U.S. Is Supplying Israel With Ammo:

Every shot fired in Gaza and every artillery round dropped there was provided to the IDF by the U.S. taxpayers -- you and me. Remember that when the next 9/11 attack occurs.

That always gets me about Americans.
They supply the weapons used for mass murder, and even pay for them, but moan when someone hits back.

"We're the victims of terrorism", they scream, as they put their hands in their pockets to give Israel more money.
Once you are part of the supply chain in a war, you become a legitimate target.
American foreign policy makes Americans targets - live with it or write to your congressman and tell him you want it to stop - or your vote goes to someone who will.
Of course you're right. But you should keep in mind that until three days ago I was not aware of this massive U.S. ammunition "storage" in Israel, or that the U.S. has mainly financed creation of Israel's "Iron Dome" rocket defense, and I tend to keep an eye on our relationship with Israel. So it's safe to say the vast majority of Americans have no idea of just how extensive their government's support of Israel really is.

But the Muslim world is well aware of it. In fact they regard the U.S. as an extension of Israel. They think of Israel as the 51st state of our Union.

The problem is most gentile Americans have been so effectively brainwashed by the Holocaust Industry they regard any criticism of Israel as de facto anti-Semitism and are put off by that stigma.
If being Pro-semite means supporting bombing of schools full of refugees, Missile strikes on disabled peoples homes, Naval bombardment of children playing soccer on the beach and "pin-point" attacks on Hospitals treating the wounded, then being called an "Anti-semite" is a badge to wear with honor
Were you aware of how Israel got a fleet of F15 and F16 at scrap prices?
squadrons of US F-16 and F-15 jets were classified as military surplus and sold to Israel at a fraction of their value. By Dov Zakheim The Comptroller of the Pentagon at the time a dual Israeli/American citizen?
Every shot fired in Gaza and every artillery round dropped there was provided to the IDF by the U.S. taxpayers -- you and me. Remember that when the next 9/11 attack occurs.

Despite concerns, US restocks Israel with ammunition

US resupplying Israel with ammunition even after condemning shelling of Gaza school ? RT USA


Two of the requested munitions came from a little-known stockpile of ammunition stored by the US military on the ground in Israel for emergency use by the Jewish state. The War Reserve Stockpile Ammunition-Israel is estimated to be worth $1 billion


We have a billion dollars worth of ammo stored in Israel? Why? While we are just learning about this we may rest assured those who this ammunition is being used against are well aware of it. Do we need this kind of provocation?

For which Israel paid well over the odds thus building up the US coffers to allow more immigrants to get free health care and housing at the US tax payers expense. Remember that when the next elections come round..................
Actually that billion dollar load of U.S. ammunition is, for the record, only "stored" in Israel -- as if there isn't enough room here in the U.S. to store it. This revelation represents just one more surreptitious scheme by which our corrupt Congress manages to accommodate its benefactor, AIPAC -- the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

AIPAC Is the Only Explanation for America's Morally Bankrupt Israel Policy*|*Stephen M. Walt
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Every shot fired in Gaza and every artillery round dropped there was provided to the IDF by the U.S. taxpayers -- you and me. Remember that when the next 9/11 attack occurs.

Despite concerns, US restocks Israel with ammunition



Two of the requested munitions came from a little-known stockpile of ammunition stored by the US military on the ground in Israel for emergency use by the Jewish state. The War Reserve Stockpile Ammunition-Israel is estimated to be worth $1 billion


We have a billion dollars worth of ammo stored in Israel? Why? While we are just learning about this we may rest assured those who this ammunition is being used against are well aware of it. Do we need this kind of provocation?

For which Israel paid well over the odds thus building up the US coffers to allow more immigrants to get free health care and housing at the US tax payers expense. Remember that when the next elections come round..................

Israel didn't pay for the Ammunition, It's an American storage in Israel
Israel will "pay" for it as it uses it with money we give to them.

Cute, isn't it? I wonder which of our Congressional "representatives" worked that out with AIPAC. We give them $3 billion and they "buy" $1 billion worth of ammunition we had "stored" there. It's a two-step waltz that goes on and on and on.

