retainer with the Carlyle Group, the largest privately held defense contractor in the nation. Carlyle is run by Frank Carlucci, who served as the National Security advisor and Secretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan. Carlucci has his own embeds in the current Bush administration. At Princeton, his college roommate was Donald Rumsfeld. They’ve remained close friends and business associates ever since. When you have friends like this, you don’t need to hire lobbyists.."

Bush Sr. serves as a kind of global emissary for Carlyle. The ex-president doesn’t negotiate arms deals; he simply opens the door for them, a kind of high level meet-and-greet. His special area of influence is the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia, where the Bush family has extensive business and political ties. According to an account in the Washington Post, Bush Sr. earns around $500,000 for each speech he makes on Carlyle’s behalf

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