Two short videos perfectly sum up the climate change scam


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Two short videos perfectly sum up the climate change scam

27 Jun 2023 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

While it’s obvious that humankind can destroy its local environments (and has been doing that for millennia), it is equally obvious that the Earth’s climate trends are unaffected by humankind’s limited industrial abilities. I just caught up with two videos from May that show just how ridiculous the climate scam is…and how it’s being used to enrich our most powerful geopolitical opponent to our great detriment.
First, a few points about climate from the history major’s perspective:
The Bronze Age collapse, which saw all the thriving civilizations around the Mediterranean vanish at the beginning of the 12th century B.C., was almost certainly driven by a megadrought and a series of earthquakes. In other words,
no human agency.
The Black Death occurred after a long warming period that had seen Europe’s population grow dramatically, with trade routes spread ever further north in what’s now northern China. As the Little Ice Age set in, so did famine, weakening Europe’s population. When the cold caused trade routes to shift into regions with plague endemic amongst local rodents, that plague killed one-half to one-third of Europe’s weakened population. Again, no human agency behind that climate change.
We are inconsequential—the climate changes due to its own rhythm. In the scheme of things, humans account for only a small percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere.
What climatistas don’t acknowledge is that a slightly warmer world is human-friendly because it releases into the atmosphere water that’s usually trapped in ice. Water, not alcohol, is the true aqua vitae. No water; no life. When there’s drought or cold, people die. (For more on the risks from a coming natural cooling cycle, I recommend this and this.)
For the climatistas, logic clouds reason and even the survival instinct. Their vision of paradise is a world unsullied by humans. I was reminded of this when I saw the following post on Facebook:

There you see the true face of a climate bureaucrat: a robot whose programming breaks when asked to go beyond its indoctrinated universe and engage with reality.
Given that the purported climate goal is ridiculous, and the left knows it, why the huge push for “clean energy” and those “renewables”? Ms. Furchtgott-Roth, from the Heritage Foundation, testified that eliminating fossil fuels would do nothing to alter the earth’s temperature in a meaningful way…but it will enrich China at our expense:

A warming earth is a human-friendly earth, nothing we do will change the climate, and everything we are doing will impoverish and weaken us.

FEAR is more powerful than Science!!!
In the fantasy world devoid of any reality, within the hubris mind of modern the Maoist Democrat Leftist person, He/she believes that humans can actually control the temperature of the earth. It is this same Leftist creature that thinks a human can change their sex if they think they were somehow “born” into the “wrong” body. All magical Marxist thinking.
humans account for only a small percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere

And we have two and only two measures of atmospheric temperatures, satellites and balloons, and both showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2, proving that Co2 does absolutely NOTHING...
And we have two and only two measures of atmospheric temperatures,
Do lower atmospheric temperatures indicate climate change?
Do higher atmospheric temperatures indicate climate change?

Or should we just place our confidence in AGW being impossible because the god wouldn't allow it?
Do lower atmospheric temperatures indicate climate change?
Do higher atmospheric temperatures indicate climate change?

Or should we just place our confidence in AGW being impossible because the god wouldn't allow it?

First you must define climate vs. weather, and they are not the same.

Earth climate is dictated by how much ice it has.

Ice determines ocean levels, temperature, atmospheric thickness, and humidity

A change, a statistically significant real change in atmospheric temperature would indicate a change in climate, assuming it was not a "one time event" like a giant volcano.

They never had that. They never even documented that increasing atmospheric Co2 warms the atmosphere. They were REFUTED and then they FUDGED...


