Understanding and Respect one another

ISIS and Hamas are the same Muslim Brotherhood originated Iskamic terrorist evil. Except in the case of Hamas Israel is doing a great job containing the animals, while the nincompoop we have for president has allowed ISIS to take one town after another.
Whereas with ISIS, Israel is supporting them financially and militarily.

Camel crap (and a fine example of why no one should respect you).
Well Zimmerman is a Zionist...need I say any more

What makes you think Zimmerman is a Zionist? Did you mean American? Jewish?
The ignorant kangaroo brained idiot heard "Zimmerman" and he immediately assumed Zimmerman = Jew = Zionist. This is how shallow their thought process is.
Well Zimmerman is a Zionist...need I say any more
What makes you think Zimmerman is a Zionist? Did you mean American? Jewish?
The ignorant kangaroo brained idiot heard "Zimmerman" and he immediately assumed Zimmerman = Jew = Zionist. This is how shallow their thought process is.

I enjoy watching him trying to explain how he doesn't hate Joooz (while snuggling up to every Nazi poster) but rather only hates the 90% of them who are "Zionist filth."
One can only wonder who he thinks he is kidding.
Well Zimmerman is a Zionist...need I say any more
What makes you think Zimmerman is a Zionist? Did you mean American? Jewish?
The ignorant kangaroo brained idiot heard "Zimmerman" and he immediately assumed Zimmerman = Jew = Zionist. This is how shallow their thought process is.

I enjoy watching him trying to explain how he doesn't hate Joooz (while snuggling up to every Nazi poster) but rather only hates the 90% of them who are "Zionist filth."
One can only wonder who he thinks he is kidding.

Looks like all the mentally ill garbage of humanity has lined up against Israel and the Jews.
It isn't hard, it's impossible.

Progressives do not care about facts, or logic, or law, or anything other than winning. Win at all costs, no matter the consequences. This spans from the top of the party, all the way down to the lefties here arguing at USMB. All that matters is the win. They will lie, deflect, troll, and whatever else it takes EXCEPT listen. that they will not do.

Think that is just a right winger hating on the left and exaggerating? Well, consider the cases of Trayvon Martin and Robert Brown. The progressives argued relentlessly, without knowing any facts in the case, without caring about the law, that George Zimmerman was guilty and Darren Wilson too. Dozens of threads later, after they all swore that Trayvon was shot for no reason, and that Wilson shot a fleeing Brown in the back, they trials are over and we know that nothing they claimed was true. Did any of them acknowledge that they were wrong? No. In fact many are still maintaining that Zimmerman and Wilson are guilty to this day. Despite the fact that our own Justice Department, run by a black man with a huge chip on his shoulder, couldn't find a case to charge either of them with ANY crime at all, they still are too immature to admit error.

If you do try to discuss anything with them they will try to drag you off topic, they will ask for links and proof that when you provide it, they will call it bogus. And even if they are so totally off base that dozens of people show them to be wrong in one thread, they will disappear and show up in some other thread at a later time saying the exact thing that you just debunked.

Discussing anything with a progressive is a waste of time. I have no respect for them because respect is earned and they have only earned disgust.

I know that this is the Israel board, but since you mentioned those other matters, I'd like to comment on them. I didn't follow the Robert Brown case so I can't comment on that, but the Martin case infuriated me. Why did a young man of 19 have to die just because he took a walk to a convenience store to buy a candy bar or a can of soda? Why did that nutcase Zimmerman have to follow him and provoke him into a fight? I don't know what happened in the fight--it could be that Martin, being younger and stronger, got the upper hand. But the point is that he shouldn't have been followed in the first place. Martin didn't commit any kind of crime to warrant being followed by Zimmerman, who wasn't even a cop. And Zimmerman has been in several brushes with the law since that time. Zimmerman should at least have been charged in that case of violating Martin's civil rights. How? By following him in the first place. No one should have to die in America for buying a can of soda.

