Underground adoption network lets new parents 're-home' children online


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Just when you think nothing can shock you? Something does..

An American couple allegedly turned over custody of their adopted Liberian daughter to unfit parents, according to an investigative report on an underground adoption network for unwanted children that operates via online groups.

Todd and Melissa Puchalla of Wisconsin struggled for two years to raise Quita, a troubled teenager they had adopted from the West African nation. However, after failing to cope with Quita’s health and behavioral disorders, they posted an advertisement for her adoption online.

Within weeks, the couple had packed Quita into their car and made the six-hour drive from their home to Westville, Illinois, where – on October 4, 2008 - the young girl would meet her new family.

Quita’s case and others like it are the subject of a new report from Reuters, which chronicles the growing world of underground adoptions, or “re-homing.” Parents who regret adopting their children simply post an ad for the child on the internet and grant custody to new parents, all without the necessary safety oversight or background checks provided by government agents.
Underground adoption network lets new parents 're-home' children online ? RT USA

It's just amazing how this fell through the cracks.
Bunch of liberals trying to be like Brad and Angelina, grabbing a few fashion accessories, then they get bored and chase the next trend!!
But at least they impressed their Freinds, with their compassion, right!!


Well since you've decided to make it a partisan thing..

Who are the people advocating for small government?

This is happening because of no government oversight.

And this is what happens when you just let people do whatever they want to do.
Bunch of liberals trying to be like Brad and Angelina, grabbing a few fashion accessories, then they get bored and chase the next trend!!
But at least they impressed their Freinds, with their compassion, right!!


Well since you've decided to make it a partisan thing..

Who are the people advocating for small government?

This is happening because of no government oversight.

And this is what happens when you just let people do whatever they want to do.

Actually, the rancher family profiled in Texas on ABC News that "re-homed" their BIOLOGICAL daughter was the farthest thing from "liberal" I may imagine.

A while ago, I believe it was Nebraska (hardly a hot-bed of Liberalism) that produced legislation allowing kids to be deposited at hospitals, police stations, fire stations: Since the law had no age limit, van-loads of unpleasent teenagers from Kansas were being driven to Nebraska so that the State government could care for them.

Unintended consequences of government meddling.

How much will "Government Oversight" of parents who don't like their kids cost?

How much will preventive programs, enforcement, and deterent cost? What methods will be used? Would you advocate something akin to the Nebraska Law on a National Level?

Be careful what you wish for Sallow: Current Foster Care being any example of Government Oversite, you may be asking creating more of a nightmare than currently exists. The first to begin to fill your Child Internment Camps will be the poor, and the minorities..
The couple have to be liberals! They adopt feral foreign children and think they will magically be changed by their loving touch. Then when it doesn't work and the feral children remain feral, they can't get out of their adoption.

There are certain things that government can't help. They can provide oversight to adoptions, government can prevent unauthorized re-homing which is a sanitized way of saying "thrown out". But it cannot stop people from not obeying the government.

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