UN report uncovers Syria war crimes


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
"Latest human rights report says atrocities committed by all sides in the conflict and none of them fear accountability.UN human rights investigators have in their latest report on the Syria conflict accused both sides of committing war crimes.The report accused Syrian government troops of massacaring civilians, bombing hospitals and committing other war crimes in their bid to recapture territory from rebel hands in recent months. "
UN report uncovers Syria war crimes - Al Jazeera English
I believe this report being addressed was a report just issued I think 9/11/2013 by the UN Human Rights Council. I will provide a link to the full report in a later post, after I confirm that is the report being addressed.
"Latest human rights report says atrocities committed by all sides in the conflict and none of them fear accountability.UN human rights investigators have in their latest report on the Syria conflict accused both sides of committing war crimes.The report accused Syrian government troops of massacaring civilians, bombing hospitals and committing other war crimes in their bid to recapture territory from rebel hands in recent months. "
UN report uncovers Syria war crimes - Al Jazeera English
I believe this report being addressed was a report just issued I think 9/11/2013 by the UN Human Rights Council. I will provide a link to the full report in a later post, after I confirm that is the report being addressed.

You act surprised. Do you not have a TV? People being gassed (war crime), rebels lining up 7 Syrian soldiers and shooting them in the back of the head (war crime). Rebels shown slitting the throat of some poor soul whose "crime" was unknown (war crime). Tell us something we don't know.
So none of the sides are worth helping?

I do not think the US has any business helping either side. To do so, well that essentially makes us participants in the human rights abuses/war crimes they carry out.

I agree. And it's looking like we won't get involved.

It's looking like some other powers (Russia) might involve themselves, but they're not going to find anything of value in their venture.
So none of the sides are worth helping?

I do not think the US has any business helping either side. To do so, well that essentially makes us participants in the human rights abuses/war crimes they carry out.

I agree. And it's looking like we won't get involved.

It's looking like some other powers (Russia) might involve themselves, but they're not going to find anything of value in their venture.

But we are arming the Rebels. So, unfortunately we are involved. And I expect additional arming of the Regime from Russia has recently resulted from our acts.
I do not think the US has any business helping either side. To do so, well that essentially makes us participants in the human rights abuses/war crimes they carry out.

I agree. And it's looking like we won't get involved.

It's looking like some other powers (Russia) might involve themselves, but they're not going to find anything of value in their venture.

But we are arming the Rebels. So, unfortunately we are involved. And I expect additional arming of the Regime from Russia has recently resulted from our acts.

Well I hope for a day where we have absolutely NOTHING to do with that place. And I also hope that all the good people there are able to find a way out.
I do not think the US has any business helping either side. To do so, well that essentially makes us participants in the human rights abuses/war crimes they carry out.

I agree. And it's looking like we won't get involved.

It's looking like some other powers (Russia) might involve themselves, but they're not going to find anything of value in their venture.

But we are arming the Rebels. So, unfortunately we are involved. And I expect additional arming of the Regime from Russia has recently resulted from our acts.

So that makes the Russians guilty as well, but, but, you said that the Russians are protecting the Christians!
"Sticking, for now, with the record of purely American interventions in Syria, this record is long indeed, running (in more recent times) through:1979, when the State Department put Syria on the list of “states supporting terrorism” back in 1979– which triggered economic sanctions that have lasted until today, and have been progressively tightened ever since;December 2003, when Congress– in the first flush of enthusiasm that the U.S. victory in Iraq could be speedily replicated in Syria and Lebanon– passed the punitive “Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act*(SALSRA)”. In late spring 2005, after the growth of the Lebanese popular movement that followed the killing of former PM Rafiq Hariri, Syria did indeed withdraw from Lebanon the troops that had been deployed there since they first went in (at, it has to be said, Washington’s urging) back in January 1976. But even the restoration of Lebanon’s sovereignty was not enough to ease up the sanctions Washington maintained on Syria. Actually, the SALSRA was a great big dog’s breakfast of a sanctions bill; and it has been cited more recently as a source of legitimacy for U.S. punitive action against Syria on accountfoffer Syria’s CW capabilities.From 2009 until today: The funding of clandestine opposition movements in Syria under the MEPPI program that George W. Bush launched (with Liz Cheney supervising much of it in the early years.) Crucially, after Pres. Obama took office, hecontinued*this program– as was revealed in some of the Wikileaks cables in April 2011.*Continue* various forms of clandestine and not-so-clandestine aid given to the Syrian opposition since 2011. The biggest gift so far? Washington’s insistence, ever since August 2011, that “President Asad has to leave power*before*there can be any negotiations for political reform ins Syria.” That insistence has blocked every single attempt other parties have made so far, to find anegotiated*end to the conflict in the country. (The biggest contrasts there are, as I have frequently noted, with the stances Washington adopted in Apartheid-era South Africa and more recently Myanmar/Burma. In SA, if they had insisted from the get-go that De Klerk should leave office*beforethere could be any negotiations about political reform… well, we’d still have Apartheid in South Africa today, wouldn’t we?)Okay, a quick personal." Syria in the crosshairs of the west | Just World News with Helena Cobban
I agree. And it's looking like we won't get involved.

