Two top NY dem committee chairs in danger of losing primaries


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Damn! Taking out some heavy hitters ain't they! Impressive!

Damn! Taking out some heavy hitters ain't they! Impressive!
The far left is taking over what has become the socialist party. That's very good for Trump!


Damn! Taking out some heavy hitters ain't they! Impressive!
Yeah you're going to be shitting your pants about these new folks the way you do about AOC next year.
I can’t wait to see more Liberals in place of Moderates when Democrats sweep the election. :lol:
Man yall are deranged. Thought after 2016 you idiots would learn something but I guess not. Still believing in the polls. The only thing these far leftists are gonna control are the seats they won from other demoncrats. Personally I like it. Make an EVEN BIGGER divide between GOP and Democrats. IMO both parties need to change, demoncrats are going far left so GOP needs to go even more nationalistic and populist and appeal to blue collar workers. I don't understand what is so hard for the GOP to comprehend that blue collar workers are their bread and butter and can help them win like they did for Trump, instead most of them still kiss big businesses ass.

Damn! Taking out some heavy hitters ain't they! Impressive!
Yeah you're going to be shitting your pants about these new folks the way you do about AOC next year.
Why should I care what they do? Just like her they are gonna be full of hot air, stupid ideas and job killing rhetoric. I'm all for it!
AOC won her primary. So suck on that wingnuts.
Cool, she is fucking hilarious to listen to. Who doesn't want a congresswoman who scared off a HUGE company from employing more workers in my district!?
Can I say to all that call someone like Jamaal Bowman a Far-Left candidate... Bowman would be a centrist in Germany, a country that up till this year ran a surplus (Fiscally Conservative) and Unemployment at 2%(half US), has universal Healthcare, Free University Education, Protects Enviroment...
They are also one of the fairest and most productive countries in the world...

The truth is there is other ways to run countries and calling everything that doesn't agree with your narrow view of the world as Marxist or Communist just shows you to be an idiot that shouldn't be listened too... Now do you want an adult conversation....

Damn! Taking out some heavy hitters ain't they! Impressive!
Yeah you're going to be shitting your pants about these new folks the way you do about AOC next year.
Why do you want to be a Marxist?

Man yall are deranged. Thought after 2016 you idiots would learn something but I guess not. Still believing in the polls.

Thought after 2018 you idiots would learn something, but I guess not. Still believing polls are fake news.

By the way, the polls in 2016 really weren't wrong
Hell yeah! I would love to see that. I find it hilarious plus I despise both of them.
Yeah, they're too conservative and go-along with the Republicans for my part.


They need to be defeated.

Its cool we agree on this issue.
Can I say to all that call someone like Jamaal Bowman a Far-Left candidate... Bowman would be a centrist in Germany, a country that up till this year ran a surplus (Fiscally Conservative) and Unemployment at 2%(half US), has universal Healthcare, Free University Education, Protects Enviroment...
They are also one of the fairest and most productive countries in the world...

The truth is there is other ways to run countries and calling everything that doesn't agree with your narrow view of the world as Marxist or Communist just shows you to be an idiot that shouldn't be listened too... Now do you want an adult conversation....
Yeah, we could run it the same way they run Zimbabwe.

How is Jamaal Bowman a "centrist?"
Hell yeah! I would love to see that. I find it hilarious plus I despise both of them.
Yeah, they're too conservative and go-along with the Republicans for my part.


They need to be defeated.

Its cool we agree on this issue.
When did Pelosi and Schumer compromise with Republicans? I am truly baffled they EVER did unless it was under some supposed republican president like Bush who acted like a democrat on many issues...its never been with Trump unless I am missing something. Yep we agree of course for different reasons but yes we agree.

View attachment 354478
BREAKING: Jamaal Bowman Beats Corporate Democrat Eliot Engel in LANDSLIDE!

Congrats! I love seeing politicians who have been office since I was 3 years old defeated I don't care which side of the aisle it is its nice to see them GONE

Damn! Taking out some heavy hitters ain't they! Impressive!
The American Taliban replacing far Leftists with ideological purists.

Xi is smiling

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