Ukraine risks losing the war due to poor training of soldiers

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May 6, 2024
As Ukraine prepares to mobilize tens of thousands of men to address a critical shortage of soldiers amid intensified Russian attacks, Ukrainian commanders in the field say they are bracing for most of the new troops to arrive with poor training.
Ukrainian commanders have long griped about lackluster preparation for recruits at training centers. But with Russia on the offensive, the persistent complaints are a reminder that a newly adopted mobilization law intended to widen the pool of draft-eligible men is just one step in solving the military’s personnel problems.
Wherever the new soldiers come from, Ukrainian commanders say that because of numerous flaws in their combat training, they sometimes have to spend weeks teaching recruits basic skills such as shooting.
We lose a lot of time here for initial training,’ said a commander with the call sign Schmidt. - If, God forbid, there is a breakthrough at Sentinel Yar, and we get new infantry who don't know even basic things, they will just be sent there for slaughter.’
The Ukrainian army is seriously understaffed and losing ground. Under such conditions, the weak initial military training of soldiers puts Kyiv in a desperate situation.
Well, they’ve managed to keep the Russians from winning for this long, despite the fact that Russia is a vastly larger country/army with almost infinitely more resources to draw upon

So which side really has “poorly trained” soldiers?
Ukraine already lost the war.

Half a million military aged men fled the country as soon as Russia got involved.

Their men are unwilling to fight this war. You can’t win a war without the will to fight.
Ukraine already lost the war.

Half a million military aged men fled the country as soon as Russia got involved.

Their men are unwilling to fight this war. You can’t win a war without the will to fight.
Why is it taking Russia so long to seal the deal against a much smaller country?

A country that you claim most it’s soldiers have fled from in day one, no less?

Something doesn’t add up there

Explain yourself
Why is it taking Russia so long to seal the deal against a much smaller country?

A country that you claim most it’s soldiers have fled from in day one, no less?

Something doesn’t add up there

Explain yourself
Russia controls all the eastern parts of Ukraine that have ethnic Russians living there. That’s all they ever set out to do.

They have no interest in conquering the rest of Ukraine, and never did.
Russia controls all the eastern parts of Ukraine that have ethnic Russians living there. That’s all they ever set out to do.

They have no interest in conquering the rest of Ukraine, and never did.
Then why isn’t the war over?
As Ukraine prepares to mobilize tens of thousands of men to address a critical shortage of soldiers amid intensified Russian attacks, Ukrainian commanders in the field say they are bracing for most of the new troops to arrive with poor training.
Ukrainian commanders have long griped about lackluster preparation for recruits at training centers. But with Russia on the offensive, the persistent complaints are a reminder that a newly adopted mobilization law intended to widen the pool of draft-eligible men is just one step in solving the military’s personnel problems.
Wherever the new soldiers come from, Ukrainian commanders say that because of numerous flaws in their combat training, they sometimes have to spend weeks teaching recruits basic skills such as shooting.
We lose a lot of time here for initial training,’ said a commander with the call sign Schmidt. - If, God forbid, there is a breakthrough at Sentinel Yar, and we get new infantry who don't know even basic things, they will just be sent there for slaughter.’
The Ukrainian army is seriously understaffed and losing ground. Under such conditions, the weak initial military training of soldiers puts Kyiv in a desperate situation.

Well, they’ve managed to keep the Russians from winning for this long, despite the fact that Russia is a vastly larger country/army with almost infinitely more resources to draw upon

So which side really has “poorly trained” soldiers?

Source link?

Ukraine already lost the war.

Half a million military aged men fled the country as soon as Russia got involved.

Their men are unwilling to fight this war. You can’t win a war without the will to fight.
many asked about the links , here we go ,

Ukraine is losing the war due to poor training of soldiers:​

Oh look! A new Russian shill!

Get 'im Litwin!
🇷🇺 they are losing and they know it....US finally found the warriors who are gonna fack Muscovite hordesmen all over the world . They thought , Oh Syria , I AM GONNA LIVE

Ukraine :

🇷🇺 they are losing and they know it....US finally found the warriors who are gonna fack Muscovite hordesmen all over the world . They thought , Oh Syria , I AM GONNA LIVE

Ukraine :


Idk about Syrian rebels. They're pretty much ISIS. I back the Syrian president.

Their army does good work while "The Rebels" are shitheads. They terrorize villages wherever they go in the

worst possible manner that can be imagined and then some.
Idk about Syrian rebels. They're pretty much ISIS.
man, there are 1000 different groups, pure game of Thrones . US , UK have own militias, but they SUCK as the solders (except Kurds) , but with the help of Ukrainians, we can make Muscovite /Iranian life in Syria truly miserable.

By the way , do you know that Moscow empire attack our bases all over the world ? so we found a cure this 🇷🇺 problem

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Idk about Syrian rebels. They're pretty much ISIS. I back the Syrian president.

Their army does good work while "The Rebels" are shitheads. They terrorize villages wherever they go in the

worst possible manner that can be imagined and then some.
ps video
Then why isn’t the war over?
Because Ukraine is being forced to try and take back these lands by the US. It’s a proxy war with no actually goals, other than to have an indefinite war.

Haven’t you noticed that any peace negotiations have been shutdown by the US?
Ukraine can't "win", no matter what help we give them. The only "win" for Ukraine would be to get all of their territory back.

They can only lose less. They need to be allowed to rain missiles on Russia's power plants. Make prosecuting the war even more uncomfortable for Putin.
Well, they’ve managed to keep the Russians from winning for this long, despite the fact that Russia is a vastly larger country/army with almost infinitely more resources to draw upon

So which side really has “poorly trained” soldiers?

You need to understand the tactics and strategy quickly employed by Russia .

Essentially they realised that just on respective manpower availability Ukraine must eventually be ground into dust .
Once Russia had complete control of the air and vastly superior artillery fire power there was and is no conceivable way for Kyiv to win .
That is a major reason for Kyiv to try and now spread the war on to Russian territory . It has lost old Ukraine forever and there is nothing that can be done to retrieve that .
Unless you escalate to WW3 levels and scenarios involving NATO also wanting to be humiliated .

So Russia basically set back on and in better defensive positions and just shelled Ukeys and mercenaries like peas .
In simple terms they let the UAF wreck their own armies which were guided by a colossal strategic idiot -- the Mad Midget .
Remember that when all other key factors are roughly equal , the offensive side loses up to ten times more men and equipment than the defending side .
Now you know .
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