Diamond Member
Like me, most people think Trump is a despicable human being. (Although, one can make a case that sociopath is a potus job qualification: look at W, who has not a care in the world for the orphans and maimed servicepeople he left in his wake)
But in 20, Trump was not getting relected with polls under 30%, and no, Biden didn't have to cheat, he just had to seem ... awake. Still, Trump didn't cause covid, and he should get credit for having the vaccines. OF course, today covid is not in his leixcon, and he sold his vacinnes to Bobby the Booby.
I hoped Biden letting the progs run the country for his term would work, even though it was assbackwards to how Slick ran it, and even Obama, at least in his first term. Didn't work out so well for us and Biden, and the progs did the unthinkable - they found inflation.
I hope Trump's tariffs and auditing of agencies ... works. It's totally assbackwards for Reaganomics, and Reagan didn't want his defense spending in the open. Ukraine needs to make a deal ... that the US has to defend. And hamas needs to be .... dead.
But in 20, Trump was not getting relected with polls under 30%, and no, Biden didn't have to cheat, he just had to seem ... awake. Still, Trump didn't cause covid, and he should get credit for having the vaccines. OF course, today covid is not in his leixcon, and he sold his vacinnes to Bobby the Booby.
I hoped Biden letting the progs run the country for his term would work, even though it was assbackwards to how Slick ran it, and even Obama, at least in his first term. Didn't work out so well for us and Biden, and the progs did the unthinkable - they found inflation.
I hope Trump's tariffs and auditing of agencies ... works. It's totally assbackwards for Reaganomics, and Reagan didn't want his defense spending in the open. Ukraine needs to make a deal ... that the US has to defend. And hamas needs to be .... dead.