" Trump’s Best Foreign Policy? Not Starting Any Wars"...new op-ed by Senator JD Vance

we can sit at a table with Putin, and ensure Ukraine isn't totally destroyed and make sure there's no escalation. that's a better approach than the war going on forever

Having publically said that, the dictators and authoritarians know that too and that they’ll have a free hand to run amok in the world because Trump would do nothing.

That’s why MBS and the Russians teamed up to cut oil production right before the midterms. They want a weakling like Trump in the White House so they can have a free hand.
Save it JD. You're a partisan.

"January 2017, just weeks after Donald Trump was sworn in as commander-in-chief, U.S. troops carried out a raid in the southwestern Yemeni village of al-Ghayil that marked the start of his presidency with bloodshed. The raid, led by dozens of U.S. special forces troops backed by helicopters, allegedly intended to hit Al Qaeda operatives believed to be living in the village. Trump said the raid was “highly successful,” but in reality it ended in bloody calamity.

A new report released Wednesday by the independent monitoring group Airwars gives a clearer picture of the Trump administration’s devastating impact on Yemen. Called “Eroding Transparency: US counterterrorism actions in Yemen under President Donald Trump,” the report paints a picture of a war brutally waged over the past four years while quietly being nudged away from public attention. Trump campaigned for office in 2016 by portraying himself, at least some of the time, as a counterbalance to a bloodthirsty and out-of-control U.S. foreign policy establishment. But, as the Airwars report shows, the reality of his time in office does not fit with that rosy picture.

Trump inherited these efforts from his predecessor President Barack Obama, but the 45th president has also intensified them. There can be no doubt that Trump has contributed to making Yemen into what Human Rights Watch has described as the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. After more than five years of war, millions find themselves on the brink of starvation in what was already one of the world’s poorest countries. Trump has been glad to oversee the intensification of this crisis, bombing and carrying out raids in the country periodically, as well as arming foreign states like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to aid in their own campaigns.

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