Turkish head of religions affairs in Aqsa Mosque

Watch what happens when the world banks foreclose on your loans and the tourist industry falls apart. You can kiss goodbye to entering the E.U. as well, and see all the migrant Turks running back home when the EU tells them to leave.

LoooL : ) we are going to see soon what happens to EU.
If the gas fields are in their territorial waters then they can exploit them. What you mean is your navy is trying to play hard ball when it is a soft ball team

Soft ball team is in World's Top 10 Armies List, with the lowest military budget.
I can think of five different reasons, none of them can end up well for Turkey, but I bet you know that already.

Monki, do you think we are Arabia ? or Iran ? or Syria ? or Afghanistan ? Try your chance, because your 60 years old state wont be here on the World so much in any case.
[ Hell, you can't even build your own. You're obliged to buy one.

Are you sure ? Turkiye is number one ship builder country of the World.

Silly little Muslim Caliphate Dreamer-Twits... dreaming your juvenile little dreams of a resurrected Ottoman Empire that will never materialize.

You had your time... centuries ago... and allowed yourselves to degenerate into something your far braver ancestors would spit upon you for becoming.

The world has grown and surpassed you - many years ago.

Your time as an aggressor-conqueror threat is over

Behave yourselves, as productive and valued members of a peaceful, civilized community.

No need to go to war with The West.

Unless you have a collective Death Wish.

Do not let it come to that.

It is not what we want.

The choice is yours.

Jewo Shit. You are aware of your approaching end and this is why you are barking continuously with high vioce. You will be much more offensive with each passing day and finally will be complately destroyed.

It is the plastic muslims that see the end coming and want to stand out as fierce warriors before that time comes. The west could swat Turkey like an annoying fly and not break a sweat. They are all bluff and bluster and will lose face when they are beaten like the curs they are.
I can think of five different reasons, none of them can end up well for Turkey, but I bet you know that already.

Monki, do you think we are Arabia ? or Iran ? or Syria ? or Afghanistan ? Try your chance, because your 60 years old state wont be here on the World so much in any case.
Assuming your furious prophecy will come true that would turn Turkey into something worse than Syria even without an Israeli retaliation.
Assuming your furious prophecy will come true that would turn Turkey into something worse than Syria even without an Israeli retaliation.

Really ? : ) We will be there and much more severe than any other things you have seen until today. You may even pray for Germans to save you, LoL. Wait for us babe : )
If the gas fields are in their territorial waters then they can exploit them. What you mean is your navy is trying to play hard ball when it is a soft ball team

Soft ball team is in World's Top 10 Armies List, with the lowest military budget.

And completely unused to taking on anyone but Greek women and children.
I can think of five different reasons, none of them can end up well for Turkey, but I bet you know that already.

Monki, do you think we are Arabia ? or Iran ? or Syria ? or Afghanistan ? Try your chance, because your 60 years old state wont be here on the World so much in any case.

Do not make threats that you are not able to carry through, as the rest of the free world will show you the error of your ways. And then you will rue the day you rattled your sabres and went to war against an enemy much stronger than you.
Do not make threats that you are not able to carry through, as the rest of the free world will show you the error of your ways. And then you will rue the day you rattled your sabres and went to war against an enemy much stronger than you.

Sorry, there is no "much stronger" enemy of us. There may be some "stronger" countries like US but not "much". We can give these "stronger" enemies a good military lesson on the ground.
Watch what happens when the world banks foreclose on your loans and the tourist industry falls apart. You can kiss goodbye to entering the E.U. as well, and see all the migrant Turks running back home when the EU tells them to leave.

LoooL : ) we are going to see soon what happens to EU.

Are we, I cant wait for that day. You do realise that the gravy train will grind to a halt the day the EU breaks apart. That means all non nationals will be evicted from the former EU nations leaving Turkey with tens of thousands of unemployed and homeless to deal with.
Do not make threats that you are not able to carry through, as the rest of the free world will show you the error of your ways. And then you will rue the day you rattled your sabres and went to war against an enemy much stronger than you.

Sorry, there is no "much stronger" enemy of us. There may be some "stronger" countries like US but not "much". We can give these "stronger" enemies a good military lesson on the ground.

But it wont be on the ground will it, so you have lost the war already. The US could park a sub in the med and fire missiles at every major city in Turkey and you would not know what hit you. You would need to grow wings and gills overnight to fight back against the armed forces flattening your armies and airfields. Your tiny navy would be sank within 1 hour of your first attack and again you would not see it coming.
But it wont be on the ground will it, so you have lost the war already. The US could park a sub in the med and fire missiles at every major city in Turkey and you would not know what hit you. You would need to grow wings and gills overnight to fight back against the armed forces flattening your armies and airfields. Your tiny navy would be sank within 1 hour of your first attack and again you would not see it coming.

