UN Spokesman melts in tears over Israeli atrocities

my understanding of USA military law ------such as it is------is that a military person who FAILS
to defend his country and his mates and HIMSELF against enemy fire has committed an
offense worthy of courtmartial. It is a bit macabre----but----a navy person who fails to
PROTECT himself and fight----(HIMSELF) from enemy fire is subject to courtmartial. He
cannot say "I could not shoot------the shooter had a baby sitting on his head"

a navy girl like me could lose rank for not shooting back and getting killed in the process---
My ship would be--------in a state of utter shame--------if I surrendered -----even whilst
I lay dead----amongst the fishes. Other ships would not want to be docked
with mine........my ship would be the ugly duckling
Only the most depraved and dishonest use "GORE" for propaganda-----I have seen worse
than that in inner city emergency rooms. In fact knowing how vulgar disgusting people
use such imagery-----I have often pulled cameras out of the hands of the -----pigs seeking
such imagees
So you see the dead children and all what you think is how to prevent people from shooting photos of them?

try again------give no indications of HOW THEY GOT THAT WAY -----I know that the simple
minded are impressed with gore. With angle and lighting the extraction of a wisdom
tooth can be made to look like torture and murder. Anti abortionist people love to
present a dead fetus--------bad news for you---a spontaneous miscarriage looks
just as gory as an abortion. The most gory things are car accidents The most
horrible sight I ever saw consisted of a mother and two children----MELTED together
in a blackened heap. It was not a war-----it was a housefire. Gore is the cheapest
way to impress idiots
Propaganda is not the topic. Of course, it´s a no go to use such photos for propaganda purposes but nevertheless it happened and to hush it up is the same. Children suffer the most under the fire, nothing about what we discuss changes that.
The point is that there is little to no military advantage to fire thousands of missiles onto a highly populated area without even a military task. The Hamas tunnels were unknown and probably found by accident during the operation. Furthermore, missile attacks do not harm the tunnel systems. Israel warns the people and tells them to flee but they can´t go away.
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I guess hamass should stop using them as humane shields,then I wouldnt get opportunity to laugh at the teary eyed douche bag.

Yeah, wenn Hamas strikes, Hamas is guilty and when Israel strikes, Hamas is guilty. Hamas is a bunch of terrorist scumbags but I have enough of your contempt for the innocent victims.

Have you read and understood the Geneva conventions dealing with such things, how if civilians are forced against their will to be human shields then the people forcing them are fully responsible for their deaths. Then how if they act willingly as human shields they are then seen as militia and valid military targets. Maybe you should do some more research on this and see just who is in breach of INTERNATIONAL LAW.
That is an stupid argument. According to this interpretation of the situation every one in Palestine is "seen as militia and valid military target".
I agree....whenever I see those large posters of aborted fetus'.
It´s nonsense. Hide that bitter truth or be an evil propagandist? That´s not how thinks work on earth but for those only, who give everything, including conscience, for the agenda.

wrong again-----pictures of gore-----do not reflect a "truth"-------they evoke an
emotional reaction that is not entirely logical. One of the most horrific
acts to behold in an emergency room is the insertion of a naso gastric tube-----
in fact some idiots have used such pictures in order to justify a charge of "TORTURE"
In fact, pictures of "gore" often reveal the inhumane methods some Jews will use to control all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.

Why are some greedy Jews so bad at simple arithmetic?

Equal number of Jews and Arabs living in Palestine = no racist Jewish or Arab state.
It is too graphic.
It is that.
I wonder how long before hasbara "proves" it's faked?
The full extent of Israel's recent incursion into Gaza likely won't be fully revealed until weeks after it mercifully ends. By that time the world will have moved on, and Israel will be one step closer to its goal of ruling all the land between the River and the sea for Jews alone.

