Tucker's interview with Putin is here at 5:00PM EST.

I'm surprised this made it. I thought they'd (Biden's government) have him in jail or block it somehow. Supposedly streaming here at 5:00PM

Russia/Putin hate runs right to the core in America. Expect US cable news to turn on with great urgency It could even bring out Maddow tonight!
The US media will pan it because Tucker pulled a coup of biblical proportions on all of them.

I could care less what any of the rest of them say but i want to see how FOX handles it. ;)
They will largely ignore it.
They can't possibly say nothing, but they will only mention it and move on.

CNN and company are already in full freak out mood, and have been all day before they see one second of it. They are DEEPLY concerned about ANYONE changing their narrative and providing information they aren't in control of. They will cut the interview into dozens of 5 second soundbytes, change the context to fix their narrative and try very hard to convince everyone not to watch it.

And their audience will be too stupid to realize they are being controlled.
Am I the only one harboring no interest whatsoever?

This is the FOURTH interview with Putin by a major American journalist, and the FIRST one anyone on the left has a problem with...I wonder why...

Am I the only one harboring no interest whatsoever?

I was initially interested in it, but after sitting through it I was thoroughly unimpressed with Carlson's questions.

Geo-politics clearly isn't his forte. He wasn't at all prepared for someone like Putin, who decisively illustrated Carlson's shortcoming in that regard.

And he came off as giggly at times.
Biden: we will support Ukraine as long as necessary!
Stoltenberg: Ukraine must win!
Borrell: no negotiations, only war!
Putin: peace was almost achieved, but the West derailed it.

Western media: Putin brazenly accused the West of wanting to continue the war as long as possible!

BTW, would love to hear a 2 hour interview with Biden....
At least an hour long one... Or a half hour...
What, it won't even last a minute?
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In addition to "recalling" that he talked to Mitterrand and Kohl after they had been dead for years..
I'm surprised this made it. I thought they'd (Biden's government) have him in jail or block it somehow. Supposedly streaming here at 5:00PM

As of this hour { 9 am est } Tucker racked-up 102.8 Million
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In addition to "recalling" that he talked to Mitterrand and Kohl after they had been dead for years..

I guess Biden the New Clown in town is getting old.
His infirmed nature is no longer bankable.let alone
tolerated.The Reporters asking him questions seemed
crazed.Because Biden was acting like some Kintergarden
brat who was told to go take a nap already and no more
widdle kiddie snacks.Yer worse than Infirmed.
Yer a nickle short of being plumb loco!
Meaning also that those who still back and defend his
every word and action are also Huge Brats.
This is now more mortifying than any Twilight Zone episode.
I watched 1.5 hours of it last night, and will finish it tonight.

Vlad schooled Tucker on European and Russian history. Tucker took it well, and the result was an example of rational public dialogue. Putin is head and shoulders above ANY politician in the US system. He's playing chess while the rest are playing checkers.

For those of us who've been paying attention during the last 15 years or so, for those of US who understand the treachery of the US State Department, for those of us who watched Oliver Stone's UKRAINE ON FIRE, there wasn't much new material. Russia has been trying to find a diplomatic solution for years, but NATO insists upon military aggression.

Russia has had the moral high ground for decades.
In addition to "recalling" that he talked to Mitterrand and Kohl after they had been dead for years..

Biden is playing 4D chess! Now that he's declared Egypt is actually Mexico, and there IS a wall between Egypt and Gaza, Biden can say the wall with Mexico is a done deal, and he succeeded where Trump failed!

DemoKKKrats will eat it up.

Brilliant! :laugh:

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