Turkey bombs PPK in Syria and Iraq.


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Funny how NATO member Turkey is allowed to terrorize Kurdish citizens in their own country, and carry out bombing raids on other sovereign countries. But we get lectured about how NATO aren’t aggressors and don‘t invade or bomb other countries.

Erdogan wants to invade Syria to create a “buffer zone“ to protect them from the Kurds. Funny how when Russia does similar in Ukraine, the world screams “war crimes” and endless sanctions come down on them. Will Turkey be condemned if it does this? Turkey is holding out allowing Sweden and Finland in joining NATO, as leverage so the US won’t put up a fight and abandon the Kurds in Syria which are allies in fighting radical Sunni Muslims known as ISIS.

The real reason the warmongers in Washington want to get rid of Assad is because of his alliance with Russia. Russia gets to use Syria’s port at Tartus as a naval base to operate in the Mediterranean Sea. So the more instability and chaos in Syria, the better for the warmongers who are paranoid about Russia. So how many millions have suffered because of this?

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I think we should pull out of the Middle East completely except for Israel and let them fuck each other up over the belief that Mohammad used his left hand instead of his right to wipe his ass that one time over a millennia ago.
Funny how NATO member Turkey is allowed to terrorize Kurdish citizens in their own country, and carry out bombing raids on other sovereign countries. But we get lectured about how NATO aren’t aggressors and don‘t invade or bomb other countries.
Where were Americans; objections to their own war on Iraq and the other 39 wars America has started since the end of WW2?
What makes Turkey's wars and Russia's war any more egregious?
Where were Americans; objections to their own war on Iraq and the other 39 wars America has started since the end of WW2?
What makes Turkey's wars and Russia's war any more egregious?
Exactly. It’s okay for America and NATO allies to bomb or invade countries for their own national strategic interests, but it is the end of the world if Russia deals with an unstable country on its own border.
I think we should pull out of the Middle East completely except for Israel and let them fuck each other up over the belief that Mohammad used his left hand instead of his right to wipe his ass that one time over a millennia ago.
We aren’t in Israel.

For all we do for them, they don’t even give us a major military base there.
Exactly. It’s okay for America and NATO allies to bomb or invade countries for their own national strategic interests, but it is the end of the world if Russia deals with an unstable country on its own border.
That's right to the point in my opinion. I only wish that the truth could be shared with at least half of Americans. As well as Canadians who I suspect are even less aware of the truth.

The other day one of Canada's leftist politicians remarked that that there's never been a large nuclear armed nation in history that's acted so criminally aggressive as Russia.

I really wanted to be able to tell her that I could think of one! About 40 times over.
I only wish that the truth could be shared with at least half of Americans
It is. That half are MAGA Republicans like myself. None of us want these stupid wars.

Now Ukraine has used US provided HIMARS to bomb Russian barracks. All these assholes want to do is escalate the war into a world war.
It is. That half are MAGA Republicans like myself. None of us want these stupid wars.
I would like to believe that you're not exaggerating the 'half'.
Now Ukraine has used US provided HIMARS to bomb Russian barracks. All these assholes want to do is escalate the war into a world war.
I hadn't heard about the bombing of Russian barracks. Do you have a link? And is it reliable enough to rule out US/Nato/Ukraine propaganda?

I think there's greater hope in the political right finding info on Hunter's laptop that will expose the facts on America's covert and overt actions to promote starting the proxy war against Russia.

The CIA will dig in their heels to prevent that from happening, and I'm not so sure that the political right will go for the kill on Joe, if it compromises US foreign policy secrets?

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