If we could only set up a guillotine on Pennsylvania Avenue and publicly behead the bastards who engage in this kind of brazen chicanery we might be able to put an end to it. Otherwise it will continue without interruption. Congress is a cash-cow and AIPAC is one very effective way of milking it.
Ah the war crimes trials of 2020 will be so busy they will have to sentence defendants 100 at a time.

I think the million or so yanks found guilty should have their nationality rescinded, and be given the choice of being stateless persons, or to move to Indonesia after having been fined 99.99% or their personal wealth.
Ah the war crimes trials of 2020 will be so busy they will have to sentence defendants 100 at a time.

I think the million or so yanks found guilty should have their nationality rescinded, and be given the choice of being stateless persons, or to move to Indonesia after having been fined 99.99% or their personal wealth.

I have to disagree.
Indonesia is a wonderful country so the punishment would be a pleasure.
I suggest the North of Afghanistan.
Too easy.

Anti government, refusing to pay taxes, armed with assault weapons and hiding in bunkers designed for The End Of The World. They would feel too much at home.

Paint them black and send them to Liberia.
Ah the war crimes trials of 2020 will be so busy they will have to sentence defendants 100 at a time.

I think the million or so yanks found guilty should have their nationality rescinded, and be given the choice of being stateless persons, or to move to Indonesia after having been fined 99.99% or their personal wealth.

You DO know that your line of thought is an exhibition of a mental disorder, don't you?

I won't discuss it here as I am a layman. But I suggest you check it out with a trusted professional.
There is a difference between political affairs and people opinion..

the only evidence for 'Western Opinion' so far in the UK is this:

Almost 50% of London are Muslims and we're talking about millions, and as we know very well, Muslims support Muslims by default.
Do they look British?
@Daniyel I cant tell because your vid does not work, but if that is the Stop the War march that my north London Jewish relatives took part in.They claimed it was a fare cross section of multi cultural Britain including about 1000 jews.
Gaza: British MPs demand tougher action over Israeli bombardment | Politics | The Guardian

I personally don't like The Guardian for many reasons, for example the way The Guardian reported the 3 teens kidnapped and a long list, but I take it as true, British MPs demand tougher action over Israeli bombardment, the same who probably get the vote by the Muslims in GB, anyway it doesn't change much the fact since many people condemn Israel action without even knowing the entire story, some are just out of their mind, like in the UN for example, condemning Israel for not giving Hamas (Terrorist organization right?) Iron Dome.

Funny don't you think? I mean yeah sure Qatar and Iran doesn't provide them enough weapons..lets give them some ourselves!

Here is a direct link, you can only watch it on youtube.
@Daniyel a very brave young American Jew dont you think.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKA7Yi2DXLc
However, if you take the opinion of one Jew/Jewish its fine, but this brave American Jew is also cooperating with Ahmedinijad, you also take that part of their opinion? I don't think you do, anyway since you prefer Jews opinion - 97% of the Israelis (about 80% Jews) support the operation and its military goal I think its pretty much set the deal.
Take a look, tell me if this is obvious enough or not.

And here some news about the freedom of speech Hamas secure in the Gaza strip!
Hamas Police Shoot, Kill Starving Gazans a Day After Executing Protesters | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com
Hamas suppressing wartime dissent, shooting to kill Palestinian protesters - World Tribune | World Tribune

Surely a great leaders.

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Ah the war crimes trials of 2020 will be so busy they will have to sentence defendants 100 at a time.

I think the million or so yanks found guilty should have their nationality rescinded, and be given the choice of being stateless persons, or to move to Indonesia after having been fined 99.99% or their personal wealth.

I have to disagree.
Indonesia is a wonderful country so the punishment would be a pleasure.
I suggest the North of Afghanistan.

Your wartime dispatches to each other to keep the other's morale up is touching.