Two short videos perfectly sum up the climate change scam

27 Jun 2023 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

While it’s obvious that humankind can destroy its local environments (and has been doing that for millennia), it is equally obvious that the Earth’s climate trends are unaffected by humankind’s limited industrial abilities. I just caught up with two videos from May that show just how ridiculous the climate scam is…and how it’s being used to enrich our most powerful geopolitical opponent to our great detriment.
First, a few points about climate from the history major’s perspective:
The Bronze Age collapse, which saw all the thriving civilizations around the Mediterranean vanish at the beginning of the 12th century B.C., was almost certainly driven by a megadrought and a series of earthquakes. In other words,
no human agency.
The Black Death occurred after a long warming period that had seen Europe’s population grow dramatically, with trade routes spread ever further north in what’s now northern China. As the Little Ice Age set in, so did famine, weakening Europe’s population. When the cold caused trade routes to shift into regions with plague endemic amongst local rodents, that plague killed one-half to one-third of Europe’s weakened population. Again, no human agency behind that climate change.
We are inconsequential—the climate changes due to its own rhythm. In the scheme of things, humans account for only a small percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere.
What climatistas don’t acknowledge is that a slightly warmer world is human-friendly because it releases into the atmosphere water that’s usually trapped in ice. Water, not alcohol, is the true aqua vitae. No water; no life. When there’s drought or cold, people die. (For more on the risks from a coming natural cooling cycle, I recommend this and this.)
For the climatistas, logic clouds reason and even the survival instinct. Their vision of paradise is a world unsullied by humans. I was reminded of this when I saw the following post on Facebook:

There you see the true face of a climate bureaucrat: a robot whose programming breaks when asked to go beyond its indoctrinated universe and engage with reality.
Given that the purported climate goal is ridiculous, and the left knows it, why the huge push for “clean energy” and those “renewables”? Ms. Furchtgott-Roth, from the Heritage Foundation, testified that eliminating fossil fuels would do nothing to alter the earth’s temperature in a meaningful way…but it will enrich China at our expense:

A warming earth is a human-friendly earth, nothing we do will change the climate, and everything we are doing will impoverish and weaken us.

FEAR is more powerful than Science!!!
In the fantasy world devoid of any reality, within the hubris mind of modern the Maoist Democrat Leftist person, He/she believes that humans can actually control the temperature of the earth. It is this same Leftist creature that thinks a human can change their sex if they think they were somehow “born” into the “wrong” body. All magical Marxist thinking.

I like this,

In the fantasy world devoid of any reality, within the hubris mind of modern the Maoist Democrat Leftist person, He/she believes that humans can actually control the temperature of the earth.

"Hubris mind of modern Maoist Democrat". Then this, from the OP linked article,

But of course, a humanity-free earth wouldn’t reveal anything at all because the Earth has meaning only because humans provide that meaning. It is our higher consciousness that sees both beauty and ugliness. Without that, it’s just a matter of animals, red of tooth and claw, mindlessly and instinctively struggling against each other to survive.

Wow, just wow.
First you must define climate vs. weather, and they are not the same.
No, you're not right about that. They 'can' be the same as well as being different.
Can you explain for us the reason why I'm right?

If you can then I may condescend to come down to your level of discussion.

If you can't then we're finished before we get started!
No, you're not right about that. They 'can' be the same as well as being different.
Can you explain for us the reason why I'm right?

If you can then I may condescend to come down to your level of discussion.

If you can't then we're finished before we get started!

Climate is the set of parameters that define what Earth can and cannot do with its weather.

If Earth had two polar oceans, it would have no ice, higher oceans, thicker atmosphere, warmer everything, and Cat 10 canes.

If Earth had two polar continents, two Antarcticas, it would have twice the ice, lower oceans, thinner atmosphere, colder everything, and likely Canes only up to Cat 2.

