Tyson Foods’ Iowa plant to permanently close

meaning the democrat president has done nothing to prevent the rise in the cost of beef and the decline in the availability of food

can you explain what the role of the President is when it comes to the cost of beef?
you just called Biden insane, he kinda admitted it when he claimed all presidents before him had let in almost as many. Maybe you are not counting ones granted asylum who entered and proceeded illegally? Don't they count technically too? So it might be more than 50 million even if you are honest about the term illegal.
And of course once they cross, they acquire super human status of being completely undetectable and never dying.

Cutting each other’s throats, eh? Side effects of the Republican Civil War? :cool-45:
Its really not much different than what Sri Lanka and Malaysia did to Korea, China and Japan. Korea, China and Japan undercut western workforces only to have 4th world nations undercut them.
Our good friends the Aliens will be really annoyed if their opportunities to mutilate cattle are reduced .

They will increase their humans quotas, which will infuriate you if your number comes up when driving home late one night .
They can still make perfect, fractal crop circles
It is true, there are over 50 million illegal aliens in this country.

It is really amazing how naive, how ignorant, the supporters of democrats are. It as if the democrat base has no brain.

Anything said, the democrat base believes. For the last 30 to 40 years the number of illegal aliens reported in this country has remained 10,000,000. It never changes, how is that possible.

Today 5000 a day is crossing the border, 35,000 a week, 14 million a year, in the last three years that is 42 million.

This has been going on for how long? Decades? Cut the number to 1 million a year, in the last 40 years how many illegal aliens is that?

If only you were right candycorn, instead of being criminally naive.
Just out of curiosity...wouldn’t having 50M more mouthes to feed be a good thing for Tyson? I mean...some of them probably eat chicken, right?
meaning the democrat president has done nothing to prevent the rise in the cost of beef and the decline in the availability of food

You mean the inflation caused by Trump?
Liberals (vegetarians) won't be happy until they've put all meatpackers out of work.
There Is No Such Thing as a Land of the Free That Is Not Also the Home of the Brave

Nature has a way of reinforcing itself. Our bodies are still in the state created back when it took a lot of courage to hunt wild animals. So eating meat still gives us courage, which is a threat to the united ruling class, the Harvard HeirHead Hierarchy. Cowardice is the crime that enables all their tyranny, which is why our self-appointed rulers promote it.

Richkids are sissies who fear all masculine images. Under the elitist Constitution, their Daddies sponsor all our laws and buy the love of their brats that way.

Creating courage is why the British soldiers who have the most important duty, guarding the royal family, are called "Beefeaters."
You likely get no benefits if you live in TN either.

Back in Texas, you'd hear how plants relocated there all the time. Then either that same year or the year after, you'd have a bond election on the November ballot. Why? Usually it was for road construction (the new plants destroyed a lot of the roads) or building schools. Why did they need a bond election with all of these new industries moving in? Because to get them to move in, the agreement is that they pay little or no taxes. Oh...they do bring jobs...Lyondell, Cheniere, Hoechst and the like did hire people; usually from temp firms who didn't pay squat. So the tax base never really expanded all that much except in the odd times when populations were expanding. Automation wiped out most of that expansion.

Red state logic at its finest.
The "Invisible Hand" Is the One Picking Your Pocket

The Free Market enables the same kind of tyranny, waste, self-serving, and contempt for the public as Statism does. Both are run by the same toxic class.
Capitalism provided the right to employers to hire and fire workers.
Capitalism also provides workers with the right to strike.

It's only an issue of companies being more profitable with low paid immigrant workers.
This is only honouring the long held position of capitalism on 'supply and demand' of workers willing to do the job.

Those who are objecting to this seem to be advocating for more social responsibility of employers. That's accomplished by adding in a bit of socialism to the American capitalist way.
Bluebloods Are Mortal Enemies of Blue Collar

Yet the Socialists are sponsoring this cheap-labor invasion. They inherited power from their Republican fathers, who also caused the Civil War. That invasion was motivated by economic White Replacement; the sweatshoppers believe that freed Africans would make humble and grateful cheap labor, replacing the proud Whites who had just started unionizing.

Typically, one Abolitionist leader, whose sister had written the WOKE Uncle Tom's Cabin, inadvertently exposed the Robber Barons' scheme when he said this about the White working class, "Anyone who can't live on bread and water doesn't deserve to live."
In America the only thing to do if fire the lazy good for nothing workers demanding high wages and hire immigrants who are willing to work for 5 bucks an hour.

