UN says that the gates of hell have been opened


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres opened the United Nations’ Climate Ambition Summit on Wednesday in New York City with a dramatic declaration that “humanity has opened the gates of hell.”

Following the hottest summer on record, which featured a number of devastating extreme weather events linked to rising global temperatures, Guterres cataloged some of the results.

“Horrendous heat is having horrendous effects,” he said. “Distraught farmers watching crops carried away by floods. Sweltering temperatures spawning disease.”

The U.N. chief went on to call for more aggressive action to reduce human population levels...............er...............um..................I mean the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change and increased financial support for the most affected countries. He was followed by speakers from 34 nations discussing their own actions to address climate change.

Yea, they have only just begun.

What will this one world government do next? How much of our freedom will disappear?

And they then immediately condemned China and India for being the largest polluters and asked them to change their ways and to help fund a Climate Change program, right? I thought the hundreds of billions of taxpayer money spent in the Paris Accord was supposed to solve this? Every few months there will be a new "deal"? Taxpayers are so lucky.
And they then immediately condemned China and India for being the largest polluters and asked them to change their ways and to help fund a Climate Change program, right? I thought the hundreds of billions of taxpayer money spent in the Paris Accord was supposed to solve this? Every few months there will be a new "deal"? Taxpayers are so lucky.
We all know the goal here is big pots of money as it empowers them and disempowers people around the world.

Will the UN get their global tax to fight the air?

And how long will people have access to real meat?

Lastly, digital currency seems the best way to control people. I would think this is a must for their little movement.

That is my prediction.

Just imagine them implementing a Chinese social score on the Climate. If you don't do and say the right PC things about the Climate, or other things, you simply get denied access to your digital currency. And if the world system only takes digital currency, you either do as they say or don't eat.
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We all know the goal here is big pots of money as it empowers them and disempowers people around the world.

Will the UN get their global tax to fight the air?

And how long will people have access to real meat?

Lastly, digital currency seems the best way to control people. I would think this is a must for their little movement.

That is my prediction.

Just imagine them implementing a Chinese social score on the Climate. If you don't do and say the right PC things about the Climate, or other things, you simply get denied access to your digital currency. And if the world system only takes digital currency, you either do as they say or don't eat.
Dealing with.covert Toronto Police and other police services is hard enough to imagine, especialy when no one loses their job.
Dealing with.covert Toronto Police and other police services is hard enough to imagine, especialy when no one loses their job.
Trudy already showed the world the power of digital currency when he froze the accounts of those truckers who protested.

They did not even break the law, they just pissed him off and he froze all their assets.
Meanwhile we had the 2nd coldest summer I remember in the last 50 years. Speaking of which, it was hotter in the 1930's than this year, you know before man made global warming.
You have to understand, the world governments have decided that this is not open for discussion. You either comply or get crushed.
Meanwhile we had the 2nd coldest summer I remember in the last 50 years. Speaking of which, it was hotter in the 1930's than this year, you know before man made global warming.
P.S. The 1930s was AFTER the Industrial age.....

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres opened the United Nations’ Climate Ambition Summit on Wednesday in New York City with a dramatic declaration that “humanity has opened the gates of hell.”

Following the hottest summer on record, which featured a number of devastating extreme weather events linked to rising global temperatures, Guterres cataloged some of the results.

“Horrendous heat is having horrendous effects,” he said. “Distraught farmers watching crops carried away by floods. Sweltering temperatures spawning disease.”

The U.N. chief went on to call for more aggressive action to reduce human population levels...............er...............um..................I mean the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change and increased financial support for the most affected countries. He was followed by speakers from 34 nations discussing their own actions to address climate change.

Yea, they have only just begun.

What will this one world government do next? How much of our freedom will disappear?

When is Guterres giving up the UN private jet?
Meanwhile we had the 2nd coldest summer I remember in the last 50 years. Speaking of which, it was hotter in the 1930's than this year, you know before man made global warming.
I was just reading an article about the unseasonably cool summer in Scotland.

Southern California has had maybe 6 weeks of real summer. It rained in July. A friend in Rhode Island said the same thing, an unusually cool and short summer.

High temperatures are reported from heat islands In cities. Sensors are placed low to the ground in places where concrete and asphalt absorb heat and radiate it back.

We are being lied to on an hourly basis.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres opened the United Nations’ Climate Ambition Summit on Wednesday in New York City with a dramatic declaration that “humanity has opened the gates of hell.”

Following the hottest summer on record, which featured a number of devastating extreme weather events linked to rising global temperatures, Guterres cataloged some of the results.

“Horrendous heat is having horrendous effects,” he said. “Distraught farmers watching crops carried away by floods. Sweltering temperatures spawning disease.”

The U.N. chief went on to call for more aggressive action to reduce human population levels...............er...............um..................I mean the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change and increased financial support for the most affected countries. He was followed by speakers from 34 nations discussing their own actions to address climate change.

Yea, they have only just begun.

What will this one world government do next? How much of our freedom will disappear?

Those damn archeologists need to be stopped!

How many freedoms have been taken from you, in the 30 years the right wing has been asking this same, idiotic question?

There's your answer.
Ever heard of the NDAA? It allows the government to detain you indefinitely if they suspect you a terrorist.

It is Unconstitutional, but then, it can't be challenged unless it is used.

But who could ever prove it was used if you just disappear?

But pleabs like you either have no idea how many freedoms you no longer have, or you just don't care.

Covid was a God send, in that is showed Americans just how easily their rights could be violated. The right to assemble, the right to religion, the right to free speech, etc., all trampled under foot. May the American people never allow that again.

And to think, all they have to do is scream, "Crisis!" and all your rights disappear overnight.

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