Trump would not have survived corona so far if Amy Coney Barrett had her way

Regeneron, the company that developed the experimental antibody cocktail used to treat Trump uses human embryonic stem cells in their research.

Amy Coney Barrett thinks life begins at fertilization.

His Supreme Court pick is at odds with the company providing his treatment


You didn't read this very well.. There's almost NO drug on the market that PRODUCES that drug with Human embryonic stem cells.. THere's just more recent, easier techniques to extract stem cells from Human blood.. And by definition a human stem cell is human stem cell...

The statement ADMITS that in the research phase, some of the work MIGHT have built with Human Embryonic cells.. But it's NOT part of the product..
this is a theological and ethical debate, flacaltenn, on which we will never agree, i'm afraid
Biden and Kamala should go on a crusade to change the public image of stem cells

what better state than Kamala's pioneering California, to be the leader in promoting these life-saving cures

they literally need to attack the GOP for being a death cult, and more!
You promote abortion and then accuse conservatives of being a "death cult". You're insane.
Regeneron, the company that developed the experimental antibody cocktail used to treat Trump uses human embryonic stem cells in their research.

Amy Coney Barrett thinks life begins at fertilization.

His Supreme Court pick is at odds with the company providing his treatment


Did you know that the farmers who farm your food really disagree with communism?

It's time to stop eating pal.
JFK's biggest mistake was that his biggest project was putting a man on the moon...instead of putting a life-saving cell in the man

let's take care of folks on this planet, THEN worry about outer space!

Human embryonic stem cells became OBSOLETE essentially when methods for FASTER, CHEAPER stem cell collection from human blood became plausible.. Dont NEED a "man on the moon" mission to fix anything here..

Cali SPENT 100s of Millions on a SPECIAL Human Embryonic Stem Cell lines just to give a finger to GWBush.. And it never accomplished much at all because that demand went away in less than 5 yrs after they crapped that money down the toilet...
Biden and Kamala should go on a crusade to change the public image of stem cells

what better state than Kamala's pioneering California, to be the leader in promoting these life-saving cures

they literally need to attack the GOP for being a death cult, and more!
You promote abortion and then accuse conservatives of being a "death cult". You're insane.

He thinks that he's clever.
"i was feeling bad, i took Regeneron, i am now feeling so God, this was a blessing from God that i caught the corona, because i am now feeling so good. i want to make Regeneron free for everyone. And China is gonna pay a big price" - President Trump

Holding aside the noticeably labored breathing, Trump sounds like Shelly "The Machine" Levene
stem cells can regenerate human tissues, which regenerate human life

it's the darndest thing!
"Legendary" Republican Senators like Strom Thurmond and Gordon Smith supported stem cell research

Thurmond's daughter had diabetes
i forgot Tommy Thompson, who as Bush's HHS Secretary, urged Bush to push stem cell research to the top of his agenda
Stem cells can come from sources other than aborted fetuses.

Oh, it's fake nooz from XiNN....Figures.


It says right in their own statement ... "human embryonic stem cells" ... yet here you are, knee jerk and all, slobbering about"fake news."

It's not fake news -- you're just brain-dead.
i can't tell if Trump is president or a spray-tanned, drugged-up pitchman for Regeneron.

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