Two short videos perfectly sum up the climate change scam

27 Jun 2023 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

While it’s obvious that humankind can destroy its local environments (and has been doing that for millennia), it is equally obvious that the Earth’s climate trends are unaffected by humankind’s limited industrial abilities.
It is NOT "equally obvious that the Earth's climaite trends are unaffected by humankind's... industrial abilities"
I just caught up with two videos from May that show just how ridiculous the climate scam is…and how it’s being used to enrich our most powerful geopolitical opponent to our great detriment.
First, a few points about climate from the history major’s perspective:
The Bronze Age collapse, which saw all the thriving civilizations around the Mediterranean vanish at the beginning of the 12th century B.C., was almost certainly driven by a megadrought and a series of earthquakes. In other words,
no human agency.
The Black Death occurred after a long warming period that had seen Europe’s population grow dramatically, with trade routes spread ever further north in what’s now northern China. As the Little Ice Age set in, so did famine, weakening Europe’s population. When the cold caused trade routes to shift into regions with plague endemic amongst local rodents, that plague killed one-half to one-third of Europe’s weakened population. Again, no human agency behind that climate change.
These demonstrate nothing. This is precisely analogous to Mamooth's argument that precisely such logic would tell us humans cannot cause forest fires.
We are inconsequential—the climate changes due to its own rhythm.
The climate always changes in response to forcing. Deniers are constantly attempting to suggest that its changes are random and spontaneous. That, of course, is blatant nonsense.
In the scheme of things, humans account for only a small percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Since the Industrial Revolution, human emissions have increased the atmosphere's CO2 level by 50% driving it from 280ppm to 420 ppm. Modern humans appeared 200,000 years ago but no hominid since Australopithecus, 3 million years ago, has seen CO2 levels above 300 ppm.
What climatistas don’t acknowledge is that a slightly warmer world is human-friendly because it releases into the atmosphere water that’s usually trapped in ice. Water, not alcohol, is the true aqua vitae. No water; no life. When there’s drought or cold, people die.
What YOU are not acknowledging is that we are facing a great deal more than "a slightly warmer world" but that the problem is NOT the absolute temperature, but the RATE at which we are changing. Temperatures have not risen as rapidly as they are now at ANY point in the last dozen glacial cycles. Neither humans nor any other form of life on this planet can adapt fast enough to survive unaffected.
For the climatistas, logic clouds reason and even the survival instinct.
Logic clouds reason? That's an interesting comment.
Their vision of paradise is a world unsullied by humans.
And you have a problem with that?
I was reminded of this when I saw the following post on Facebook:
Who the fuck cares what you found on Facebook? Your link, btw, goes to Twitter.
There you see the true face of a climate bureaucrat: a robot whose programming breaks when asked to go beyond its indoctrinated universe and engage with reality.
Given that the purported climate goal is ridiculous, and the left knows it, why the huge push for “clean energy” and those “renewables”? Ms. Furchtgott-Roth, from the Heritage Foundation, testified that eliminating fossil fuels would do nothing to alter the earth’s temperature in a meaningful way…but it will enrich China at our expense. A warming earth is a human-friendly earth, nothing we do will change the climate, and everything we are doing will impoverish and weaken us.
Furchgott-Roth is an economist. She has ZERO experience in climate science, physics, chemistry or geology. Diana Furchtgott-Roth
FEAR is more powerful than Science!!!
Probably. The strongest motivation is the avoidance of pain. But since my side of this argument is relying on enormous amounts of science, I'm not sure why you would bring this up.
In the fantasy world devoid of any reality, within the hubris mind of modern the Maoist Democrat Leftist person, He/she believes that humans can actually control the temperature of the earth.
This is a common misstatement. Science does NOT say that humans can CONTROL the temperature of the Earth, they say that by unbridled action over more than a century we have unintentionally affected the temperature and thus the climate of this planet but that if we act rapidly with knowledge, wisdom and the needed commitment, we might be able to ameliorate the suffering, cost and harm we now face.

Kerry gets transported by the US government. The jet you're referring to belonged to Flying Squirrel LLC plane charters which was owned by his wife. As of his last Congressional hearing, Kerry had not been on a private jet in almost two years.
First you must define climate vs. weather, and they are not the same.

Earth climate is dictated by how much ice it has.

Ice determines ocean levels, temperature, atmospheric thickness, and humidity

A change, a statistically significant real change in atmospheric temperature would indicate a change in climate, assuming it was not a "one time event" like a giant volcano.

They never had that. They never even documented that increasing atmospheric Co2 warms the atmosphere. They were REFUTED and then they FUDGED...

Along with earth's degree of tilt of the angle of Sun rays. the Sun is actually farther from the Northern hemisphere during the Summer cycle.
Thus showing it has nothing to do with human activity. Earth as moved farther away from the Sun, 93 million miles as compared to 91 million.

Along with earth's degree of tilt of the angle of Sun rays. the Sun is actually farther from the Northern hemisphere during the Summer cycle.
Thus showing it has nothing to do with human activity. Earth as moved farther away from the Sun, 93 million miles as compared to 91 million.