Here's a song for you both:

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[MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] your opinion on this link.Brits like and trust Paddy Ashdown because he is an ex Royal Marine and for his fearless work in Bosnia.Mark his words.
BBC News - Israel attacks on Gaza 'foolish' and 'disproportionate' - Ashdown

I respect his opinion, however where can I find the entire interview and not just 3 words quote? I don't consider BBC neutral.
[MENTION=48922]I.P.Freely[/MENTION][/QUOTE [MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION]BBC Radio 4 - Today, 02/08/2014, Ashdown: Israel must talk to Hamas the interview is in clips
Hey, whatever it takes, to kill the mad dogs of Hamas by the bushel-basketful.

The United States does not allow 7th Century savages to dictate to it, whom it may befriend and ally with, and whom it may not.

Oh, and, if, by some chance, there ever IS another 9-11, our response will be be far more savage and permanent in its nature than anything that we have served-up to date.

The barbarians of the Militant Ummah understand this about us now.

Every shot fired in Gaza and every artillery round dropped there was provided to the IDF by the U.S. taxpayers -- you and me. Remember that when the next 9/11 attack occurs...
Hey, whatever it takes, to kill the mad dogs of Hamas by the bushel-basketful.

The United States does not allow 7th Century savages to dictate to it, whom it may befriend and ally with, and whom it may not.

Oh, and, if, by some chance, there ever IS another 9-11, our response will be be far more savage and permanent in its nature than anything that we have served-up to date.

The barbarians of the Militant Ummah understand this about us now.

Every shot fired in Gaza and every artillery round dropped there was provided to the IDF by the U.S. taxpayers -- you and me. Remember that when the next 9/11 attack occurs...
Brave words:badgrin:
[MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] your opinion on this link.Brits like and trust Paddy Ashdown because he is an ex Royal Marine and for his fearless work in Bosnia.Mark his words.
BBC News - Israel attacks on Gaza 'foolish' and 'disproportionate' - Ashdown

I respect his opinion, however where can I find the entire interview and not just 3 words quote? I don't consider BBC neutral.
[MENTION=48922]I.P.Freely[/MENTION][/QUOTE [MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION]BBC Radio 4 - Today, 02/08/2014, Ashdown: Israel must talk to Hamas the interview is in clips
Oh so now I see it..So here are few points about the interview.
1.Who is the leader of Palestinians? Hamas doesn't capable of ruling the Palestinians and whether they are - why they are not begging for ceasefire? to me it looks like they don't care about the Palestinians at all.
2.Why going to the assumption Israel didn't talk to Hamas or any other Palestinian leader before? I mean negotiations with the Pales always went down, but there is a process, last time the process with Abbas ended after Abbas refused to continue the negotiations without more greedy preconditions (after 9 months of negotiations!) and joined terrorists.
3.How informed Mr.Ashdown of the situation? "2 civilians killed in Israel" clearly represent a lack of knowledge, Mr.Ashdown also is not aware of the basic principles of negotiation - when you are the one on the losing side, you get the smaller part, Israel never hesitated to act in Gaza - but Israel is not supposed to hesitate for negotiatons - its the Palestinians leaders duty to hesitate to negotiation because they are the losing side, don't you think? Mr.Ashdown said the pressure is on Israel to talk to Hamas, which is obviously the other way around.
4.When exactly Hamas called for negotiations? peace talk? anything involving ceasefire just to halt the killing in Gaza? last time they "accepted" ceasefire they abused it for kidnap attempt out of 8-7 proposals some broke by them, some refused, some "didn't reach them"
5.Israel made 4-5 mistakes out of 4,000 targets is that considered a war crime?
I'm assuming its all Israeli fault where its actually not (but that's debatable because Hamas also does mistakes and I tend to believe more than just once) and International Law/Geneva also mark these areas as a legitimate targets, is Mr.Ashdown aware of that?
I got more points but I don't see this going anywhere without these major points I would like to have an answer for them before we proceed to the others.
I also don't remember the last time any Israeli condition fulfilled by the Palestinians how can negotiation make any difference now when it clearly didn't work in the past where the Palestinian got a ten times generous offers?
Ah the war crimes trials of 2020 will be so busy they will have to sentence defendants 100 at a time.

I think the million or so yanks found guilty should have their nationality rescinded, and be given the choice of being stateless persons, or to move to Indonesia after having been fined 99.99% or their personal wealth.
I'm sure they're all just a-shakin' in their booties over the prospect...


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