

Jun 27, 2009

Twenty-seven Republican senators voted with Democrats on Oct. 16 to lift the debt ceiling and avert a catastrophic default. And each one of those 27 senators voted Tuesday to "disapprove" of their own votes.

The vote Tuesday was a symbolic "resolution to disapprove" of the debt limit hike. It was mandated by the deal thanks to a last-minute provision inserted by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The motion failed 45-54 because all Democrats opposed it.

Even if it passed Congress, it wouldn't have stopped the debt limit hike because President Obama could veto the measure. The purpose was to give these senators the chance to say they disapprove of a deal they voted for.

27 GOP Senators 'Disapprove' Of Their Own Vote To Raise Debt Ceiling


Twenty-seven Republican senators voted with Democrats on Oct. 16 to lift the debt ceiling and avert a catastrophic default. And each one of those 27 senators voted Tuesday to "disapprove" of their own votes.

The vote Tuesday was a symbolic "resolution to disapprove" of the debt limit hike. It was mandated by the deal thanks to a last-minute provision inserted by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The motion failed 45-54 because all Democrats opposed it.

Even if it passed Congress, it wouldn't have stopped the debt limit hike because President Obama could veto the measure. The purpose was to give these senators the chance to say they disapprove of a deal they voted for.

27 GOP Senators 'Disapprove' Of Their Own Vote To Raise Debt Ceiling


Colbert did a very funny bit on it last night. As much as watching your government screw you over can be funny.

This is like their phony votes against ObamaCare. When was the last time we saw the Rs actually vote for a bill that would do anything positive for America? They say they're fiscally responsible but they throw away billions on tantrums and extortion.

I hope voters have a long memory.
It just goes to show "moderate" republican senators that they can't compromise their core beliefs in order to please the liberal media and then go back and pick up their core beliefs after the vote.
It just goes to show "moderate" republican senators that they can't compromise their core beliefs in order to please the liberal media and then go back and pick up their core beliefs after the vote.

Uh, you just might want to look at the list of lying Rs who voted against their own vote. Let's just say that Ted Cruz isn't the only fool who is capable of pulling a phony filibuster against a bill he was in favor of and later actually voted for.

I swear, it really is as though these corrupt lying fools really believe we can't see them.
It just goes to show "moderate" republican senators that they can't compromise their core beliefs in order to please the liberal media and then go back and pick up their core beliefs after the vote.

Uh, you just might want to look at the list of lying Rs who voted against their own vote. Let's just say that Ted Cruz isn't the only fool who is capable of pulling a phony filibuster against a bill he was in favor of and later actually voted for.

I swear, it really is as though these corrupt lying fools really believe we can't see them.

The only corrupt lying fools are the ones who told Americans that raising the debit limit was a good thing and stuck to their story.

Twenty-seven Republican senators voted with Democrats on Oct. 16 to lift the debt ceiling and avert a catastrophic default. And each one of those 27 senators voted Tuesday to "disapprove" of their own votes.

The vote Tuesday was a symbolic "resolution to disapprove" of the debt limit hike. It was mandated by the deal thanks to a last-minute provision inserted by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The motion failed 45-54 because all Democrats opposed it.

Even if it passed Congress, it wouldn't have stopped the debt limit hike because President Obama could veto the measure. The purpose was to give these senators the chance to say they disapprove of a deal they voted for.

27 GOP Senators 'Disapprove' Of Their Own Vote To Raise Debt Ceiling


The purpose was to give these senators the chance to say they disapprove of a deal they voted for.

The fear of being primaried.

Twenty-seven Republican senators voted with Democrats on Oct. 16 to lift the debt ceiling and avert a catastrophic default. And each one of those 27 senators voted Tuesday to "disapprove" of their own votes.

The vote Tuesday was a symbolic "resolution to disapprove" of the debt limit hike. It was mandated by the deal thanks to a last-minute provision inserted by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The motion failed 45-54 because all Democrats opposed it.

Even if it passed Congress, it wouldn't have stopped the debt limit hike because President Obama could veto the measure. The purpose was to give these senators the chance to say they disapprove of a deal they voted for.

27 GOP Senators 'Disapprove' Of Their Own Vote To Raise Debt Ceiling


they all do it, but, you knew that.....

Twenty-seven Republican senators voted with Democrats on Oct. 16 to lift the debt ceiling and avert a catastrophic default. And each one of those 27 senators voted Tuesday to "disapprove" of their own votes.

The vote Tuesday was a symbolic "resolution to disapprove" of the debt limit hike. It was mandated by the deal thanks to a last-minute provision inserted by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The motion failed 45-54 because all Democrats opposed it.

Even if it passed Congress, it wouldn't have stopped the debt limit hike because President Obama could veto the measure. The purpose was to give these senators the chance to say they disapprove of a deal they voted for.

27 GOP Senators 'Disapprove' Of Their Own Vote To Raise Debt Ceiling


The purpose was to give these senators the chance to say they disapprove of a deal they voted for.

The fear of being primaried.

It's Apples and Oranges day!


Slow news day, fellas? :lol:
Isn't it "un-bleepin un-believable" that democrats never read the freaking 3,000 page health care law that they pushed through with extortion and bribery? Shit happens and fake outrage doesn't cut it anymore.
The debt limit was only raised for 3 months. They get to do it all over again.

I wonder if the Delay Obamacare amendment will surface again.

Twenty-seven Republican senators voted with Democrats on Oct. 16 to lift the debt ceiling and avert a catastrophic default. And each one of those 27 senators voted Tuesday to "disapprove" of their own votes.

The vote Tuesday was a symbolic "resolution to disapprove" of the debt limit hike. It was mandated by the deal thanks to a last-minute provision inserted by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The motion failed 45-54 because all Democrats opposed it.

Even if it passed Congress, it wouldn't have stopped the debt limit hike because President Obama could veto the measure. The purpose was to give these senators the chance to say they disapprove of a deal they voted for.

27 GOP Senators 'Disapprove' Of Their Own Vote To Raise Debt Ceiling


they all do it, but, you knew that.....

When's the last time a bunch of Dems ever held a vote like this?
It's Apples and Oranges day!


Slow news day, fellas? :lol:

Who's comparing anything?

This is just about laughing at a totally pathetic attempt at face-saving. Seems only one major political party has to worry so much about its batshit base that it feels the need to do this.

Look at the date on the OP, btw.

When's the last time a bunch of Dems ever held a vote like this?

like this ? what? they conduct votes they know are going to fail, play games as in using non binding votes , then vote against the very same bill when its binding ( example- the obamacare excise tax), the majority leader lets vulnerable members vote against something that would hurt them if they said yes, so as to be able to say back home they voted against it, when the fix was in.( like Gun Control) ...I mean seriously, they all do it...
they all do it, but, you knew that.....

When's the last time a bunch of Dems ever held a vote like this?

like this ? what? they conduct votes they know are going to fail, play games as in using non binding votes , then vote against the very same bill when its binding ( example- the obamacare excise tax), the majority leader lets vulnerable members vote against something that would hurt them if they said yes, so as to be able to say back home they voted against it, when the fix was in.( like Gun Control) ...I mean seriously, they all do it...

That I'm aware of.

This takes that practice to a new level, though, unless maybe they trying to broadcast that next time they'll let the economy get tanked for sure...?

Either way, it's a hell of a lot more pathetic than even those 40+ repeal Obamacare votes.

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