Ukranie pledges autonomy to rebellious east


Nov 14, 2012
Very interesting. What are the reasons? Is the army running out of fuel, we know the government is close to a financial collapse. Or is it an effort really aiming at an quick end of the conflict?

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine's president promised Wednesday to introduce a bill as early as next week that would offer greater autonomy to rebellious regions in the pro-Russia east, where separatists have been battling government troops for almost five months.

But President Petro Poroshenko said the regions would remain part of Ukraine and rejected the idea of federalization, something both Russia and the Russian-backed separatists are still pushing for even after a cease-fire that began Friday.
Ukraine pledges more autonomy to rebellious east - Europe news
Seems like Ukrainian army is smelling its defeat, that's why Kiev is trying to "flirt" with SE (just a few weeks ago Poroshenko insisted EU to recognize all Donbass as a terrorist organization, 7 million people!). Also seems it's way too late now. If Kiev tried to do that before May,11 (when Donbass has had its referendum about separating from Ukraine), it may have worked. Now, after 4 month of ruthless war which Kiev started against Donbass people, it's hardly possible for them to live in the same country and be dependent on crazy junta. I'm posting the documentary here again (did it yesterday on some other thread), if you bother to watch it to the end and are brave enough to do that, you will realize why the answer is more likely to be "NO!"

Uh, they have promised political freedom before the Russians invaded their country.

But Ukraine isn't ready to give parts of Ukraine to Russia thanks to a Russian invasion.
How much is the FSB paying you?

Don't worry shitstain...we will find you.

Seems like Ukrainian army is smelling its defeat, that's why Kiev is trying to "flirt" with SE (just a few weeks ago Poroshenko insisted EU to recognize all Donbass as a terrorist organization, 7 million people!). Also seems it's way too late now. If Kiev tried to do that before May,11 (when Donbass has had its referendum about separating from Ukraine), it may have worked. Now, after 4 month of ruthless war which Kiev started against Donbass people, it's hardly possible for them to live in the same country and be dependent on crazy junta. I'm posting the documentary here again (did it yesterday on some other thread), if you bother to watch it to the end and are brave enough to do that, you will realize why the answer is more likely to be "NO!"


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