Trump's betrayal of Ukraine is giving CIA officers PTSD says Senior CIA officer...

I swear, I really did not know where to put this as it's so off the wall.
The United States is doing it again: walking away from allies. It is almost as if each U.S. presidency needs to practice betrayal as a form of statecraft. The examples of men and women who counted on our support are many. George H.W. Bush with the Kurds. Barack Obama with the Syrians. Donald Trump and Joe Biden with the Afghans. And now, Trump with the Ukrainians. America, the dependable ally, we are not.

I served as a U.S. intelligence officer in the field, often in dangerous conflict zones from Iraq to Syria to Afghanistan. I retired before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but as the Trump administration abandons this former American ally, PTSD is setting in for many of my ilk: the actual operational practitioners of U.S. foreign policy.

Your "PTSD" is worth none of our sons dying in the mud of a shithole country. Sorry we didn’t get WW3 going for you.

BTW....I didn't know you could get PTSD from doing illegal things.....More like the pain from the gravy train of unlimited operating cash to do evil things being over.

You do understand that Ukraine was NEVER an ally, right?
You do understand that Ukraine was NEVER an ally, right?
That is correct. We did, however, sign a promise to protect them from Soviet Invasion if they'd just give up their Nukes. The third most powerful nuclear arsenal on Earth at the time.

I am 100% of Ukraine's side. Not so much Zelenskyy but Ukraine. They got back-stabbed by dimocrap scum and Z is just making it worse by running his stoopid mouth.

He needs to stop pissing OMB off.

As to the former 'Intelligence Agent'? Sounds like a female to me. And that's okay. They do some good work in the field. Many of them are extremely brave and courageous.

And she's allowed to have her opinion. Which is close to mine. Ukraine's biggest problem is that they're kicking back BILLIONS to dimocrap scum. We know they are, you know they are and they know we know.

I don't blame them one bit but they should have just told dimocrap scum to go fuck themselves and fought the Russians by themselves.

Or not. Nah. That would have been a bad idea. But Z needs to stop running his mouth. Bigly. OMB is running the show now and Z needs to drop a dime on dimocrap scum. That might get him some F-15's.

BTW, a lot of that "Money" we're sending him was out-dated munitions and equipment that was headed for the junkyard anyway.

So we send the Ukes 100,000 155mm Arty rounds from 1975, that were ready to expire, and call it a 100 Million dollar gift. It was just us unloading junk.

Although we sent a lot of cash, too. Mostly so Z could send it back to the dims.
You do understand that Ukraine was NEVER an ally, right?
They're a bunch of corrupt eastern Europeans. They're fighting a war against a powerful enemy and meanwhile their ministers are stealing from the defense coffers to buy luxury dachas in San Francisco. This is not mature and responsible behavior. This is not the kind of people we want to be giving money to.

The Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs started this with their incessant meddling, and the CIA was a big part of it. Trump would probably dismantle the CIA if he could, but he can't. He's doing the best thing he can, which is stop the fighting and stop spending money on it. We have more important things to think about than other peoples' wars.
End the US involvement in the Ukraine conflict. Full stop.

You can achieve that by putting US military INTO Ukraine, push the Russians back to 2010 international borders, then line the entire Russian border with an Irondome type air defense and right behind that, line the entire border with intermediate level Ballistic Missles with a MIRV of 10 warheads capable of delivering 1mt warheads, each. Then you tell Putin to sit, good boy.

Or you tell both sides, this is what is going to happen and you tell Zelenski to step down and STFU.

Enough of this bullshit.

Win it or go the fuck home.
I swear, I really did not know where to put this as it's so off the wall.
The United States is doing it again: walking away from allies. It is almost as if each U.S. presidency needs to practice betrayal as a form of statecraft. The examples of men and women who counted on our support are many. George H.W. Bush with the Kurds. Barack Obama with the Syrians. Donald Trump and Joe Biden with the Afghans. And now, Trump with the Ukrainians. America, the dependable ally, we are not.

I served as a U.S. intelligence officer in the field, often in dangerous conflict zones from Iraq to Syria to Afghanistan. I retired before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but as the Trump administration abandons this former American ally, PTSD is setting in for many of my ilk: the actual operational practitioners of U.S. foreign policy.

Your "PTSD" is worth none of our sons dying in the mud of a shithole country. Sorry we didn’t get WW3 going for you.

BTW....I didn't know you could get PTSD from doing illegal things.....More like the pain from the gravy train of unlimited operating cash to do evil things being over.

The poor things.
I swear, I really did not know where to put this as it's so off the wall.
The United States is doing it again: walking away from allies. It is almost as if each U.S. presidency needs to practice betrayal as a form of statecraft. The examples of men and women who counted on our support are many. George H.W. Bush with the Kurds. Barack Obama with the Syrians. Donald Trump and Joe Biden with the Afghans. And now, Trump with the Ukrainians. America, the dependable ally, we are not.

I served as a U.S. intelligence officer in the field, often in dangerous conflict zones from Iraq to Syria to Afghanistan. I retired before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but as the Trump administration abandons this former American ally, PTSD is setting in for many of my ilk: the actual operational practitioners of U.S. foreign policy.

