Uber-Sensitive Libberhoid WH Staffer Tweets "N" Word

Hit hit "N" instead of "B"..they are nezt to each other on a QWERTY keyboard.
To Wanker102 this is the ultimate "gotcha" moment...wonder how long it will take to show up on Fox...
He must have used the "N" word numerous times in the past, or his spell checker would have caught it.
It was intentional.

Case closed ---

What a racist little prick....

I'm sure if Obama had a son, he'd name him after this prick:

AWKward: WH adviser Dan Pfeiffer apologizes for ?horrendous? N-word tweet | Twitchy

It's an obvious typo, dumb ass.

If it had happened during the Bush years Al Sharpton would have been screaming "HATE CRIME! HATE CRIME!"

No, he wouldn't have, because even Al Sharpton, in all his grotesque existence, is not as petty and stupid as you and the OP.
If it had happened during the Bush years Al Sharpton would have been screaming "HATE CRIME! HATE CRIME!"

No, he wouldn't have, because even Al Sharpton, in all his grotesque existence, is not as petty and stupid as you and the OP.

He could have typed Jigger --- and the spell check would have caught it. Instead, he typed ******, and it passed the spell check smell test as he's obviously used the word repeatedly.

But you keep defending the racist, asswipe. Had George Bush's Communications Director committed a similar "typo," nutsacks like you would be jumping off buildings in outrage.

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