Trump's Lawyer Says He'd Be Legally Immune Even if He Called to ‘Burn Down Congress’


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
He does think he's bulletproof...thus far...he is, right?

Donald Trump’s lawyer argued that presidential immunity would protect him from lawsuits even if he had urged his supporters to “burn Congress down” while in office.
Trump has asserted sweeping immunity against suits by both police officers and Democratic members of Congress accusing the former president of inciting the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol in his final days in office. A federal judge in Washington previously rejected Trump’s claim, but his lawyer, Jesse Binnall, on Wednesday made a renewed argument before the DC Circuit US Court of Appeals.
The three-judge appellate panel probed the outer limits of the immunity that Trump was claiming, posing a series of dramatic hypothetical scenarios to Binnall. The lawyer denounced some of the conduct the judges posited but held firm in maintaining that a president would be immune for undertaking such actions.
Presidents do typically enjoy immunity from lawsuits over official acts, which includes election-related activity. Chief Circuit Judge Sri Srinivasan on Wednesday asked Binnall if that should apply to a president who urged supporters in a private meeting to go to the polls and intimidate voters to prevent them from exercising their right to vote.
Binnall said that would be “horrible” but that, yes, immunity would apply. He said the line for liability for a sitting president should be drawn at “purely personal” conduct and interests, such as sexual assault allegations or a conversation between a president and their stockbroker about financial holdings. But he suggested a president urging his supporters to question the electoral vote count was merely using the office’s well-established “bully pulpit.”
Circuit Judge Greg Katsas said he was struggling with the fact that the case against Trump involved “at least colorable” allegations that he incited the mob that attacked the Capitol. Katsas then posed the hypothetical of a president urging supporters to “burn down Congress.”
Binnall said civil immunity would apply in that instance too, but he said impeachment and possible post-presidency criminal charges would offer other avenues for accountability.
Building off her colleagues’ hypotheticals, Judge Judith Rogers asked if Trump’s position was that there was no role for the courts even if there was a finding that a president was “seeking to destroy our constitutional system.” Binnall replied that, based on such facts, such acts shouldn’t be subject to civil litigation.

The suits at issue accuse Trump of being part of a conspiracy to interfere with Congress’s certification of the 2020 election results. The complaints focused on his tweets exhorting supporters to come to Washington, citing baseless claims that the election was stolen, and then his speech at the Ellipse the day of the riot in which he told the crowd to “fight” and march to the Capitol.
his speech at the Ellipse the day of the riot in which he told the crowd to “fight” and march to the Capitol.
Just curious... why edit out the part where he clearly told them to peacefully protest? Does that part of what he said not count because it might tend to weaken your argument? As for the immunity, it's assumed to be damned near total for a sitting president so far as legal issues are concerned. There is ONE way and one way only to hold a sitting president accountable. Impeachment by the House and trial in the Senate. The decision to try to tie him up legally, two years after the fact will accomplish one thing for certain. It will cause SCOTUS to have to rule on whatever claims are made and if they rule to impose sanctions on Trump, it will also mean they have set a precedent for ALL FUTURE PRESIDENTS. You sure that's what you want? Just asking because that kind of overreach didn't work out so well for you folks when Harry Reid did it.

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