Conservatives: What spending cuts do the Freedom Caucus members want?

What spending cuts do the Freedom Caucus members want?​

I don't know about The Freedom Caucus but, I would love to see.

Closure of all overseas military bases
Freeze on all weapons development programs.
Withdrawal of financial commitments to NATO and The UN.
Disbanding FBI, NSA, CIA, FTC, and several other federal agencies.

Just for starters.
Anyone who wants to cut government spending needs to be specific about which programs he wants to cut or eliminate. Every item in the budget has a powerful constituency to protect it. The largest and most expensive programs are the post popular.
I have always been specific

Cut them all

Cut every spending program by the same amount

Make the cuts relatively small - such as 1% less than the program got the year before

But with no exceptions, everyone shares the pain
The Circumcision Principle.

There is absolutely nothing you can't take 1p% of the top of.
I hope you are being serious because I agree

1% per year compounded is a very modest cut that can lead to big savings
Anyone who wants to cut government spending needs to be specific about which programs he wants to cut or eliminate. Every item in the budget has a powerful constituency to protect it. The largest and most expensive programs are the post popular.
I would need to know what the US government specifically spends it's money on. So for example, in the link it says 13% on education, what's the breakdown on that, or on any of them? Does the spending include the cost of sandwiches at meetings? I would scrap that cost.

I have always been specific

Cut them all

Cut every spending program by the same amount

Make the cuts relatively small - such as 1% less than the program got the year before

But with no exceptions, everyone shares the pain
The voters would not approve of that. On the other hand, for years public opinion surveys have indicated popular support for higher taxes on rich people.

poll + taxes + rich - Google Search

The national debt only became a problem when Ronald Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%.

During President Carter's last year in office in 1980 the national debt was $908 billion. Reagan, Bush II, and Trump cut taxes while raising military spending. During Trump's last year in office, 2020 the national debt had grown to $27,748 billion.

US National Debt by Year

Republicans are using the rise in the national debt for which they are responsible in order to try to cut popular domestic spending programs.
The Washington Post, March 29, 2023

Americans want spending cuts. Just not those ones. Or those ones.​

The AP-NORC poll...expanded on its overall question by isolating 16 areas where spending could theoretically be cut. In only one area specifically did a majority say that the government was spending too much in that area specifically: assistance to other countries, at 69 percent...

But this kind of foreign aid is usually less than 1 percent of the budget, meaning any savings there would be meager. And Americans overwhelmingly oppose cutting spending in the areas in which doing so could actually make a dent in the federal budget deficit.

About 6 in 10 say the government is spending “too little” on Social Security, Medicare, health care more broadly, education and infrastructure. On none of these areas do even 1 in 5 Americans agree that we’re spending too much...

The Pew Research Center in 2019, for instance, asked about whether Americans wanted more or less spending in 13 areas. In only one did more than one-quarter want spending reduced: again, foreign aid (specifically, assistance to the needy in the world). Only about one-quarter wanted to cut military defense spending.

And in every case, more Americans wanted to increase spending rather than cut it. Fewer than 1 in 10 wanted cuts in any of the other areas mentioned above from the AP-NORC poll.

This is why President Biden needs to demand that Republicans get specific about which spending programs they want to cut of eliminate.

The majority of Americans may say they want to cut government spending "in principle." In practice they want more spending, and they want the rich to pay for it.
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The voters would not approve of that. On the other hand, for years public opinion surveys have indicated popular support for higher taxes on rich people.

poll + taxes + rich - Google Search

The national debt only became a problem when Ronald Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%.

During President Carter's last year in office in 1980 the national debt was $908 billion. Reagan, Bush II, and Trump cut taxes while raising military spending. During Trump's last year in office, 2020 the national debt had grown to $27,748 billion.

US National Debt by Year

Republicans are using the rise in the national debt for which they are responsible in order to try to cut popular domestic spending programs.
Sorry Hector

You want more socialism and I want less
Sorry Hector

You want more socialism and I want less
You are right about my preferences, but many agree with em.


Democratic Socialism and Socialism Are Increasingly Salient Among Democrats​

By David Guirgis and Kirby Phares

Democrats hold more positive views of democratic socialism than capitalism

Our polling finds that while capitalism remains the preferred political ideology among likely voters overall, Democrats are especially receptive to the politics and values of democratic socialism and socialism.


I do not want the government to won everything. I do want the U.S. economy and government to move in socialist directions. All this would require would be a return to and a continuation of New Deal policies. It would mean strong labor unions, a high minimum wage, and a well financed public sector of the economy paid for by steeply progressive taxation.

As I have demonstrated,m there is majority support for these policies.
You are right about my preferences, but many agree with em.