Why should they bother when all they need do is point to the fact that hamas are to blame for breaching INTERNATIONAL LAW....................:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Hamas is neither a sovereign state nor the occupying power in Gaza.
The Jews of Israel are.
Israel illegal collective punishment of a civilian population it is obligated to protect is the main violation of international law in Gaza.
The next major escalation in a long history of international law violations will occur when the greedy Jews begin parceling displaced Gazans into ten separate camps for involuntary transfer into neighboring states. Will you hasbara for that, too?
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Threads specifically on Israel/Palestine issues need to be spawned in the proper forum.
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Alternate placement of Israel/Palestine threads could be in Current Events if the topic and discussions are limited to a headline story. Or in Politics if there is a specific partisan or foreign policy issue.

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most of the threads in the middle east board are related to Israel, it is part of the middle east and what happens there effects the region.
If Israel is really trying to eliminate the Palestinians, it's going about it in an extremely inefficient way. Who warns the inhabitants of an ammo dump to get out before they're vaporized? No one who is trying to eliminate a bunch of people, that's for sure.
Shouldnt you be outraged at the people who put those children in harms way?
They didn't put those children in harms way, Israel deliberately targeted them.

Riiiiggghht, but first they warn the people living in the ammo dump to get out or be vaporized. That seems quite counterproductive.
The more Hamas gets its ass kicked, the more emotionally upset their apologist ass-clowns get, and the easier it is to counterpoint them.

I'm especially enjoying the meltdown by those pro-Hamas Internet tough-guys who have been telling us for weeks or months that the IDF would not dare go into Gaza again to punish them.

Ahhhhhh... life is good.
They didn't put those children in harms way, Israel deliberately targeted them.

Riiiiggghht, but first they warn the people living in the ammo dump to get out or be vaporized. That seems quite counterproductive.
The more Hamas gets its ass kicked, the more emotionally upset their apologist ass-clowns get, and the easier it is to counterpoint them.

I'm especially enjoying the meltdown by those pro-Hamas Internet tough-guys who have been telling us for weeks or months that the IDF would not dare go into Gaza again to punish them.

Ahhhhhh... life is good.

I'm enjoying the screamers from UNRWA on al Jazeera. They have made it clear the UN is an active combatant.
What uniformed bullshit. You care to prove that?
You want me to prove something that hasn't occurred?

Go read the Goldstone Report. In it, they said they found no evidence on Hamas using human shields, but found 7 cases where the IDF used human shields.

Now I can provide evidence the IDF uses human shields, because that is something that has occurred.

Riiiiggghht, but first they warn the people living in the ammo dump to get out or be vaporized. That seems quite counterproductive.
The "people" weren't living in an "ammo dump". That's the big lie Israeli kiss-asses keep telling.

There has been only one instance where weapons were found. Just one.

All other claims are simply bullshit propaganda.
They didn't put those children in harms way, Israel deliberately targeted them.

Riiiiggghht, but first they warn the people living in the ammo dump to get out or be vaporized. That seems quite counterproductive.
The more Hamas gets its ass kicked, the more emotionally upset their apologist ass-clowns get, and the easier it is to counterpoint them.

I'm especially enjoying the meltdown by those pro-Hamas Internet tough-guys who have been telling us for weeks or months that the IDF would not dare go into Gaza again to punish them.

Ahhhhhh... life is good.
I am very happy when any terrorist organisation gets its ass kicked, I do draw the line at kicking the asses of innocent children....don't you?
This short video is able to sum up all the brutality and inconsiderateness the Israeli government treats the Palestinian civilians with.

???????? ???? ???????? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ???????? ?????????? - YouTube

Chris Gunness of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the near East was speaking after today’s shelling of a UN school housing Palestinian refugees.
“The rights of Palestinians, even their children, are wholesale denied and it’s appalling,” he said before being overcome with emotion:

???????? ???? ???????? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ???????? ?????????? - YouTube
UNRWA spokesperson breaks down during TV interview on Palestinians? rights


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