The Milankovich Cycles stuff is pathetically laughable. We had this debate here. It ends up with Milan, what I call McBullshit, claiming that 2.5 mile thick glaciers that dug out the Great Lakes originated in Northern Canada (true) and were 75k years old (laughable)...

The Milankovich Cycles stuff is pathetically laughable.
You're a real flat-Earther, aren't you.

Why would you think the Milankovitch Cycles were "pathetically laughable"?

Psst... hint, hint: this is where you explain your thinking. Because in that thread to which you linked, you simply make the same statement. You NEVER provide any evidence, any reasoning, any logic that anyone should believe your claim.

As a point to ponder consider this: The glacial periods we see in the ice core records are rather short-lived. The come and go rapidly. As they are coming, the southern boundary of the northern glaciers proceeds southward. When the cooling stops and reverses, so does the southern limit of glaciation. As we have seen several times here, the Chicago area was near the southernmost limit of glaciation. Thus the are was ice bound only during that short, sharp peak we see in every glacial period for the last million years. 75Kyears is entirely believable.
Last edited:
You're a real flat-Earther, aren't you.

Why would you think the Milankovitch Cycles were "pathetically laughable"?

Psst... hint, hint: this is where you explain your thinking. Because in that thread to which you linked, you simply make the same statement. You NEVER provide any evidence, any reasoning, any logic that anyone should believe your claim.

As a point to ponder consider this: The glacial periods we see in the ice core records are rather short-lived. The come and go rapidly. As they are coming, the southern boundary of the northern glaciers proceeds southward. When the cooling stops and reverses, so does the southern limit of glaciation. As we have seen several times here, the Chicago area was near the southernmost limit of glaciation. Thus the are was ice bound only during that short, sharp peak we see in every glacial period for the last million years. 75Kyears is entirely believable.

We had an entire topic on this. Your side wants us to believe that the 2.5 mile thick ice age glacier that dug out the Great Lakes and originated in northern Canada did so in a mere 75k years, not 50 million which was North American Ice Age prior to 2010.

In short, McBullshit is off by a factor of at least 10 fold in every category of measuring glaciers today.

We only have one place where the glaciers are 2.5 miles thick - Antarctica, and we got 800k years of ice core data from them, and those who did the cores say they can get way more....

So how old is a 2.5 mile thick glacier

75k years

way older than 800k years


DATA, always a BIG PROBLEM for the Co2 fraud
The Milankovich Cycles stuff is pathetically laughable. We had this debate here. It ends up with Milan, what I call McBullshit, claiming that 2.5 mile thick glaciers that dug out the Great Lakes originated in Northern Canada (true) and were 75k years old (laughable)...


What Thawed the Last Ice Age?​

The relatively pleasant global climate of the past 10,000 years is largely thanks to higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide

"We know that the only thing changing in the Northern Hemisphere [20,000 years ago] were these orbital changes" that affect the amount of sunlight striking the far north, explains geologist Peter Clark of Oregon State University, who guided Shakun's research. The melting in the north could have been triggered "because the ice sheets had reached such a size that they had become unstable and were ready to go." This may also help explain the cyclical rise and fall of ice ages over hundreds of thousands of years.

Read more:

What Thawed the Last Ice Age?​

The relatively pleasant global climate of the past 10,000 years is largely thanks to higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide

"We know that the only thing changing in the Northern Hemisphere [20,000 years ago] were these orbital changes" that affect the amount of sunlight striking the far north, explains geologist Peter Clark of Oregon State University, who guided Shakun's research. The melting in the north could have been triggered "because the ice sheets had reached such a size that they had become unstable and were ready to go." This may also help explain the cyclical rise and fall of ice ages over hundreds of thousands of years.

Read more:

Once again, the definition of ice age is completely wrong and deliberately so, and McBullshit argues Earth flops over on its side a lot...


In reality, McBullshit is a re-write of North American Ice Age post 2010 when homO went SILENT for two years...

McBullshit argues 2.5 mile thick glaciers on Chicago originated in northern Canada (correct) and were 75k years old (laughable BULLSHIT).

All of that debate is here so I do not have to keep endlessly posting it over and over every time another McBullshit article is cited...


McBullshit is off by at least a factor of 10 on every measure we have of such glaciers today.

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