It's an American employers' right and there can be no regulations or worker protections standing in the way!

Uncontrolled and unhampered employers' rights are wots good for America!

fk the unions in America! Wit ununs dere is too much strengt.
Science Is for Suckers

Employee-inventors must also unionize and abolish corporate patents. A typical exploited geek was Kary Mullis, His homo erectus bosses gave him a bonus of $30,000 for his invention, then sold it for $300,000,000! The genius got one penny for every hundred dollars the blowhard Low IQs got. The inventor of Valium got the same raw deal, and so did the inventor of television.
By: Axel Turcios, Scripps News Staff

Posted at 7:56 PM, Mar 13, 2024

and last updated 6:57 PM, Mar 13, 2024

New York City shelters are overwhelmed with migrants.
Many of them have arrived in Texas or Florida and then taken buses to New York, where shelter and benefits are guaranteed. However, the city is scrambling as the number continues to climb

Nueva York will soon have to change the name of the Yankees, because it is racista.
And of course once they cross, they acquire super human status of being completely undetectable and never dying.
you are the ones saying they
1)never vote
2)never kill
3)no terrorists are getting through
and your party gets dead people votes-checkmate!
You mean the inflation caused by Trump?
you call the prices going down, under trump, and the price of beef dropped dramatically under trump, you are calling declining prices, inflation,

the least you can do is try to make a reasonable argument instead of being a fool
Just out of curiosity...wouldn’t having 50M more mouthes to feed be a good thing for Tyson? I mean...some of them probably eat chicken, right?
tyson does not feed them, we do, I do, my tax money does, how is it good that I must labor for you, yes, the democrat party never gave up slavery, they simply found new slaves, and many fools, you being one of the biggest
can you explain what the role of the President is when it comes to the cost of beef?
What role does the single most powerful man in the world have when it comes to the cost of beef?

It is interesting, not one single issue is the fault of Biden, because all of you worshippers, claim the president has no power

Yet, when it comes to Trump, he can not be president because he will have all the power of the presidency?

How is it that the Democrat president is not responsible for anything, has no power to change a thing, but Trump is to be feared?

The president drives inflation by demanding and advocating for more spending. The president is the voice of,, and advocate of Net Zero, the Green Economy, which is costing trillions.

The president has made executive orders, and statements, that drove up the price of fuel. Fuel is our standard of living.

The threads here are full of examples of the Democrat policies, each policy effects everything we need, to live. Each policy effects our standard of living.

I do not believe you want examples, for unless you are blind the examples are everywhere, the examples are real.
What role does the single most powerful man in the world have when it comes to the cost of beef?

It is interesting, not one single issue is the fault of Biden, because all of you worshippers, claim the president has no power

Yet, when it comes to Trump, he can not be president because he will have all the power of the presidency?

How is it that the Democrat president is not responsible for anything, has no power to change a thing, but Trump is to be feared?

The president drives inflation by demanding and advocating for more spending. The president is the voice of,, and advocate of Net Zero, the Green Economy, which is costing trillions.

The president has made executive orders, and statements, that drove up the price of fuel. Fuel is our standard of living.

The threads here are full of examples of the Democrat policies, each policy effects everything we need, to live. Each policy effects our standard of living.

I do not believe you want examples, for unless you are blind the examples are everywhere, the examples are real.

As normal, you are off in a few places.

First, the POUTS is not the single most powerful man in the world.

Second, I blame Biden for lots of things, controlling the price of beef is not one of them.

Third, Trump spent more money than any POTUS that came before him. Biden is now spending even more. No matter which one wins in Nov, they will spend even more.

But, yes there are ways the POTUS can influence the price of things. Just yesterday Trump promised to put a 100% tariffs on all vehicles not made in plants on American soil. That will greatly impact the price of cars. something most everyone needs. Are you good with this 100% tariff?
As normal, you are off in a few places.

First, the POUTS is not the single most powerful man in the world.
Nope. Not wrong at all

Let me point something out to you. You offered, replied with a contradiction.

Is that all you can mumble, "no he is not"

The other one, "controlling the price of beef is not..."

How much thought did you put into that contradiction.

Now you follow up with bullshit about Trump.

Biden cant do a thing bad, cause he has no power as president yet you spew the bullshit that as president Trump will have power you claim Biden does not?

You really are brilluant

Presidents aint got that kind of power but they do if they are Trump?


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