Your "PTSD" is worth none of our sons dying in the mud of a shithole country. Sorry we didn’t get WW3 going for you.

BTW....I didn't know you could get PTSD from doing illegal things.....More like the pain from the gravy train of unlimited operating cash to do evil things being over.

You are a former intel officer...and you support Trump?

Just...WOW. Trump has spent every day during the past 9 years licking Putin's balls...and you support this traitor.
I swear, I really did not know where to put this as it's so off the wall.
The United States is doing it again: walking away from allies. It is almost as if each U.S. presidency needs to practice betrayal as a form of statecraft. The examples of men and women who counted on our support are many. George H.W. Bush with the Kurds. Barack Obama with the Syrians. Donald Trump and Joe Biden with the Afghans. And now, Trump with the Ukrainians. America, the dependable ally, we are not.

I served as a U.S. intelligence officer in the field, often in dangerous conflict zones from Iraq to Syria to Afghanistan. I retired before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but as the Trump administration abandons this former American ally, PTSD is setting in for many of my ilk: the actual operational practitioners of U.S. foreign policy.

Your "PTSD" is worth none of our sons dying in the mud of a shithole country. Sorry we didn’t get WW3 going for you.

BTW....I didn't know you could get PTSD from doing illegal things.....More like the pain from the gravy train of unlimited operating cash to do evil things being over.

If you get PTSD from something the government is doing, perhaps it shouldn't be doing it?
I swear, I really did not know where to put this as it's so off the wall.
The United States is doing it again: walking away from allies. It is almost as if each U.S. presidency needs to practice betrayal as a form of statecraft. The examples of men and women who counted on our support are many. George H.W. Bush with the Kurds. Barack Obama with the Syrians. Donald Trump and Joe Biden with the Afghans. And now, Trump with the Ukrainians. America, the dependable ally, we are not.

I served as a U.S. intelligence officer in the field, often in dangerous conflict zones from Iraq to Syria to Afghanistan. I retired before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but as the Trump administration abandons this former American ally, PTSD is setting in for many of my ilk: the actual operational practitioners of U.S. foreign policy.

Your "PTSD" is worth none of our sons dying in the mud of a shithole country. Sorry we didn’t get WW3 going for you.

BTW....I didn't know you could get PTSD from doing illegal things.....More like the pain from the gravy train of unlimited operating cash to do evil things being over.

Respectfully disagree.

>>>>>WHY<<<<< must President Trump support and defend the warmongers-neocrazies-war profiteers' strategies.

Their promises are not--and should not-be binding on President Trump.

Victoria Nuland and the rest of the The stupid motherfuckers were looking forward to vacationing in the Crimean Peninsula - fuck the stupid sons of bitches.

Those stupid motherfuckers knew that President Trump was NOT going to bait provoke Russia into invading Ukraine reason they impeached him twice , 4 fake indictments , the November 2020 coup d' etat and two assassinations attempts.

WE THE PEOPLE knew what's going on and gave him the mandate to ignore the low life motherfuckers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
End the US involvement in the Ukraine conflict. Full stop.

You can achieve that by putting US military INTO Ukraine, push the Russians back to 2010 international borders, then line the entire Russian border with an Irondome type air defense and right behind that, line the entire border with intermediate level Ballistic Missiles with a MIRV of 10 warheads capable of delivering 1mt warheads, each. Then you tell Putin to sit, good boy.

Or you tell both sides, this is what is going to happen and you tell Zelenski to step down and STFU. Enough of this bullshit.
Win it or go the fuck home.
1. No US military in Ukraine. Full stop.

2. Enforce a boycott of Russian oil, tell China and India to stop buying or get hit with massive tariffs. That ends the war.

3. The "peace deal' is no bargain. Who will put up "EU" peacekeepers to enforce the peace?

4. There is no "winning", just enforcing a ceasefire.
I'm not sure betrayal is the right word, he has been transparent with his intentions.

Europe never pulled their weight, even when they have plenty of cash. They also funded Russias was through years of buying their oil. Without these decisions by Germany for so many years would Russia have felt comfortable attacking?

Trump's betrayal of Ukraine is giving CIA officers PTSD says Senior CIA officer...​

I swear, I really did not know where to put this as it's so off the wall.
The United States is doing it again: walking away from allies. It is almost as if each U.S. presidency needs to practice betrayal as a form of statecraft. The examples of men and women who counted on our support are many. George H.W. Bush with the Kurds. Barack Obama with the Syrians. Donald Trump and Joe Biden with the Afghans. And now, Trump with the Ukrainians. America, the dependable ally, we are not.

I served as a U.S. intelligence officer in the field, often in dangerous conflict zones from Iraq to Syria to Afghanistan. I retired before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but as the Trump administration abandons this former American ally, PTSD is setting in for many of my ilk: the actual operational practitioners of U.S. foreign policy.

Your "PTSD" is worth none of our sons dying in the mud of a shithole country. Sorry we didn’t get WW3 going for you.

BTW....I didn't know you could get PTSD from doing illegal things.....More like the pain from the gravy train of unlimited operating cash to do evil things being over.

If true, this news gives me great joy

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