Trump's lack of discretion

This time next week it will be forgotten. Bank it
And the next "controversy" will be under way. Point being he can prevent this stupid shit. This was 100% preventable.

Probably but it's Trump, he shoots off the cuff before thinking and it doesn't help him...but with that said this Khan character isn't what he seems to be and the dems tried to sell him either

Ah yes, someone dared challenge the demagogue and the vilification of this Silver Star family begins.

Shame on any of you who participate in such bullying.

What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?
This time next week it will be forgotten. Bank it
And the next "controversy" will be under way. Point being he can prevent this stupid shit. This was 100% preventable.

Probably but it's Trump, he shoots off the cuff before thinking and it doesn't help him...but with that said this Khan character isn't what he seems to be and the dems tried to sell him either

Ah yes, someone dared challenge the demagogue and the vilification of this Silver Star family begins.

Shame on any of you who participate in such bullying.

What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?

I want a quote, not a paraphrase. Are Democrats just too dumb to know what a quote is?
This time next week it will be forgotten. Bank it
And the next "controversy" will be under way. Point being he can prevent this stupid shit. This was 100% preventable.

Probably but it's Trump, he shoots off the cuff before thinking and it doesn't help him...but with that said this Khan character isn't what he seems to be and the dems tried to sell him either

Ah yes, someone dared challenge the demagogue and the vilification of this Silver Star family begins.

Shame on any of you who participate in such bullying.

What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?
Yeah, ogilbilgillibilliuam...Kahn just happened to be available to speak...picked out of a lottery of fortunate for the corrupt DNC...
And the next "controversy" will be under way. Point being he can prevent this stupid shit. This was 100% preventable.

Probably but it's Trump, he shoots off the cuff before thinking and it doesn't help him...but with that said this Khan character isn't what he seems to be and the dems tried to sell him either

Ah yes, someone dared challenge the demagogue and the vilification of this Silver Star family begins.

Shame on any of you who participate in such bullying.

What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?

I want a quote, not a paraphrase. Are Democrats just too dumb to know what a quote is?
if you really need me to gather it all together for you i will. i suspect you are just being obtuse
And the next "controversy" will be under way. Point being he can prevent this stupid shit. This was 100% preventable.

Probably but it's Trump, he shoots off the cuff before thinking and it doesn't help him...but with that said this Khan character isn't what he seems to be and the dems tried to sell him either

Ah yes, someone dared challenge the demagogue and the vilification of this Silver Star family begins.

Shame on any of you who participate in such bullying.

What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?
Yeah, ogilbilgillibilliuam...Kahn just happened to be available to speak...picked out of a lottery of fortunate for the corrupt DNC...
who said he wasn't selected? what difference would that make?
And the next "controversy" will be under way. Point being he can prevent this stupid shit. This was 100% preventable.

Probably but it's Trump, he shoots off the cuff before thinking and it doesn't help him...but with that said this Khan character isn't what he seems to be and the dems tried to sell him either

Ah yes, someone dared challenge the demagogue and the vilification of this Silver Star family begins.

Shame on any of you who participate in such bullying.

What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?
Yeah, ogilbilgillibilliuam...Kahn just happened to be available to speak...picked out of a lottery of fortunate for the corrupt DNC...

These dupes are easily duped...too goddamn stupid to see the forest for the trees
Probably but it's Trump, he shoots off the cuff before thinking and it doesn't help him...but with that said this Khan character isn't what he seems to be and the dems tried to sell him either

Ah yes, someone dared challenge the demagogue and the vilification of this Silver Star family begins.

Shame on any of you who participate in such bullying.

What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?

I want a quote, not a paraphrase. Are Democrats just too dumb to know what a quote is?
if you really need me to gather it all together for you i will. i suspect you are just being obtuse

Gather what all together? What the fuck are you talking about? What is wrong with you morons?

The question is just to provide quotes that Trump offended you about Khan. How stupid are you?
His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably -- maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me, but plenty of people have written that.

She was extremely quiet and looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that.
Well, that sounds -- who wrote that? Did Hillary's script writer write it?
I think I have made a lot of sacrifices. I've work very, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I've done -- I've had tremendous success.

how's that?
Probably but it's Trump, he shoots off the cuff before thinking and it doesn't help him...but with that said this Khan character isn't what he seems to be and the dems tried to sell him either

Ah yes, someone dared challenge the demagogue and the vilification of this Silver Star family begins.

Shame on any of you who participate in such bullying.

What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?
Yeah, ogilbilgillibilliuam...Kahn just happened to be available to speak...picked out of a lottery of fortunate for the corrupt DNC...

These dupes are easily duped...too goddamn stupid to see the forest for the trees
and yet you'll believe any goddamn lie about khan just so you won't have to criticize trump.
Ah yes, someone dared challenge the demagogue and the vilification of this Silver Star family begins.

Shame on any of you who participate in such bullying.

What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?
Yeah, ogilbilgillibilliuam...Kahn just happened to be available to speak...picked out of a lottery of fortunate for the corrupt DNC...

These dupes are easily duped...too goddamn stupid to see the forest for the trees
and yet you'll believe any goddamn lie about khan just so you won't have to criticize trump.

Ah yes, someone dared challenge the demagogue and the vilification of this Silver Star family begins.

Shame on any of you who participate in such bullying.

What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?
Yeah, ogilbilgillibilliuam...Kahn just happened to be available to speak...picked out of a lottery of fortunate for the corrupt DNC...

These dupes are easily duped...too goddamn stupid to see the forest for the trees
and yet you'll believe any goddamn lie about khan just so you won't have to criticize trump.