Would you mind citing why?
Well Zimmerman is a Zionist...need I say any more

What makes you think Zimmerman is a Zionist? Did you mean American? Jewish?
The ignorant kangaroo brained idiot heard "Zimmerman" and he immediately assumed Zimmerman = Jew = Zionist. This is how shallow their thought process is.
Zimmerman is German for "carpenter."
It isn't hard, it's impossible.

Progressives do not care about facts, or logic, or law, or anything other than winning. Win at all costs, no matter the consequences. This spans from the top of the party, all the way down to the lefties here arguing at USMB. All that matters is the win. They will lie, deflect, troll, and whatever else it takes EXCEPT listen. that they will not do.

Think that is just a right winger hating on the left and exaggerating? Well, consider the cases of Trayvon Martin and Robert Brown. The progressives argued relentlessly, without knowing any facts in the case, without caring about the law, that George Zimmerman was guilty and Darren Wilson too. Dozens of threads later, after they all swore that Trayvon was shot for no reason, and that Wilson shot a fleeing Brown in the back, they trials are over and we know that nothing they claimed was true. Did any of them acknowledge that they were wrong? No. In fact many are still maintaining that Zimmerman and Wilson are guilty to this day. Despite the fact that our own Justice Department, run by a black man with a huge chip on his shoulder, couldn't find a case to charge either of them with ANY crime at all, they still are too immature to admit error.

If you do try to discuss anything with them they will try to drag you off topic, they will ask for links and proof that when you provide it, they will call it bogus. And even if they are so totally off base that dozens of people show them to be wrong in one thread, they will disappear and show up in some other thread at a later time saying the exact thing that you just debunked.

Discussing anything with a progressive is a waste of time. I have no respect for them because respect is earned and they have only earned disgust.

I know that this is the Israel board, but since you mentioned those other matters, I'd like to comment on them. I didn't follow the Robert Brown case so I can't comment on that, but the Martin case infuriated me. Why did a young man of 19 have to die just because he took a walk to a convenience store to buy a candy bar or a can of soda? Why did that nutcase Zimmerman have to follow him and provoke him into a fight? I don't know what happened in the fight--it could be that Martin, being younger and stronger, got the upper hand. But the point is that he shouldn't have been followed in the first place. Martin didn't commit any kind of crime to warrant being followed by Zimmerman, who wasn't even a cop. And Zimmerman has been in several brushes with the law since that time. Zimmerman should at least have been charged in that case of violating Martin's civil rights. How? By following him in the first place. No one should have to die in America for buying a can of soda.
Well Zimmerman is a Zionist...need I say any more



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Well Zimmerman is a Zionist...need I say any more

What makes you think Zimmerman is a Zionist? Did you mean American? Jewish?
The ignorant kangaroo brained idiot heard "Zimmerman" and he immediately assumed Zimmerman = Jew = Zionist. This is how shallow their thought process is.
Zimmerman is German for "carpenter."

I thought it was Bob Dylon's previous last name?

Not what the Muslim world believes in.
Well duh. It's not what the Jewish or Christian world believes either.

They're not killing people over it. Christianty has reformed and Jews were never violent to begin with. Which religion is on the March now, behaving as if it's the medieval ages?
Jews were never violent to begin with? Good lord how much do they pay you?

Not what the Muslim world believes in.
Well duh. It's not what the Jewish or Christian world believes either.

They're not killing people over it. Christianty has reformed and Jews were never violent to begin with. Which religion is on the March now, behaving as if it's the medieval ages?
Jews were never violent to begin with? Good lord how much do they pay you?

No they weren't. Can you cite historical evidence of Jews invading, looting, and committing genocide on other peoples and lands in the last 3500? Zero. Jews are among the most peaceful people and have always been oppressed and persecuted.

You still having answered, which religion's followers are behaving like medieval Neanderthals?

