Two Arab little girls in south injured from rocket fire

Pound them to the floor whoever did it, thought they was African girls America opened a Salvation Army close to this city to help recently keep this account. This about the Israelites I believe they was the first kings because of developing religion a new nation must arise and be amongst the Palestinians and they must be with us in the truth and literature sports. Good grades basic stuff, next level teachings are for hobby and teacher does hobby rule with introducing interest artistic teaching suppose, to be with approval is the award for the student. That is al teachers get to known, teacher must known student teacher is a doctor and good health physician when come to social security from now on. My king days different they was looking to do damage, there is no drug that should ever let me fall off. I have Levites honor as a man, I lose a heart to iPad then I get a heart prepared to go to war for what I actually believe from an emergency room. These two Arab girls must become African Americans but never forget Palestine creed and get prominent in huge United States the community and church must receive them like they received Joseph when Jamel reside as alien resident because of Palestinian judicial they like to clean their male everyday please accept them into our elementary schools near home tome Chicago not ghetto but real talk. Could be a tribe, first group get loving kindness from desperate Heavenly Father then the other two could be blessed. War in Iran over what about desirable kingdom interest privately with our family over Iraq and how United States and fore bearers talk to us and the future of our conversation about Asia and how somebody like john Kerry trying to get any man or woman on the street and clean male to open up kingdom of heaven and everybody hiding I am waiting for this to happen because I am a greatest businessman to the Chinese on the planet wait until they wake up . How they blaspheme, my move to speak with th deaf they go to the hall they could but not a woman not even my mom or dad does that unless clean manly and compassionate dealings with me and Joseph and Betty to them. Then they talk about Europe how they could stop our plans of Latin America and New Mexico saving new Jerusalem for everybody to be a king out of new world translation is mighty and has talent from life to capture some people you need, to make 50 states go away they could go to you all and we can help these people get a better education and they can do the same and war could be over. I could go to war forever and ever about these people and oh many other people who wants to send African Americans against white American slave masters wing each other then bring the young Arab who they want to give to Abraham give the young Arabs to those of Gaza and they must speak to them let them get their heart and mind together to get the attention off us and that their people get eye service no matter if it's bin laden or a group of immigrants trying to get their life in check those were drunks or drug addicts that introduced us crack and medical marijuana. Immigrants don't run it, the private I like how they did locally so he deserve credibility. But Gaza suppose to be anointed by pope Francis which is my youngest brother Joseph lee cannon is great host like Latin America and California heavenly places where we want to reside as presidential tenants after we built our own houses we was born here in this country unlike them but they become blessed by us and instantly receive the love they are looking for and hosted by us. Please surprise us with better love in the news.amen
Where is fangless' screeching about how every country in Europe has bulldozed Romani settlements????

It's really the same thing: 'illegal' housing not built to code, no building permits, no legit utility services (though sometimes they leech off power/water mains nearby).

There are legal but 'unincorporated' townlets in West Virginia, US, where the residents don't have public water supply - or a police force, or a fire department. Homes have actually burned down while different volunteer fire companies argued over whose territory the place was in...... They don't incorporate to save money on taxes: they just leech off the township or county for those.
Pound them to the floor whoever did it, thought they was African girls America opened a Salvation Army close to this city to help recently keep this account. This about the Israelites I believe they was the first kings because of developing religion a new nation must arise and be amongst the Palestinians and they must be with us in the truth and literature sports. Good grades basic stuff, next level teachings are for hobby and teacher does hobby rule with introducing interest artistic teaching suppose, to be with approval is the award for the student. That is al teachers get to known, teacher must known student teacher is a doctor and good health physician when come to social security from now on. My king days different they was looking to do damage, there is no drug that should ever let me fall off. I have Levites honor as a man, I lose a heart to iPad then I get a heart prepared to go to war for what I actually believe from an emergency room. These two Arab girls must become African Americans but never forget Palestine creed and get prominent in huge United States the community and church must receive them like they received Joseph when Jamel reside as alien resident because of Palestinian judicial they like to clean their male everyday please accept them into our elementary schools near home tome Chicago not ghetto but real talk. Could be a tribe, first group get loving kindness from desperate Heavenly Father then the other two could be blessed. War in Iran over what about desirable kingdom interest privately with our family over Iraq and how United States and fore bearers talk to us and the future of our conversation about Asia and how somebody like john Kerry trying to get any man or woman on the street and clean male to open up kingdom of heaven and everybody hiding I am waiting for this to happen because I am a greatest businessman to the Chinese on the planet wait until they wake up . How they blaspheme, my move to speak with th deaf they go to the hall they could but not a woman not even my mom or dad does that unless clean manly and compassionate dealings with me and Joseph and Betty to them. Then they talk about Europe how they could stop our plans of Latin America and New Mexico saving new Jerusalem for everybody to be a king out of new world translation is mighty and has talent from life to capture some people you need, to make 50 states go away they could go to you all and we can help these people get a better education and they can do the same and war could be over. I could go to war forever and ever about these people and oh many other people who wants to send African Americans against white American slave masters wing each other then bring the young Arab who they want to give to Abraham give the young Arabs to those of Gaza and they must speak to them let them get their heart and mind together to get the attention off us and that their people get eye service no matter if it's bin laden or a group of immigrants trying to get their life in check those were drunks or drug addicts that introduced us crack and medical marijuana. Immigrants don't run it, the private I like how they did locally so he deserve credibility. But Gaza suppose to be anointed by pope Francis which is my youngest brother Joseph lee cannon is great host like Latin America and California heavenly places where we want to reside as presidential tenants after we built our own houses we was born here in this country unlike them but they become blessed by us and instantly receive the love they are looking for and hosted by us. Please surprise us with better love in the news.amen

I'm sorry, but what language is this really written in? Ever heard of paragraphs? I cannot read this block, it gives me a headache and makes absolutely zero sense.

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