I knew you will say that. I didnt use the "ground" in the real meaning, I used it as "practice". Do you think that US will park subs in the Med and fire rockets and we will just watch them ? I dont think US subs or long range missiles or planes could approach near Turkiye so much during a possible warfare.
. Your tiny navy would be sank within 1 hour of your first attack and again you would not see it coming.

I think you dont know that our some navy ships are technologically superior from many navy ships of other World countries.

Like these ones below

But it wont be on the ground will it, so you have lost the war already. The US could park a sub in the med and fire missiles at every major city in Turkey and you would not know what hit you. You would need to grow wings and gills overnight to fight back against the armed forces flattening your armies and airfields. Your tiny navy would be sank within 1 hour of your first attack and again you would not see it coming.

I knew you will say that. I didnt use the "ground" in the real meaning, I used it as "practice". Do you think that US will park subs in the Med and fire rockets and we will just watch them ? I dont think US subs or long range missiles or planes could approach near Turkiye so much during a possible warfare.

Then you have no intelligence regarding modern warfare. Missiles launched from the US that go hyper-sonic as they leave the Earths atmosphere could reach turkey in a matter of hours and unload their cargo of small bombs with pin-point accuracy on your airfields and army barracks. Then carriers in the North sea and Arabian sea could launch fighter bombers to back up those coming from Iraq, Saudi and Europe. Then the subs carrying standard warheads could deploy from the same areas. You will not know which way to turn and your air force and navy would be decimated before you could blink. Your radar is old school and cant detect hyper-sonic ICBM's or orbiting missiles. You need something along these lines to detect ICBM's


and its coverage

Lotsa bitter, frustrated Turkish hot air. Whatever happened to Turkey's increased Med presence? How's that Gaza flotilla thing going? Remember this:
Turkey: Navy To Increase Mediterranean Presence
Situation Reports
September 3, 2011
Turkey will expand its presence in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Turkish officials told the Hurriyet Daily News, Haaretz reported Sept. 3. A Turkish official said Israeli naval forces will no longer be able to threaten civilian ships. The Turkish navy will increase patrols and pursue a more aggressive strategy as part of the plan, which is in response to a U.N. report on the 2010 Gaza flotilla. Turkish naval vessels will escort civilian ships carrying aid to the Gaza Strip.

Turkish navy is not increasing anything in the Med one sided. Our navy is patrolling there to prevent British doggies Jews and Greeks to steal natural gas and patrol reserves.
Notice the "Jews" instead of "Israelis"
1.8 million Arab Muslim Israelis and about 250,000 Christian Israelis, dumbass.


Here is one of my favourite Iranian jokes that I ve translated to English for you all hope you like it Jokes

One day there was a king who had the the most beautiful daughter anyone had ever seen.
Everyone wanted to sleep with his daughter so he thought he would make a game of this.

King: "Anyone who can wrestle my lion and kill it will be given permission fuck my daughter"

For days men would turn up from all over the land to try and kill the lion and would fail miserably. Finally a Turkish man showed up and went into the empty arena with the lion.

They were wrestling for about 30 minutes and everyone could hear loud screams from both.

After 45 minutes the door opens and the Turkish man walks out batterer and bruised takes a deep breath, brushes off his shoulder and says "Right, so who do I have to kill?"

EDIT: sorry that some of you don't get it, Most iranian jokes are about Turks being stupid. The Turk basically goes through all of that effort and messes up the order. He thought he had to fuck the lion.
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1.8 million Arab Muslim Israelis and about 250,000 Christian Israelis, dumbass.

Idiot, they are treated as slaves of Jewoshits. They have no power on Israeli politics.

They have the same exact rights as other Israelis, you ignorant Turkish dumbass!

Do Turks say Turkish jokes to each other at parties?

A Turk goes to a carwash, but without his car. They ask him: “Why don’t you bring your car?” he says: “Because my office is only a short distance away, and so I decided that I walk here.”
Missiles launched from the US that go hyper-sonic as they leave the Earths atmosphere could reach turkey in a matter of hours and unload their cargo of small bombs with pin-point accuracy on your airfields and army barracks.

Imagine world of a monkey. You should watch less TV.

I don't need to watch TV as I live close to a DEW line station, and 5 armed forces installations. Did you see the video of the Iraqi General denying that the US were close to taking Bagdad, and the scud missile tapped him on the shoulder and said boo.

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