TRUMP -- Working on plan to fire 88,000 NEW IRS AGENTS

Fine. Give me a list of things to cut, and we can talk... With dollar amounts.

But given that Social Security costs 2 Trillion, Medicare costs 1 trillion, VA benefits are half a trillion, as is Medicaid, and the interest on our debt is not a trillion, there just isn't a lot of places to cut.
Here’s your list:
1. Everything.
Okay, please, please, please try that.
Please tell elderly people they aren't getting their social security benefits.
Please tell veterans they aren't getting their promised health care.
PLEASE fucking do that.
I’m not in a position to do any of those things, sport. Get a f’n grip.
I am. You said "Cut everything"
Do you really think we should cut social security after I've been paying into it for 45 years?
If I had my way, you would be refunded every penny you paid in and the Ponzi scheme would be abolished. You’re free to have a different opinion.
If I had my way, you would be refunded every penny you paid in and the Ponzi scheme would be abolished. You’re free to have a different opinion.

not really good enough, though.

If had had been able to invest that money, there was a good chance that I would have had a better return.

The problem with social security is that we never expected a society of people living into their 80s to be normal. But now we are on our second Octogenarian President.
not really good enough, though.
If had had been able to invest that money, there was a good chance that I would have had a better return.
Oh, I totally agree. However, I’m a moderate and am willing to just have my money back, to invest as I choose from that moment forward. Unfortunately, since SS is basically a Ponzi scheme, the money we’ve all been forced to “contribute” has already been spent paying out those ahead of us on the pyramid.
Oh, I totally agree. However, I’m a moderate and am willing to just have my money back, to invest as I choose from that moment forward. Unfortunately, since SS is basically a Ponzi scheme, the money we’ve all been forced to “contribute” has already been spent.

Yes, it has been. And the money spent on people retiring now will be extracted from new people.

Frankly, it's a good thing. A lot of people would be poor and starving without that check.
My idea for fair share would be to take everything the Rich have and harvest them for transplant organs....

But some might consider that harsh.

This isn't fucking complicated. Before Ronnie Ray-Gun came along with his Voodoo economics, the US ran up less than a trillion dollars in debt in 200 years. That's with multiple wars (paid for with war bonds) an interstate highway system, and a space program. We did it right.

Now the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, our roads and infrastructure are crumbling, and you guys are whining, "Leave the rich alone!!!"
The rich get richer no matter who is in the White House. As for the poor getting poorer?? No. A rising tide raises all ships. Class warfare punishes the entire economy; in particular, the middle class.
Well, he was caught, wasn't he?

He paid his back taxes and a penalty.

He please guilty to tax evasion.

you are defeating your own argument here.

And got a full pardon from daddy. If the presidents own son doesn't have to pay taxes, why do I?
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The rich get richer no matter who is in the White House. As for the poor getting poorer?? No. A rising tide raises all ships. Class warfare punishes the entire economy; in particular, the middle class.

Bullshit. When FDR instituted the new deal and progressive taxation of the rich, the working class became the middle class and the rich paid their fair share.

Then along came Reagan.. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer and the middle class is vanishing before our eyes.
Nope, the rich should pay their fair share.

Our country worked much better when they did.

No, I didn't miss it, I just pointed out why it was stupid.

Let's say that you replace the income tax with a sales tax. Well, here's the thing. Sales taxes are completely optional. Don't want to pay the tax, don't buy stuff. Maybe get an extra few years out of that old TV instead of buying the new one. Maybe buy the off-brand food product instead of the name brand one.

This would have two effects.

1) Revenues would still go down.
2) Manufacturing and retail would be hit because people would buy less stuff.
Except that all the people who dodge the income tax wouldn’t be able to duck a sales tax. Rich people pay a lot of accountants to avoid income taxes, but spend a lot of money to pay sales tax on.

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