Twinkie Eating Contest Held in Tunica Mississippi



Makin' me HONGRY!!!

I bought a box the other day...ate one on the way home...finished off the box within 30 minutes of arrival. I think they added something during the black-out period.

Cocaine...maybe...? You can't eat just one and stop.
I agree. They make a great snack. However in my case, box would be plural, and I would empty out the box(es) faster than I can open em up.
Lighten up Francis'...
You should give some thought to why that is the best answer you can come up with.

You should give some thought as to why you're having anal issues with this. :dunno:
Anal issues?

The spectacle of a bunch of people competitively gorging themselves with food to demonstrate nothing more than their respective capacities is as pointlessly stupid as a pissing contest. Worse, it is an exhibition of dumb gluttony and nothing more. If you disagree you should be looking more closely at your own psyche. And the only reason I've bothered to respond to your comments is I had given you more credit.

My mistake.
You should give some thought to why that is the best answer you can come up with.

You should give some thought as to why you're having anal issues with this. :dunno:
Anal issues?

The spectacle of a bunch of people competitively gorging themselves with food to demonstrate nothing more than their respective capacities is as pointlessly stupid as a pissing contest. Worse, it is an exhibition of dumb gluttony and nothing more. If you disagree you should be looking more closely at your own psyche. And the only reason I've bothered to respond to your comments is I had given you more credit.

My mistake.

Who said I disagreed? You're obviously missing the "lighten up Frances" statement. Not all of us are tilting at windmills everyday.
You should give some thought as to why you're having anal issues with this. :dunno:
Anal issues?

The spectacle of a bunch of people competitively gorging themselves with food to demonstrate nothing more than their respective capacities is as pointlessly stupid as a pissing contest. Worse, it is an exhibition of dumb gluttony and nothing more. If you disagree you should be looking more closely at your own psyche. And the only reason I've bothered to respond to your comments is I had given you more credit.

My mistake.

Who said I disagreed? You're obviously missing the "lighten up Frances" statement. Not all of us are tilting at windmills everyday.
Every summer until Coney Island closed down last year, Nathan's Coney Island sponsored a hot dog eating contest in which half-a-dozen idiots stood at a table stuffing hot dogs in their mouths. The scene was not unlike pigs at a feeding trough.

Why does that bother me?

There was a time when it wouldn't bother me. Back about forty or so years when the United States was highly respected by most of the developed world. That is no longer true. Today America is thought of as a murderous, greedy, bullying empire and there is no shortage of relatively sophisticated entities which are preoccupied with spreading anti-American propaganda.

I would see the Coney Island hot-dog eating contest on the 6 O'clock news every summer. To me it was half-a-dozen idiots making fools of themselves. To the peasant in some foreign country who is barely able to feed his kids once a day that video clip means something quite different. And I don't know how you feel about it but considering the present state of international politics would you agree the U.S. doesn't need to be hated any more than it presently is.
You should give some thought as to why you're having anal issues with this. :dunno:
Anal issues?

The spectacle of a bunch of people competitively gorging themselves with food to demonstrate nothing more than their respective capacities is as pointlessly stupid as a pissing contest. Worse, it is an exhibition of dumb gluttony and nothing more. If you disagree you should be looking more closely at your own psyche. And the only reason I've bothered to respond to your comments is I had given you more credit.

My mistake.

Who said I disagreed? You're obviously missing the "lighten up Frances" statement. Not all of us are tilting at windmills everyday.
I shouldn't need to remind you this is a discussion forum in which opinions are freely expressed. If you say something I disagree with I either will present an argument or I will mind my own business. To issue snide comments is schoolyard nonsense which I would expect from some here but not from you.
Anal issues?

The spectacle of a bunch of people competitively gorging themselves with food to demonstrate nothing more than their respective capacities is as pointlessly stupid as a pissing contest. Worse, it is an exhibition of dumb gluttony and nothing more. If you disagree you should be looking more closely at your own psyche. And the only reason I've bothered to respond to your comments is I had given you more credit.

My mistake.

Who said I disagreed? You're obviously missing the "lighten up Frances" statement. Not all of us are tilting at windmills everyday.
Every summer until Coney Island closed down last year, Nathan's Coney Island sponsored a hot dog eating contest in which half-a-dozen idiots stood at a table stuffing hot dogs in their mouths. The scene was not unlike pigs at a feeding trough.

Why does that bother me?

There was a time when it wouldn't bother me. Back about forty or so years when the United States was highly respected by most of the developed world. That is no longer true. Today America is thought of as a murderous, greedy, bullying empire and there is no shortage of relatively sophisticated entities which are preoccupied with spreading anti-American propaganda.

