Trump's tax plan: the scam that am

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
in the forrest
Trumps plans has some good points which he sells in a dishonest way. And it has some very bad ideas sold as pure xenophobia.

I am for lowering taxes because I think the government is too big and too bloated. Lowering taxes for this reason will lower it on rich folks more, because they pay more. I feel a leaner government is a more just government not getting into places it does not belong, but lowering taxes on people living on marginal incomes is better. Trump's plan is sold as social justice, which it decidedly is not. He lowers rates for the super rich by 10% and the taxes on lower incomes by 1%.

He is going to reduce taxes on people with fancy incomes by renegotiating the NAFTA. This is just plain unadulterated stupidity. This is Trump telling his supporters "You people lack the brains of ants"
Some of it I support because we are in a competitive universe. Our corporate taxes are too high. They are the highest in the world, and we have to have them competitive. Trump isn't going to competitive, he is slashing them to benefit his buddies. Right now our taxes are 33%. Competitive would be around 25%. I would support lowering them to 20% if we got rid of all corporate welfare. (yeah, right.... pull the other one...) He is going to 15%. Nuts.

He says we shouldn't give foreign aid to places like Japan and Germany. We take charge of Germany's and Japan's military spending because we don't want them to have militaries any more. Japan does Sanrio and Kawaii, we do the military and Kowaii. The last time Germany and Japan had militaries insures we never want them to have militaries again
What a moonbat, you're so full of shit about wanting less spending I can smell you from here.

BTW libtard, "people living on marginal incomes" are NOT PAYING ANYTHING, and some of them get extra money from the government.
Nothing lies like a rug unless it'a democrat and this week on the boards here and elsewhere it has been more then evident.

They tout the Trump tax plan as "He is saving the rich". He IS in fact cutting their tax rate from 39.6 to 25%. But they fail/ignore and avoid telling the truth about who else his tax plan helps. And two of those groups are the ones I wish to talk about.

This helps a HUGE group of people just starting out in the work force. Burger flippers and nurses aides. It also helps the elderly on fixed income. Most if not all on SS would have no tax.

Is it not time we rewarded both those groups? The ones that have and the ones that will? Those two groups have been ignored forever and that help would not only be welcome but is long overdue as needed.

In most cases this is the second stage of life for the burger flipper or the nurses aide. They get married and fisnish their education or learn a trade. What do most newly married couples want? They want a safe home and a good car. And unlike the current tax code there is NO penalty for getting married. So it PROMOTES family and two parent homes.

It also again helps another group, retirees. The elderly couple living on SS would NOT be paying a tax in most if not all cases. So once again you have rewarded those who have and those who wish to do. Is that not what really is fair?

So before you buy into the democrats saying "It ONLY helps the rich again" CRAP. Read the plan and look at YOUR future under it. For DECADES democrats have promised but NO results NO actions and NO plan.

You have THE plan before you. It's a plan that rewards youth and effort and its a plan that rewards families. It's a plan that says thank you to the elderly the disabled veteran. It IS one of the most up front honest and humane tax plans EVER presented. It's more then worthy your look. It's worthy your effort and support.

We had a nice topic about Trump's tax plan the other day.

Here's the thing.

Median household income in Merka is $52,000. Trump would not tax households earning $50,000 or less.

Median individual income in Merka is $30,000. Trump would not tax individuals earning $25,000 or less.

That means just about half of Merka would not be paying any federal income tax. And then Trump would put a unicorn in every pot.

So you can complain about the rich getting a tax cut, but I'm preeeeety sure none of them are going to be paying NO federal income tax.
So.................we severely cut the revenue stream of the government because we cut taxes for almost everyone.

How are you going to pay down the deficit and keep the government running?
omg, how the hell can he please everyone.

it's more than anyone else has OFFERED. I like it myself.

so I say more power to him
I admit I just sampled the low lights like re arming Germany and Japan, breaking NAFTA and reducing lower incomes by 1% and high incomes by 10%. I don't have to eat a whole egg to know it is bad. Or a smell a rat and see it floating in the air to know exactly where the rat is
So.................we severely cut the revenue stream of the government because we cut taxes for almost everyone.

How are you going to pay down the deficit and keep the government running?
That largely depends on how you deal with tax loopholes.

It is entirely possible (and really what we need) to drop the top rates and then take MORE from the rich. The left loves to point out how Romney paid less than 15% but does not seem to understand that the top marginal rate is actually irrelevant right now.
According to the Center for Tax Justice, Trump's tax proposal would reduce revenues by around $900 billion per year, which would translate to about $9 trillion over a decade. The Tax Foundation is singing a similar tune: It predicts that the billionaire's plan would reduce tax revenue by some $10 trillion over the next 10 years (when measured alongside economic growth).

The real estate mogul is proposing deep cuts to the income tax rate for people across the board

His idea is to allow those at the bottom-most income bracket (singles making $25,00 or less and married couples making $50,000 or less) to pay no income taxes, and reduce the top income tax rate from the current rate of around 40% to 25%.

same shit different RW'r... the economy will soar to new heights IF we just cut taxes ... where have I heard that BS before and how did it work out?

oh yeah, Bush Recession.

examine that.
Yeah...............Jr. cut taxes when he got in, and then cut them again after the Iraq war started and was telling us it would be good for the economy.

Only trouble is, the economy melted down before he could leave office.
The previos seven years were cool though

At least..............until the failed policies of lots of tax cuts almost broke the government and economy.
Is that the new lie that we are running with today?
Tax cuts did not 'break the government and economy.' Derivatives were a huge part of what did though and have nothing to do with tax cuts at all. What you just stated is nothing more than a talking point and is rather irrelevant.

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