Not what the Muslim world believes in.
Well duh. It's not what the Jewish or Christian world believes either.

They're not killing people over it. Christianty has reformed and Jews were never violent to begin with. Which religion is on the March now, behaving as if it's the medieval ages?
Jews were never violent to begin with? Good lord how much do they pay you?

No they weren't. Can you cite historical evidence of Jews invading, looting, and committing genocide on other peoples and lands in the last 3500? Zero. Jews are among the most peaceful people and have always been oppressed and persecuted.

You still having answered, which religion's followers are behaving like medieval Neanderthals?
Oh okay let's just ignore the entire Old Testament that all of Judaism is based on then.
Not what the Muslim world believes in.
Well duh. It's not what the Jewish or Christian world believes either.

They're not killing people over it. Christianty has reformed and Jews were never violent to begin with. Which religion is on the March now, behaving as if it's the medieval ages?
Jews were never violent to begin with? Good lord how much do they pay you?

No they weren't. Can you cite historical evidence of Jews invading, looting, and committing genocide on other peoples and lands in the last 3500? Zero. Jews are among the most peaceful people and have always been oppressed and persecuted.

You still having answered, which religion's followers are behaving like medieval Neanderthals?
Oh okay let's just ignore the entire Old Testament that all of Judaism is based on then.
That's old news, Bunky.
Well duh. It's not what the Jewish or Christian world believes either.

They're not killing people over it. Christianty has reformed and Jews were never violent to begin with. Which religion is on the March now, behaving as if it's the medieval ages?
Jews were never violent to begin with? Good lord how much do they pay you?

No they weren't. Can you cite historical evidence of Jews invading, looting, and committing genocide on other peoples and lands in the last 3500? Zero. Jews are among the most peaceful people and have always been oppressed and persecuted.

You still having answered, which religion's followers are behaving like medieval Neanderthals?
Oh okay let's just ignore the entire Old Testament that all of Judaism is based on then.
That's old news, Bunky.
I was given a timeline of 3500 years to work with. Should I show more recent examples?
They're not killing people over it. Christianty has reformed and Jews were never violent to begin with. Which religion is on the March now, behaving as if it's the medieval ages?
Jews were never violent to begin with? Good lord how much do they pay you?

No they weren't. Can you cite historical evidence of Jews invading, looting, and committing genocide on other peoples and lands in the last 3500? Zero. Jews are among the most peaceful people and have always been oppressed and persecuted.

You still having answered, which religion's followers are behaving like medieval Neanderthals?
Oh okay let's just ignore the entire Old Testament that all of Judaism is based on then.
That's old news, Bunky.
I was given a timeline of 3500 years to work with. Should I show more recent examples?
The last 2000 years will suffice.
Jews were never violent to begin with? Good lord how much do they pay you?

No they weren't. Can you cite historical evidence of Jews invading, looting, and committing genocide on other peoples and lands in the last 3500? Zero. Jews are among the most peaceful people and have always been oppressed and persecuted.

You still having answered, which religion's followers are behaving like medieval Neanderthals?
Oh okay let's just ignore the entire Old Testament that all of Judaism is based on then.
That's old news, Bunky.
I was given a timeline of 3500 years to work with. Should I show more recent examples?
The last 2000 years will suffice.
I dunno here's a bunch:
Israel s Wars Operations Jewish Virtual Library
No they weren't. Can you cite historical evidence of Jews invading, looting, and committing genocide on other peoples and lands in the last 3500? Zero. Jews are among the most peaceful people and have always been oppressed and persecuted.

You still having answered, which religion's followers are behaving like medieval Neanderthals?
Oh okay let's just ignore the entire Old Testament that all of Judaism is based on then.
That's old news, Bunky.
I was given a timeline of 3500 years to work with. Should I show more recent examples?
The last 2000 years will suffice.
I dunno here's a bunch:
Israel s Wars Operations Jewish Virtual Library
Successful operations IMO.

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