Democratic Socialism and Socialism Are Increasingly Salient Among Democrats​

By David Guirgis and Kirby Phares

Democrats hold more positive views of democratic socialism than capitalism

Our polling finds that while capitalism remains the preferred political ideology among likely voters overall, Democrats are especially receptive to the politics and values of democratic socialism and socialism.


I do not want the government to won everything. I do want the U.S. economy and government to move in socialist directions. All this would require would be a return to and a continuation of New Deal policies. It would mean strong labor unions, a high minimum wage, and a well financed public sector of the economy paid for by steeply progressive taxation.

As I have demonstrated,m there is majority support for these policies.
Capitalism creates the goods and services that socialists want to redistribute

Dont kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
All funding for the Department of Education should be stopped and each state should have authority over their Education.
All funding for the Department of Education should be stopped and each state should have authority over their Education.

Each state is already free to reject federal funding and the strings that go with it so they have total authority over their Education.

Did someone tell you different?

Then we don't need the DOE.


OK, write your legislator and let them know.

Then tell your school systems how to figure out how to provide an education with no federal funds for Title I and Special Education students (where most of K-12 federal funding goes).

Then tell colleges they need to tell students that there will be no applicable student loans in the schools post-secondary community colleges, colleges, and Universities including vocational training schools.

If you get enough states to go with it, Ed Department will go away.

What spending cuts are the 19 members of the House Freedom Caucus wanting from Speaker Johnson and the GOP? Perhaps some of the cuts they want are reasonable and justifiable, but I don't know what these folks are all about.

WASHINGTON – House lawmakers abruptly went home a day early partially due to a familiar sight for the House Republican conference: a rebellion from the lower chamber’s most conservative lawmakers.

The quick departure came just one day after passing a short-term stopgap measure to avert a government shutdown.

Some 19 Republicans, mostly comprised of members of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus, tanked a procedural vote Wednesday morning. The procedural vote – referred to as a rule vote – has traditionally passed along party lines regardless of any member’s support or opposition to the bill’s rule.

House conservatives, however, have broken that precedent multiple times this year, illustrating how unwieldy the deeply divided GOP majority is for newly installed House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La.

Hard-right lawmakers shot down the rule vote this time around partly out of retaliation for Johnson’s funding plan – referred to as a continuing resolution – that cleared the House Tuesday. Those members have clamored for past months that any funding legislation include deep spending cuts, but Johnson’s bill was considered “clean” for retaining government funding at current levels.

Among their other grievances was opposition to a slate of amendments on one of the 12 appropriations bills needed to fund the government long-term.

“There’s certainly a concern with the bill itself in addition to concern relative to what happened with the (continuing resolution) yesterday,” said Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., a member of the Freedom Caucus who voted against the rule.

Chair of the Freedom Caucus, Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., contended that he and his conservative colleagues killed the rule vote out of “good faith” in pursuit of conservative policy wins.

  1. Eliminate the Department of Education. Since its inception America has gone from 1st down to 24th in education. It's tilted the infrastructure so that thousands of superintendents make hundreds of thousands for delivering below par results
  2. Fire Every 3 and 4 star general (Unless they are extra terrestrials) and reveal the true extent of the Space Program and all research on propulsions systems and Zero Point Energy
  3. Cancel the Inflation Reduction Act
  4. Give every Illegal a One way ticket to the foreign nation of their choice
  5. Enact Zero based budgeting in every Federal Department. We have departments, offices and agencies that serve no useful purpose
You are right about my preferences, but many agree with em.


Democratic Socialism and Socialism Are Increasingly Salient Among Democrats​

By David Guirgis and Kirby Phares

Democrats hold more positive views of democratic socialism than capitalism

Our polling finds that while capitalism remains the preferred political ideology among likely voters overall, Democrats are especially receptive to the politics and values of democratic socialism and socialism.


I do not want the government to won everything. I do want the U.S. economy and government to move in socialist directions. All this would require would be a return to and a continuation of New Deal policies. It would mean strong labor unions, a high minimum wage, and a well financed public sector of the economy paid for by steeply progressive taxation.

As I have demonstrated,m there is majority support for these policies.
  1. Fire Every 3 and 4 star general (Unless they are extra terrestrials) and reveal the true extent of the Space Program and all research on propulsions systems and Zero Point Energy
The suppression of zero point is going to blow up as the greatest criminal scandal in human history.

OK, write your legislator and let them know.

Then tell your school systems how to figure out how to provide an education with no federal funds for Title I and Special Education students (where most of K-12 federal funding goes).

Then tell colleges they need to tell students that there will be no applicable student loans in the schools post-secondary community colleges, colleges, and Universities including vocational training schools.

If you get enough states to go with it, Ed Department will go away.

The sooner, the better. The federal education system and colleges are full of trash.

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