I would see the Coney Island hot-dog eating contest on the 6 O'clock news every summer. To me it was half-a-dozen idiots making fools of themselves. To the peasant in some foreign country who is barely able to feed his kids once a day that video clip means something quite different. And I don't know how you feel about it but considering the present state of international politics would you agree the U.S. doesn't need to be hated any more than it presently is.

That's a bit of a stretch. The US has been and will always be hated by someone, that's the basic reality. It's also loved and respected by many, that also is the reality. The other result to someone seeing that on TV (in another country, barely able to feed his kids) might be, "we have to get to the land of plenty".
Stop focusing on only the negative, generally politicians and charity promoters use that to sway their adherents and create more followers/donors, basically it's a "sales" gimmick.
By car to Memphis...

Did you go to Slick Willy's BBQ?

Nope, but I did hit Gus's Fried Chicken (best fucking fried chicken I've ever had), Silky O'Sullivan's, Corky's, and Charles Vergo's Rendezvous.

Also checked out those ducks...

Best fried chicken I ever had was in a little German town in Michigan called Frankenmouth. All you can eat Chicken dinners at The Baverian Inn. The whole town is so fun. Little speciality shops, a Christmas store open year round.

It's an experience.
Wow! I wonder if anybody, in this sort of eating contests, has ever ruptured the stomach ....stuffing such a huge amount of food, all at once!:eek:
Did you go to Slick Willy's BBQ?

Nope, but I did hit Gus's Fried Chicken (best fucking fried chicken I've ever had), Silky O'Sullivan's, Corky's, and Charles Vergo's Rendezvous.

Also checked out those ducks...

Best fried chicken I ever had was in a little German town in Michigan called Frankenmouth. All you can eat Chicken dinners at The Baverian Inn. The whole town is so fun. Little speciality shops, a Christmas store open year round.

It's an experience.

I've been to that place.
yes, bust something :eek:

Not too many of them are ever fat but it truly makes me kind of ill to see them stuffing their faces like that.

I know... how can they do it.... one man ate 66 hot dogs in 12 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!


Their stomachs must fill up eating so fast and so much. I just can't imagine it. I've been full before on much less. Amazing.
Every summer until Coney Island closed down last year, Nathan's Coney Island sponsored a hot dog eating contest in which half-a-dozen idiots stood at a table stuffing hot dogs in their mouths. The scene was not unlike pigs at a feeding trough.

Why does that bother me?

There was a time when it wouldn't bother me. Back about forty or so years when the United States was highly respected by most of the developed world. That is no longer true. Today America is thought of as a murderous, greedy, bullying empire and there is no shortage of relatively sophisticated entities which are preoccupied with spreading anti-American propaganda.

I would see the Coney Island hot-dog eating contest on the 6 O'clock news every summer. To me it was half-a-dozen idiots making fools of themselves. To the peasant in some foreign country who is barely able to feed his kids once a day that video clip means something quite different. And I don't know how you feel about it but considering the present state of international politics would you agree the U.S. doesn't need to be hated any more than it presently is.

If anyone in a foreign country is going to do something so stupid as to hate America after watching an advertisement, which is exactly what eating contests are, then why should any American care about what they think? I think that peasant should probably be asking his own government why there isn't enough money or food in the country for him to feed his kids.
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Did you go to Slick Willy's BBQ?

Nope, but I did hit Gus's Fried Chicken (best fucking fried chicken I've ever had), Silky O'Sullivan's, Corky's, and Charles Vergo's Rendezvous.

Also checked out those ducks...

Best fried chicken I ever had was in a little German town in Michigan called Frankenmouth. All you can eat Chicken dinners at The Baverian Inn. The whole town is so fun. Little speciality shops, a Christmas store open year round.

It's an experience.

Believe it or not, Zehnder's has better chicken than the Bavarian Inn. Bavarian Inn has awesome veal though.
Nope, but I did hit Gus's Fried Chicken (best fucking fried chicken I've ever had), Silky O'Sullivan's, Corky's, and Charles Vergo's Rendezvous.

Also checked out those ducks...

Best fried chicken I ever had was in a little German town in Michigan called Frankenmouth. All you can eat Chicken dinners at The Baverian Inn. The whole town is so fun. Little speciality shops, a Christmas store open year round.

It's an experience.

Believe it or not, Zehnder's has better chicken than the Bavarian Inn. Bavarian Inn has awesome veal though.

I guess it's a matter of taste (buds). My parents always took us to the Bavarian Inn. I don't think I've ever gone across the street to Zehnder's.

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