"Ummina Get in Shape!"


It's Not a Prison Sentence

There are many things People do wrong that completely tank their ability to achieve New Year's Resolutions.
When it comes to Fitness or Diet ... You need to keep a few things in mind ... And do a little research if necessary.

First and Foremost ... You are more than likely talking about a Lifestyle Change ... If you want it to be successful ...
It's important to remember ... It's not a Prison Sentence ... Do not lock yourself up and deprive yourself of everything.

Be reasonable ... Set realistic expectations ... Don't try to climb Mount Everest at first and expect you will make it.
You probably have family ... They have their own routines ... They are going to want to eat too ... And not just rabbit food.
It may take you as much as a year or two ... To figure out exactly how all this is going to work ... And if you don't do it correctly ...
Don't learn things along the way ... Then you will just be setting yourself up for failure.

It is all possible ... Make a plan ... And with the understanding that your plan is going to change ... As you learn more.

Some points you might want to think about ... Changes in your diet can be good ... Changes in your exercise routine can be good ...
Too many changes ... Applied at the same time ... Will put a greater burden on you ... And your family if applicable.
If you pull yourself in too many directions ... It's not going to work very well.

Small changes ... And smaller bites at the apple ... Ease into it ... With a real commitment.
If you don't want to spend your time going backwards and forwards ... Don't try running uphill all the time.
Eat a piece of cake every now and again ... Let your body rest and adjust ... Keep your mind clear and on the end goal ...
Don't drive your family nuts or expect them to embrace your initiatives ... Just don't abuse the space you give yourself to make things fit.

You are attempting a Lifestyle Change ... So you can better enjoy your life.
Not so you can punish yourself ... Or forget what the joy of living is all about.

You'll get there ... You can do it ... Take it easy.
There's a right way and a wrong way to do everything ... Do it the right way.


All this plus: if you HATE how you're exercising you won't stick to it. That is basic but so important.

Some people are competitive and love athletics. If that's you, join teams. If you loved to dance when you were younger, find adult dance classes. Not everyone should be in a gym--they CAN be, but they will probably hate it.

I have loved walking since I've been a teenager, which is rather odd when you think about it--how many times do you see teens taking long walks? But I'm addicted, so believe me, I stick with it. I do a little other stuff at home. That's it, but I can stick with it.
I've been watching exercise videos all day ... it's not helping!

But I'm addicted, so believe me, I stick with it. I do a little other stuff at home. That's it, but I can stick with it.

Oh, heck yeah ... Walking can be very addictive.

It's not that hard ... You can get lots of fresh air ... See things you won't see sitting in the house.
It can be easier for me ... I have a dog and she loves to take walks.

Sometimes we will go to town or the school and walk ... Everybody knows Pumpkin ...
Moms and Dads will slow down when driving by ... So their kids can roll down the window and say "hi" to Pumpkin.

That's how often we walk ... :auiqs.jpg:


Oh, heck yeah ... Walking can be very addictive.

It's not that hard ... You can get lots of fresh air ... See things you won't see sitting in the house.
It can be easier for me ... I have a dog and she loves to take walks.

Sometimes we will go to town or the school and walk ... Everybody knows Pumpkin ...
Moms and Dads will slow down when driving by ... So their kids can roll down the window and say "hi" to Pumpkin.

That's how often we walk ... :auiqs.jpg:


The fresh air is an added bonus, and so good for us.

Also, kids and dogs :adoreheart:

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