It's looking like some other powers (Russia) might involve themselves, but they're not going to find anything of value in their venture.

But we are arming the Rebels. So, unfortunately we are involved. And I expect additional arming of the Regime from Russia has recently resulted from our acts.

So that makes the Russians guilty as well, but, but, you said that the Russians are protecting the Christians!

Americans are not responsible for what the Russians do, but we are responsible for what we do, for our actions. And we have no business funding terrorists and fueling a civil war that reportedly has already killed over 100, 000 human beings. How ashamed it makes me to see the efforts we have been recently actively taking to block diplomacy, to prevent peace.
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But we are arming the Rebels. So, unfortunately we are involved. And I expect additional arming of the Regime from Russia has recently resulted from our acts.

So that makes the Russians guilty as well, but, but, you said that the Russians are protecting the Christians!

Americans are not responsible for what the Russians do, but we are responsible for what we do, for our actions. And we have no business funding terrorists and fueling a civil war that reportedly has already killed over 100, 000 human beings.

I think it's hard for people to accept the fact the our government is guilty of encouraging the aggressive behavior against Syria. It goes against the grain of what they want to believe America stands for as a country.
The only justification for foreign involvement are the suffering innocent Syrian children who are the victims of their own people. Thankfully Israel is helping them in Jordan.

Other than the children issue, what could be better for the USA than Sunni Syrian terrorists on both sides just massacring each other on their own soil. May both sides reign victorious, until there are none left.

So none of the sides are worth helping?

I do not think the US has any business helping either side. To do so, well that essentially makes us participants in the human rights abuses/war crimes they carry out.
The only justification for foreign involvement are the suffering innocent Syrian children who are the victims of their own people. Thankfully Israel is helping them in Jordan.

Other than the children issue, what could be better for the USA than Sunni Syrian terrorists on both sides just massacring each other on their own soil. May both sides reign victorious, until there are none left.

So none of the sides are worth helping?

I do not think the US has any business helping either side. To do so, well that essentially makes us participants in the human rights abuses/war crimes they carry out.

While I hate the suffering of children, all those things the US has been doing in Syria since 1979 discussed by Helena Cobban have only served to add to the suffering of children there. We need out of the business of contributing to suffering of innocent civilians and children in ME countries. And as for violence people do to each other, I hate it all. But countering violence with violence only produces more violence.
On this we agree. The USA should stay out of Syria. Let Israel continue to help the Syrian children in Jordan & let us give praise to the Syrian terrorists on both sides who are massacring each other on their on soil. What better Syrian contribution to all of civilized humanity?

The only justification for foreign involvement are the suffering innocent Syrian children who are the victims of their own people. Thankfully Israel is helping them in Jordan.

Other than the children issue, what could be better for the USA than Sunni Syrian terrorists on both sides just massacring each other on their own soil. May both sides reign victorious, until there are none left.

I do not think the US has any business helping either side. To do so, well that essentially makes us participants in the human rights abuses/war crimes they carry out.

While I hate the suffering of children, all those things the US has been doing in Syria since 1979 discussed by Helena Cobban have only served to add to the suffering of children there. We need out of the business of contributing to suffering of innocent civilians and children in ME countries. And as for violence people do to each other, I hate it all. But countering violence with violence only produces more violence.

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