UN Rejects Palestinian Statehood Resolution


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
With 8 countries voting in favor, and 2 against (US and Australia) and 5 other countries abstaining, the UNSC narrowly rejected a draft resolution by Jordan on behalf of Palestine to become a sovereign state. This effectively ends Palestine's hopes for state sovereignty.

A United Nations Security Council draft resolution that set a deadline to establish a sovereign Palestinian state was defeated Tuesday night after it failed to receive the nine votes that are needed for adoption in the 15-member body.

The United States and Australia voted against the measure. France, China and Russia were among the eight countries that voted for it. Britain and four other nations abstained.

The draft resolution, which was introduced by Jordan on behalf of the Palestinians, set a one-year deadline for negotiations with Israel; established targets for Palestinian sovereignty, including a capital in East Jerusalem; and called for the “full and phased withdrawal of Israeli forces” from the West Bank by the end of 2017.

The defeat could potentially lead Palestinian officials to seek recognition in other ways — including by joining the International Criminal Court.

Samantha Power, the American ambassador to the United Nations, said that the resolution was “deeply imbalanced,” setting deadlines that did not adequately take account of Israel’s security needs. “Today’s staged confrontation in the U.N. Security Council will not bring the parties closer to achieving a two-state solution,” she said. “This resolution sets the stage for more division, not for compromise.”

If Palestine becomes a State the first time the terrorists launch missiles into Israel then Israel can declare war and occupy the Country until the Government agrees to control the terrorists.

Revuilding Gush Katif will be a great idea. But what do we do with 1.5 people once that happens? transport them to Jordan?

It was never going to happen. Had Nigeria not caved in to US and Israeli threats and blackmail, the US would have vetoed it as normal. At least we had enough back-bone to abstain, rather than to meekly do as we were told. Still it's an election year over here, so you never know, one of our leaders might "grow a pair"; times and people change.
Abbas has a habit of pushing the Palestinians backwards.

Yes he does at times. This resolution was not designed to pass. It was pushed through when it was before two nations switched out of the UNSC to two nations that would have given the PA the nine votes it needed to pass.

Why? Because the PA did not want to risk a US veto. That would have made it a diplomatic problem with the US vetoing yet still providing financial aid. Heaven forbid risking that welfare check.
Why does anyone still believe that there can be a two-state solution? Israel will continue to be an Apartheid state for some time.
UN Rejects Palestinian Statehood Resolution


montelatici, et al,

Israel is not an "Apartheid State."

Why does anyone still believe that there can be a two-state solution? Israel will continue to be an Apartheid state for some time.


There is no relationship between the "two-state solution" as an outcome; and the nature of an "Apartheid State" as a propaganda tool for Islamic Jihadists in Palestine.

The State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization have already exchanged letters of mutual recognition; which is the first "key" on the path to the "two-state solution." The Unity Government (actively supporting Jihadist and Fedayeen Terrorists), which does not recognize the State of Israel is the obstacle in the path of mutual recognition and the "two-state solution."

Most Respectfully,
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