I've criticized Trump...keep trying, toad. You're really not very good at this, maybe you should get a hobby
What did Trump say you object to, Mrs. Mao? I am asking one liberal after another and not one of you can answer the question. I want quote(s) from him, not your useless opinion
his insult that they weren't speaking their own words, or that the wife wasn't allowed to speak.
how about that?

how about putting the 'sacrifice' of making millions on the same level as losing a son to war?
Yeah, ogilbilgillibilliuam...Kahn just happened to be available to speak...picked out of a lottery of fortunate for the corrupt DNC...

These dupes are easily duped...too goddamn stupid to see the forest for the trees
and yet you'll believe any goddamn lie about khan just so you won't have to criticize trump.

I've criticized Trump...keep trying, toad. You're really not very good at this, maybe you should get a hobby
you sure do seem to be excusing this by smearing khan.

is that not the case?
Poor people who hate politicians sure wish Trump was more of a politician.

No wonder all politicians are the way they are.

Unreal how people are.
Are there ANY in the Trump camp on this board worried about this?
Personally I think it was good that it was brought out. That along with all the other information that is coming out about how deeply the Muslim Brotherhood and the Clinton thugs are in has not been known by the public. Trump at this point needs to move on to other issues and let the rest comes out through other sources.
Are there ANY in the Trump camp on this board worried about this?
Personally I think it was good that it was brought out. That along with all the other information that is coming out about how deeply the Muslim Brotherhood and the Clinton thugs are in has not been known by the public. Trump at this point needs to move on to other issues and let the rest comes out through other sources.

Interesting enough the VFW is taking it up the chute on their Facebook page, it seems not all their members agree with the statement issued.
Be it his mouth off script or his Twitter battles. It is alarming.
Take Mr Kahn as an example. He was one of MANY nobodies that spoke at Hillary's convention. Left alone he would have faded into obscurity within days, perhaps hours. But no, Donald Trump can not sit by idly why someone mentions his name, he has to have the last word every time.
Through his own stupidity he has elevated a man who would have disappeared into obscurity within days to Nancy Kerrigan status. Mr Khan is now perceived as a victim. Be that perception right or wrong it is reality. A reality DONALD TRUMP CREATED.
What does this say about the man who wants to be president & as a result will be talked about around the world hourly & on a daily basis? What kind of mini crisis will he create every time he feels personally attacked? As president he is supposed to represent us as a nation not start international situations because someone insulted his mangina.

Ultimately it may not matter because if he keeps up the current trend his chances of becoming president will be next to nil.
Mr. Kahn is a liberal Muslim brotherhood tool....people like you and him are a danger to America.....
Be it his mouth off script or his Twitter battles. It is alarming.
Take Mr Kahn as an example. He was one of MANY nobodies that spoke at Hillary's convention. Left alone he would have faded into obscurity within days, perhaps hours. But no, Donald Trump can not sit by idly why someone mentions his name, he has to have the last word every time.
Through his own stupidity he has elevated a man who would have disappeared into obscurity within days to Nancy Kerrigan status. Mr Khan is now perceived as a victim. Be that perception right or wrong it is reality. A reality DONALD TRUMP CREATED.
What does this say about the man who wants to be president & as a result will be talked about around the world hourly & on a daily basis? What kind of mini crisis will he create every time he feels personally attacked? As president he is supposed to represent us as a nation not start international situations because someone insulted his mangina.

Ultimately it may not matter because if he keeps up the current trend his chances of becoming president will be next to nil.

That isn't fair. The media set this up. Asking the parents of a fallen solider what have you sacrificed. That is a loaded question, that is a question meant to entrap Trump. And it is coming at him in all directions.

I'm not saying anything about you, but I am appalled at how predictable conservatives are. We eat our own. To our credit and fault. Liberals circle the wagon. When their guy has multiple allegations of sexual abuse, do you throw him over over? NO. You double down and you discredit the victims! When their guy looks the American people in the eye and says a bold faced lie, commits perjury and becomes the first sitting president to be disbarred--you circle the wagons and dance monkey, DANCE!!!!

Trump is defiant and act with a chip on his shoulder, and you know what? It is the only way a Republican can win. He needs to be more aware when he's walking into some BS like that.
Are there ANY in the Trump camp on this board worried about this?
Personally I think it was good that it was brought out. That along with all the other information that is coming out about how deeply the Muslim Brotherhood and the Clinton thugs are in has not been known by the public. Trump at this point needs to move on to other issues and let the rest comes out through other sources.

Interesting enough the VFW is taking it up the chute on their Facebook page, it seems not all their members agree with the statement issued.
People will have to make up their own minds on what or how to feel about it all. This whole web of deception the Clinton's are involved is huge and world wide so can anyone trust anything said when we do not know exactly who the body is behind it?

When I changed my avatar I noted this is one of my husband's patches from when we met. I am not sure how many people watched the movies about drugs being ran in various ways from Asia during Nam but I do know that hubby pissed off some when he tossed some of their drugs into a dumpster one day out of a jet that had come in. How many of these agencies have those old drug runners and thugs in them I have no clue but they are still out there and they fit right in with the other reports on Clinton's and some of what was going down in Mena, Arkansas.
Are there ANY in the Trump camp on this board worried about this?
Personally I think it was good that it was brought out. That along with all the other information that is coming out about how deeply the Muslim Brotherhood and the Clinton thugs are in has not been known by the public. Trump at this point needs to move on to other issues and let the rest comes out through other sources.

Interesting enough the VFW is taking it up the chute on their Facebook page, it seems not all their members agree with the statement issued.
just because there are a couple of assholes on facebook is no reason not to do the right thing.

the vfw will not back down
I am not at all worried about Trump's tweets, TV interviews, or comments.

The. LWNJ's and mushy moderates are obsessed with every utterance Trump makes.

He plays them like a piano.

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