Ugly Female Texas Lawmaker (A Democrat) Wants Men Fined For Masturbating

She didn't intend for her "Bill" to be taken seriously. She know it will never pass. She just wanted to emphasize the restrictions that are placed upon a woman's health needs. This is from the link provided:

"In a post on Facebook, Farrar said the measure is meant to highlight laws already on the books that impact women's health.

"Although HB 4260 is satirical, there is nothing funny about current health care restrictions for women and the very real legislation that is proposed every legislative session," Farrar wrote on Facebook. "Women are not laughing at state-imposed regulations and obstacles that interfere with their ability to legally access safe healthcare, and subject them to fake science and medically unnecessary procedures."
Maybe she figures it'll improve her chances of getting laid so she can get pregnant and have an abortion.
She didn't intend for her "Bill" to be taken seriously. She know it will never pass. She just wanted to emphasize the restrictions that are placed upon a woman's health needs. This is from the link provided:

"In a post on Facebook, Farrar said the measure is meant to highlight laws already on the books that impact women's health.

"Although HB 4260 is satirical, there is nothing funny about current health care restrictions for women and the very real legislation that is proposed every legislative session," Farrar wrote on Facebook. "Women are not laughing at state-imposed regulations and obstacles that interfere with their ability to legally access safe healthcare, and subject them to fake science and medically unnecessary procedures."
To bad and irrelevant. She needs to be exposed as the vile feminist she is. I'm doing my part, won't you?
Reminds me of that old Father Guido Sarducci skit...

... `bout what happens when ya get to heaven...

... an' have to pay fer yer sins.

At 25 cents a pop...

... fer some it really adds up.
Maybe she figures it'll improve her chances of getting laid so she can get pregnant and have an abortion.
I would think a 181 IQ would mean you get the whole concept of satire. Perhaps not.
Ugly Female Texas Lawmaker (A Democrat) Wants Men Fined For Masturbating

The word "Democrat" is completely gratuitous. Ugly was enough.
Affirmative Action Democrats are so damn stupid. A human baby is not the same as precious bodily fluids. She appears to be post menopausal, but does she also support a tax and fine for bloody tampons?

She didn't intend for her "Bill" to be taken seriously. She know it will never pass. She just wanted to emphasize the restrictions that are placed upon a woman's health needs. This is from the link provided:

"In a post on Facebook, Farrar said the measure is meant to highlight laws already on the books that impact women's health.

"Although HB 4260 is satirical, there is nothing funny about current health care restrictions for women and the very real legislation that is proposed every legislative session," Farrar wrote on Facebook. "Women are not laughing at state-imposed regulations and obstacles that interfere with their ability to legally access safe healthcare, and subject them to fake science and medically unnecessary procedures."

An absurd end-around attempt to support the right to kill the unborn that they've created.
Maybe she figures it'll improve her chances of getting laid so she can get pregnant and have an abortion.
I would think a 181 IQ would mean you get the whole concept of satire. Perhaps not.
You would think a lot of things if you had a brain.
Tell us more.....I'm sure you've got some wonderful insights considering your 181 IQ.
Seems like you're the only one concerned about my IQ. I understand your envy but if it's any consolation to you, I don't put a lot of stock in IQ scores. Never thought they meant much. Intelligence does not necessarily equal smart, and vice versa. If one is able to score a 100, they can usually manage to survive in life without too much assistance. You, on the other hand, probably score somewhere in the low 80s (I'm being generous there). No matter how hard you might try, you're not likely to get anywhere without someone making decisions for you. You're likely to end up in some sort of institution (like prison) or somewhere for the mentally challenged. Hopefully you have some family members who are willing to take you in and care for you. I wish you luck.

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