Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Are you seriously suggesting that there is no correlation between hospitals refusing to treat pregnant women in crisis, and the subsequent deaths of these women from the complications of pregnancy????

Or women being forced to carry non-viable pregnancies to term, and give birth to babies with missing organs and no hope of living, isn't raising the infant mortality rate in the first year of life?

This is the VERY first page in Logic 101.
I know of no such cases in PRESENT TIMES----at one time it was
an issue of the Catholic Hospitals---many years ago. If a single case pops up ----as an ALLEGATION---the matter should be
Can you cite one instance in the Constitution which reflects any of the 10 Commandments? There is no reference to God whatsoever, and to say that people are "endowed by their creator" specifically doesn't mention who they deem to be your creator.

Your nation was founded by people escaping religious perecution after the Reformation, because they refused to conform to the state religion of almost all of Europe - the Roman Catholic Church. The Spanish Insquisition was still under way when the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights were written.
y it had to be purportedly written by the hand of God.y
This is WHY there is a separation of Church and State in your Constitution and your Bill of Rights. YOUR Founders put in in there on PURPOSE, to keep God out of politics.
FFS, it is not a matter of religion which apparently is driving you even more bonkers, but rather the rule of law which cannot be changed easily by anyone. That is why it had to be purportedly written by the hand of God
a new correlation-----to wit, christianity and infant and maternal
death. SOMEWHERE there is a logical connection (????)
I've already explained that the evangelicals only count for 15 per cent of Christians. Texas, Georgia, Mississippi all have horrible numbers of infant and maternal deaths. Evangelicals take the Bible literally.
I've already explained that the evangelicals only count for 15 per cent of Christians. Texas, Georgia, Mississippi all have horrible numbers of infant and maternal deaths. Evangelicals take the Bible literally.
you are making a correlation between EVANGELICALS and infant
mortality. NO LOGIC ---unless you are not making that correlation
as a causation assuming it exists at all

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