Under Romney, Bain Made Money off of Disposed Fetuses

Saw this on the news yesterday...........

Mitt Romney invested in Medical-Waste firm that disposed of aborted fetuses, government documents show — and these documents challenge Romney’s claim that he left Bain Capital in early 1999.

MotherJones: Earlier this year, Mitt Romney nearly landed in a politically perilous controversy when the Huffington Post reported that in 1999 the GOP presidential candidate had been part of an investment group that invested $75 million in Stericycle, a medical-waste disposal firm that has been attacked by anti-abortion groups for disposing aborted fetuses collected from family planning clinics. Coming during the heat of the GOP primaries, as Romney tried to sell South Carolina Republicans on his pro-life bona fides, the revelation had the potential to damage the candidate’s reputation among values voters already suspicious of his shifting position on abortion.

The Stericycle deal–the abortion connection aside–is relevant because of questions regarding the timing of Romney’s departure from the private equity firm he founded. Responding to a recent Washington Post story reporting that Bain-acquired companies outsourced jobs, the Romney campaign insisted that Romney exited Bain in February 1999, a month or more before Bain took over two of the companies named in the Post’s article. The SEC documents undercut that defense, indicating that Romney still played a role in Bain investments until at least the end of 1999

Stericycle: Willard Mitt Romney Used To Be an 'Abortion Profiteer' - PoliticalArticles.NET*|*PoliticalArticles.NET

Or.................here's a video to watch..................

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKKBU5Gsa7s]Stericycle: Willard Mitt Romney Used To Be an Abortion Profiteer - YouTube[/ame]

I wonder how the right wing base is gonna take this?

We will tell you to stop having abortions and make Mitt a poor man. Stupid asswipe.
I wonder what's the next shoe to drop on Romney.

Son of Satan?

Prince of Darkness?

Oh well..least he's white..right?


Obama supports killing babies during birth (partial birth abortion). Seems "ghoulish" to me.

Obama has stated that if one of his daughters ever made a "mistake", he didn't "want them to be punished with a baby".

Obama was against "burdening our children" with massive national debt, before he was President.

I could go on and on and on.

But leftists like Sallow might go into convulsions. FACTS are their Kryptonite. Rumors and gossip are their elixirs.

What convulsions?

This thread isn't about Obama..but what the heck, you brought it up. Obama's been fairly consistent on views about abortion. He supports the right to choose.

Romney? Not so much. He's been all over the place. His latest iteration of this view is "suddenly" in line with the GOP base. However, not only has Romney been inconsistent, he's actually profitted from the practice of abortion.

So really...this is who you guys are putting up for President?
I wonder what's the next shoe to drop on Romney.

Son of Satan?

Prince of Darkness?

Oh well..least he's white..right?


at least he's a Marxist hater of this country, eh?

Prince of Darkness, wouldn't that be RACIST

Here's the thing, you guys gotta make up a guy to hate.

Obama isn't a Marxist and he loves this country.

So you gotta make up a guy who is "Marxist" and an "American Hater" even though what you really mean is that he's black.

It's fine..we get it.

But Romney? Nothing really to make up.

This is just another screwed up thing about the guy.
How many threads do we need on this?

Okay, here we go again for the liberals who keep repeating this lie ad nauseum.

First and foremost Bain acquired this company in late 1999. Romney was about to leave the company to take over the Olympics.

1999 Romney was still pro choice liberal liars. He didn't have a problem with abortion then. He became pro life in 2004.

And don't tell me you smarmy little liberal rats that someone can't change their mind on abortion. Many of us that are pro life now were at one point in time pro choice.

So these are the facts. But keep on lying libs. Lies and the race card is all you've got when Obama is rated lower than Carter and Nixon in a poll by Newsweek rating the greatest Presidents.

Mr. O is only above GW.


What a bunch of HOGWASH.

When Barack Obama changes his mind, the leftists call it "evolving" or "adjusting" or "an epiphany".

Barack Obama was AGAINST gay marriage before he was for it, but that's OK. He "evolved".

Ehh, not quite. As president, he started out that way. But before then, he was for it. His stance on it was evolving since 1996

TIMELINE: Tracking Barack Obama's Position On Marriage Equality | ThinkProgress

And when he was "against" it, he was ALSO against taking away the right to marry from those who allready had it.
What convulsions?

This thread isn't about Obama..but what the heck, you brought it up. Obama's been fairly consistent on views about abortion. He supports the right to choose.

Romney? Not so much. He's been all over the place. His latest iteration of this view is "suddenly" in line with the GOP base. However, not only has Romney been inconsistent, he's actually profitted from the practice of abortion.

So really...this is who you guys are putting up for President?

Obama gives money to Planned Parenthood and Planned Parenthood donates big time to getting Obama elected.

Obama profits off abortion big time.

Obama has been consistent on abortion. He likes to let botched aborted babies die in closets doesn't he now?

That's why he wouldn't support the Babies born Alive Act.

Obama also appointed that lover of killing babies in the womb Sebelius who for years raked in mega $$$$$$$$$$$$$ from Killer the Tiller. Even let him have his own crematorium. Aborting babies that were viable on a regular basis.

Kathleen just loved the $$$ bucks from him.

So really............this is the man who is the most pro abortion President in history that you embrace with open arms?

And you are out and out lying when you say Romney has been all over the place on this. He's been pro life since 2004.

Stop lying.
Here's how Obama profits from abortion. Hell's bells this is like a money laundering scheme. Obama gives Planned Parenthood mega bucks and then Planned Parenthood uses that money for Obama's campaign.

I really think it is money laundering.

May 30, 2012 11:51 AM


Planned Parenthood rolls out anti-Romney campaign

Stephanie Condon
Campaign 2012

(CBS News) The political arm of Planned Parenthood on Wednesday announced a new $1.4 million ad campaign against Mitt Romney, the most ambitious foray into presidential politics for the women's health care organization."

Planned Parenthood rolls out anti-Romney campaign - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
What are you going to discover tomorrow, Liberals?

That Romney gave a wedgy in junior high school ?


The smell of desparation is thick.
We will tell you to stop having abortions and make Mitt a poor man. Stupid asswipe.

Yes, because demanding the government to pay you $$$ for your kid out of entitlement because a bunch of rightwingers want it that way is the way to go.

And people don't abort to just get rid of the kid.

You have contraception and then emergency contraception.
What are you going to discover tomorrow, Liberals?

That Romney gave a wedgy in junior high school ?


The smell of desparation is thick.

Likewise. :eusa_whistle:
What were Dems going to run on, Obama's handling of the economy? Biden's genius?

Neither. He serves us, not the other way around. He delegates, but never has the final say.
Don't expect to see them run on Obama's record...the people disapprove of it..instead they have to come up with crap like this thread.
Obama: told his publisher he was born in Kenya, eats dogs, fucked up the economy

Yeah, let's change the topic
Don't expect to see them run on Obama's record...the people disapprove of it..instead they have to come up with crap like this thread.


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